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Trying to convince us or yourself? nt LexVegas Mar 2016 #1
Sorry, but we are already convinced and in it for the long haul. PonyUp Mar 2016 #4
It's hillaryious that the first response post is one of her supporters trying to cast doubts. Bubzer Mar 2016 #95
one of her supporters trying to cast doubts. AlbertCat Mar 2016 #178
Right on! Bangbangdem Mar 2016 #179
Yeppers & THANX Rockyj Mar 2016 #177
you're better off remaining unconvinced tk2kewl Mar 2016 #6
I'm voting for Bernie Sanders on March 15. erlewyne Mar 2016 #10
Bernie will make sure we all get our say! tk2kewl Mar 2016 #12
Ewwww! Bangbangdem Mar 2016 #180
Sounds like "restorefreedom" is already convinced, debunction.junction Mar 2016 #31
The whole goal is disenfranchisement... nothing more. Bubzer Mar 2016 #96
Since you were the first one to respond HoosierRadical Mar 2016 #32
.... LexVegas Mar 2016 #34
Post removed Post removed Mar 2016 #43
This message was self-deleted by its author fun n serious Mar 2016 #169
The ROFL smiley wins all arguments instantly! JackRiddler Mar 2016 #136
Hahaha! Bangbangdem Mar 2016 #181
Don't you have a GE to go prepare for? Bubzer Mar 2016 #148
Life is short; eat dessert first. NJCher Mar 2016 #88
The only time being smug is cute.... Spitfire of ATJ Mar 2016 #171
It just makes us donate more and support him harder. PonyUp Mar 2016 #2
who hooo! i can't wait to see the post ST fundraising numbers! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #3
Yep sending my $27 marions ghost Mar 2016 #20
Bernie wants everything I want and has always been constant and trustworthy. It's the message bjobotts Mar 2016 #172
feeling just as you. Cobalt Violet Mar 2016 #5
the revolution will not be televised. m$$$$m will fight it all the way. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #7
We're used to being in the underdog position. Nothing has changed. Cheese Sandwich Mar 2016 #8
yes. but bernie has lots of $ to spend. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #13
He can keep going all the way to the convention. Cheese Sandwich Mar 2016 #16
and he is going to who hoooooo!! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #17
At this point, Sanders' supporters are near-impervious to Weathervane messaging. Betty Karlson Mar 2016 #9
yup. bouncing right off. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #14
They get savaged on social media Le Taz Hot Mar 2016 #25
Add a few scythes and a collection of axes and flails. Betty Karlson Mar 2016 #104
Yes! You got it! Awknid Mar 2016 #151
Aye Capitan, we are ready to work for change yourpaljoey Mar 2016 #127
... PonyUp Mar 2016 #53
Yes we do - BUT dana_b Mar 2016 #118
I share your concerns. Betty Karlson Mar 2016 #119
The hillary fans here are getting more arrogant daily, even rude. Nt Logical Mar 2016 #11
sadly, yes. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #15
And some have already started kissing up for our votes. n/t PonyUp Mar 2016 #28
That ass kissing died abruptly when Bernie won thereismore Mar 2016 #44
I wish we could have both the civility and the victories, Qutzupalotl Mar 2016 #72
If that is the way it is, I'll gladly sacrifice my good manners. Betty Karlson Mar 2016 #113
I knew it would start quickly. Nt Logical Mar 2016 #94
That "arrogance" is just a shield, don't be fooled. HoosierRadical Mar 2016 #35
I am curious. chervilant Mar 2016 #49
The pretend "insult" was his money saving strategy of not campaigning heavily in the south. ieoeja Mar 2016 #90
Find a mirror. Darb Mar 2016 #45
And see a real democrat? Good idea! Nt Logical Mar 2016 #93
Yes. They basically reflect Hillary ... KPN Mar 2016 #83
They kind of always were. ozone_man Mar 2016 #163
Years of practice. She's been running for president for 10yrs bjobotts Mar 2016 #173
HRC suppoters don't get it; we're not going anywhere casperthegm Mar 2016 #18
they desperately wanted bernie out after tuesday restorefreedom Mar 2016 #21
Yes, that makes sense. They know senz Mar 2016 #138
corruption, like mold, hates sunlight. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #140
And, we must keep in mind: this is not just about Bernie, but also the soul of our party. FailureToCommunicate Mar 2016 #19
It is the biggest test of the Dem Party marions ghost Mar 2016 #22
yes, and we are in the process of recovering it. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #23
The party has no soul at this time. Bernie can bring it back. n/t PonyUp Mar 2016 #29
It is not about Bernie. bvar22 Mar 2016 #137
The dates and delegate counts for the primaries/caucuses were established sometime last year... George II Mar 2016 #24
The majority of the US population is the South obamanut2012 Mar 2016 #50
yes, enough of the mind games-- let the process play out Fast Walker 52 Mar 2016 #26
No one is trying to demoralize liberal N proud Mar 2016 #27
sure. 75 percent of the country to vote, much of it restorefreedom Mar 2016 #30
Things have gone about as expected. malthaussen Mar 2016 #33
exactly. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #39
Sanders isn't winning without minority votes Blue_Tires Mar 2016 #36
and she won't win with such high unfavorables. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #40
I'm assuming you're talking about Latinos as well, no? Le Taz Hot Mar 2016 #41
We'll see... Blue_Tires Mar 2016 #42
Or maybe they know how anti-Hillary you are and don't want to rock the boat, so they R B Garr Mar 2016 #47
Interesting theory with one major flaw. Le Taz Hot Mar 2016 #48
Oklahoma has a very high minority of Native Americans. bvar22 Mar 2016 #139
And Hillary won't win without Independents, those who make under $250,000, and white liberal_at_heart Mar 2016 #71
There are still over half of the states waiting for their turn. . . DinahMoeHum Mar 2016 #37
Because he lost so badly in the southern states... SidDithers Mar 2016 #38
Attitude determines Altitude. Octafish Mar 2016 #46
From the massive change in verbiage... NCTraveler Mar 2016 #51
no doubt some are a bit more pessimistic, we all react differently restorefreedom Mar 2016 #57
I'm not packing it in though I do see... NCTraveler Mar 2016 #67
yes, we are both in till philly. but the more interesting numbers to me restorefreedom Mar 2016 #74
Turnout is a major concern. Agree. Nt NCTraveler Mar 2016 #78
Sounds like a pretty empty investment at this point. giftedgirl77 Mar 2016 #52
thanks for kicking the thread! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #58
Kicketty Kickin' Faux pas Mar 2016 #54
:) nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #59
Paul supporters said this in 2012 tymorial Mar 2016 #55
going to be very interesting. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #60
Right after it was reported that Bernie won Colorado mountain grammy Mar 2016 #56
bwahahahahahaa. m$nbc is so disgustingly obvious. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #62
The thing about presumptives sarge43 Mar 2016 #70
. UglyGreed Mar 2016 #61
K&R redqueen Mar 2016 #63
Well, as red herrings go, this isn't the reddest or herringest Orrex Mar 2016 #64
Damn right! Have a Bernie day to you too! I'm in WA. I can't wait to cast my vote for Bernie. liberal_at_heart Mar 2016 #66
:) nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #75
The Bernie supporters ignore some inconvenient truths. Trust Buster Mar 2016 #68
mathematically eliminated with 25% votes cast. okey dokey. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #77
I said "nearing" mathematical elimination. Trust Buster Mar 2016 #85
his entire campaign has been mathematically unlikely. restorefreedom Mar 2016 #98
worthy of a thread on its own NJCher Mar 2016 #122
thanks, will try and do later! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #123
great, 'cuz NJCher Mar 2016 #128
He definitely did better than I hoped, and HRC has to be defecating building blocks Android3.14 Mar 2016 #69
yup. its downhill for her now. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #76
Optimism is fine ... but Hillary has more delegates, and that's what really counts. NurseJackie Mar 2016 #73
I'm having a Bernie day! Duval Mar 2016 #79
excellent!! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #80
not just you NJCher Mar 2016 #121
Recommended me b zola Mar 2016 #81
:) nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #100
Bernie has been doing great. Helen Borg Mar 2016 #82
that is exactly it, and he and we, know it. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #99
tie difference is even more messes up in Mass when you figure out 14,000 went to other PatrynXX Mar 2016 #84
om? nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #101
Monica? Helen Borg Mar 2016 #117
All This With Possible Indictments Looming Yallow Mar 2016 #86
yup. big shoes to drop imo. another reason they want him out, restorefreedom Mar 2016 #105
I think the campaign is re-energized...and rightfully so! CoffeeCat Mar 2016 #87
can't wait to see the new fundraising numbers! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #106
The Lying MSM and their flock will get angrier by the day... so be it ConsiderThis_2016 Mar 2016 #89
and uglier. we have to be prepared. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #107
Well, we are used to fighting our way uphill... Orsino Mar 2016 #91
allegedly. lol. yes, completely stacked and he is still beating expectations! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #108
In it to Win it ~ TBF Mar 2016 #92
yup. the states coming are better for him. thats why hms clinton is desperate. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #109
Actually, it ended up being more than $42 million in Feb. Autumn Colors Mar 2016 #97
who hooooo! fixed op :) nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #110
Hope you have comfortable shoes. GoldenThunder Mar 2016 #102
yes! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #111
We have been behind since the beginning. Look where we are today. Autumn Mar 2016 #103
yup. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #112
Gladly. Betty Karlson Mar 2016 #115
I also love the reality shown in the polls pdsimdars Mar 2016 #114
denial is a strong force. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #124
What amazes me. OkSustainAg Mar 2016 #116
you want a real mindblower? restorefreedom Mar 2016 #125
Soon our evil plot to kill all the dreams will succeed! randome Mar 2016 #120
No need to bring Bernie supporters down. They do it to themselves. n/t Lil Missy Mar 2016 #126
you are an excellent spokesperson for your candidate. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #129
We're not planning to "take him down" brooklynite Mar 2016 #130
voting for the candidate of choice is not what i am talking about restorefreedom Mar 2016 #131
In other words, why can't we live in our own little bubble? brooklynite Mar 2016 #132
the media is one sided in their "reality" restorefreedom Mar 2016 #134
I love it when you talk Bernie to me! cui bono Mar 2016 #133
lol! bernies got the mojo! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #135
"You didn't think it was going to be that easy, did you?" Babel_17 Mar 2016 #141
we knew what we were up against. restorefreedom Mar 2016 #142
No more eyes wide shut as to the differences between the candidates Babel_17 Mar 2016 #146
Steven Rosenfeld Claims Bernie's In Trouble corbettkroehler Mar 2016 #143
we always knew it would be a rocky path.but he has a good chance in many upcoming states restorefreedom Mar 2016 #144
ps my internet is locking on the article restorefreedom Mar 2016 #145
Not sure where you're getting that impresion. Perhaps you could cite the passage? Bubzer Mar 2016 #150
K&R! This post should have hundreds of recommendations! Enthusiast Mar 2016 #147
:) nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #153
K & R! TIME TO PANIC Mar 2016 #149
:) nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #154
It's getting hot warrprayer Mar 2016 #152
definitely getting interesting nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #155
Go help Bernie and take the pledge Milliesmom Mar 2016 #156
Bill wants to take exception to your characterization: silvershadow Mar 2016 #157
snort! nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #158
"have a bernie day!"!!!!! LOVE! You too!!!!! cleopotrick Mar 2016 #159
:) :) nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #160
god save my fingers as they start typing ad hominem expletives on every pro-hillary thread cleopotrick Mar 2016 #161
yes....ommmmm and namaste. nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #164
I think it would be really awesome if the Sanders campaign came up Karma13612 Mar 2016 #162
its a good idea. maybe email the campaign? nt restorefreedom Mar 2016 #183
Math is your enemy - not random online Clinton supporters. nt Bleacher Creature Mar 2016 #165
Bernie got my vote yesterday. 840high Mar 2016 #166
I dont think Hillary's organization is anything to bragg about in upcoming states INdemo Mar 2016 #167
K&R TheFarS1de Mar 2016 #168
Well with the FBI humbled_opinion Mar 2016 #170
yes that is lookimg ominous. usually they make deals restorefreedom Mar 2016 #184
It makes me laugh how desperate the attempts to try to stop the incredible momentum sabrina 1 Mar 2016 #174
and that is why the desperation is growing restorefreedom Mar 2016 #185
bernie did great here in Colorado... more people are fired up! kgnu_fan Mar 2016 #175
They disenfranchised Livluvgrow Mar 2016 #176
I have never seen any Hillary supporter make a case against Bernie on any thread. King_Klonopin Mar 2016 #182
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