by so many developing nations after their independence. Stripped of people and resources and yet have to borrow money used to completely enrich the West, and then expected to pay their debts, with huge interest rates, before they can organize their economies. So that paying the debt overrides healthcare, education, and infrastructure. What a nightmare.
"Although the World Bank and IMF aim to help countries reduce the amount of debt that they owe, their ridiculous interest rates, guidelines and conditions force countries to become even more heavily in debt then they were previously. This then causes a vicious cycle of economic instability and unsustainable development."
Here's a series of articles from a few years ago illustrative of one of the powers' constant lust for resources, "The French African Connection: This series explores the dark and dramatic history of France's relationships with its former African colonies. This three-part series tells the story of 'France Afrique': a brutal and nefarious tale of corruption, massacres, dictators supported and progressive leaders murdered, weapon-smuggling, cloak-and-dagger secret services, and spectacular military operations."
"Countries that once depended on us still ask us for help today. But why should we help these countries if it isn't worth it for us?" General de Gaulle, the president of France between 1959 and 1969
"There are times, you know, when policy passes before morality." Maurice Delaunay, former French ambassador to Gabon