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In reply to the discussion: Pro-Choice GOP Warns Party That Contraception Fight Will Be A Disaster [View all]glowing
(12,233 posts)help regulate women's cycle's... Shoot that's 1/2 the reason I was prescribed birth control. I was 19 and had very irregular periods, and I was starting out in a relationship (that lasted a year)... so, it just made sense to use birth control to help with regulation and with some extra insurance against un-wanted pregnancy in a very hot and heated relationship. It was probably the best thing we did in the relationship (lol). As much sex as we had, using just a condom would more than likely lead to some type of accident/ incident.
And my husband and I have very much enjoyed having the ability to decide when or when not to get pregnant now. There have been times in the last 10 years that a pregnancy would have resulted in an abortion because we wouldn't have financially been able to cope with the costs of caring for a child; and that would have killed us to have to make that decision.
Birth control has been around for such a long time. Planned Parenthood is a place where young women and poor women can access the services needed to control when they decide to have a baby. Women need more access to birth control; not less. The idea that people have sex just to procreate is the stupidest idea that has come out of the right wing loony bus.
They will definitely loose out on this discussion. Most women w/o insurance understand how much preventing the cost of pregnancy cost.. I was between insurance plans at one point; and the cost was $60.00 to avoid unwanted pregnancy. It was only 4 months; so I dealt with the costs. However, if it had been any longer, I would have accessed the Planned Parenthood to receive it for cheaper. When I was in college in South Carolina, the University teamed up with the Health Department and provided college women free yearly check-ups and free birth control for the year. Our Senior year, every one of us went to get a last "check-up" and another year's worth of birth control (since we were all going to be cut off from parent's insurance upon graduation). The women Drs. at the clinic threw in about a year and 1/2 worth of free pills for us so we'd have a little bit extra to help us in-between.