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In reply to the discussion: Pro-Choice GOP Warns Party That Contraception Fight Will Be A Disaster [View all]calimary
(83,374 posts)I see that at least one GOP woman noticed the size of the backlash. ONE woman in the GOP steps forward, having noticed how the opposition on this issue is NO pushover. She's quite correct - they really should stop, shut the fuck up, and start listening to the real world instead of the pretend one they invented to give their ridiculous 13th-Century ideas some cover.
Amazing. Even my "lost soul" best friend, who went over to the dark side, cannot stomach this year's CON crop. Too much even for her! I hope this year is a red, white & blue big-ass Titanic electoral disaster for all of 'em on that side of the aisle! Still won't wake most of 'em up or lead them to see reason and enlightenment. Still won't illuminate the calendar for them, to let them know this is actually the 21st Century they're living in.
Ms. Ferguson, as a cogent, reasonable, fully-grounded-in-reality woman, what on earth are you still doing in the republi-CON party???? I just don't get it. They offer you NOTHING.