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+1 jpak May 2016 #1
Your language is inappropriate and unnecessary. We have no choice but to address our financial Trust Buster May 2016 #2
You don't reach consensus with Dems TheCowsCameHome May 2016 #4
+10000000 CharlotteVale May 2016 #6
Conservadems. Nothing like a big tent. cali May 2016 #10
Well, we ARE a big tent. There are purer parties around for Hortensis May 2016 #83
Is the tent big enough for anti-choicers? cali May 2016 #93
The tent is big enough for everyone, even Trump! Quackers May 2016 #162
His head wouldn't fit in under the tent.... Human101948 May 2016 #179
I thought we were using his head as the main tent post? nt Quackers May 2016 #212
And his hair would be a fire hazard! n/t RKP5637 May 2016 #477
The tent is big enough for Jeb Bush's big donors, apparently. Kall May 2016 #323
Ouch! 7962 May 2016 #325
Might as well be mdbl May 2016 #439
Yes, it has to be. We have significant religious blocks Hortensis May 2016 #198
You'd be booted off DU for being anti-choice or opposing marriage equality. cali May 2016 #202
Nonsense. It's all in how it's expressed, as you Hortensis May 2016 #209
Bullshit. Those are the rules. Certainly when it comes to marriage equality. cali May 2016 #219
Nonsense. Produce the rule or stop misrepresenting DU's TOS. Hortensis May 2016 #234
Here you go. Scootaloo May 2016 #244
"No bigoted hate speech." Hortensis May 2016 #251
I bolded the relevant point for you Scootaloo May 2016 #253
I'd forgottten other threads we've intersected in. Hortensis May 2016 #261
I'm informing you about the fact that anti-equality opinions are considered hate speech on DU Scootaloo May 2016 #264
Playing the victim after being hoisted on your own petard. Charming cali May 2016 #286
Don't bother. A modicum of honesty is needed. It's not there. cali May 2016 #262
I like watching them turn their own arguments into spaghetti n/t Scootaloo May 2016 #265
Good to see you posting scoot. They can't argue, that why they won't enter any discussions rhett o rick May 2016 #290
Opposition to marriage equality was OK on DU MNBrewer May 2016 #446
You demand to see the rule, and when it's placed right under your nose, you climb onto Marr May 2016 #454
Does crticism of Israel sulphurdunn May 2016 #306
Certainly not. Have you been to the I/P forum? cali May 2016 #317
I'll take a look at it. sulphurdunn May 2016 #318
Plenty of Democrats support civil unions but not same sex marriage. That is not a violation of TOS Henhouse May 2016 #368
It is, in fact. The ToS mandates full equality Scootaloo May 2016 #393
Many socially conservative democrats oppose abortion and same sex marriage. Henhouse May 2016 #366
How do they feel about cutting Social Security? cali May 2016 #444
No party can displease 45-50% of its members on economic issues and remain viable. KPN May 2016 #272
Now... ReRe May 2016 #424
Reps tried purity, and look what happened to them alfredo May 2016 #349
Oh please. There is no party without these bedrock principles cali May 2016 #356
Yes, but we allow for some differences of opinion alfredo May 2016 #362
Yeah, let's just make it the Blue Hat Club. Push any agenda you like, so long as you wear your Marr May 2016 #455
Demanding purity of thought and actions is not alfredo May 2016 #464
Anti-choice is a Republican value, not a Democratic one. nt DLevine May 2016 #435
Yes...Democrats For Life and its members Henhouse May 2016 #363
If Democrats can't back a woman's right to make her own DLevine May 2016 #434
I prefer Bernie's outreach to republicans to the Neo-Liberal method me b zola May 2016 #139
+1000 Kittycat May 2016 #164
Just yes. cali May 2016 #189
Neoliberal is an arcane term for the CONSERVATISM Hortensis May 2016 #190
So... you don't actually know what a standard political term means or where it comes from, then Scootaloo May 2016 #206
OK -- we've heard you make this argument before and easily discredited its relevance. KPN May 2016 #274
This message was self-deleted by its author TM99 May 2016 #380
Exactly so! suffragette May 2016 #276
Thank you. myrna minx May 2016 #320
This isn't fucking 'diversity', or some incidental issue. He's mouthing the Marr May 2016 #147
I SURE DO !! pangaia May 2016 #333
Cutting social programs to "reduce debt" is what Republicans do AllyCat May 2016 #365
We need a new tent if this one shrinks SS to fund another war. leveymg May 2016 #457
.that^ 840high May 2016 #321
Oh for fuck's sake. How lame is your whingeing. You sound just like cali May 2016 #7
I would like to think that such language is not found to be offensive by just Republicans. Trust Buster May 2016 #11
That you are more concerned with language than this vital issue, and that you are open cali May 2016 #12
Please re-read the TOS. Negotiation and compromise is a political reality regardless of your nasty Trust Buster May 2016 #15
Alert then. I've been here for a decade longer than you. Cursing is not a violation. cali May 2016 #24
Posters have abused the alert system IMO. Just pointing out that some find such language Trust Buster May 2016 #28
Tough. I find people who think cutting.the social safety net acceptable, more than offensive. cali May 2016 #32
+1000 hobbit709 May 2016 #40
I really wish people would go take back their own party Kittycat May 2016 #176
+10000 Silver_Witch May 2016 #227
Hell yeah! TrueDemVA May 2016 #73
+ a million. Thank you. nt DLevine May 2016 #80
Thank you! cali May 2016 #82
Totally apalling FlaGranny May 2016 #143
+1 snort May 2016 #193
Just a post Stryder May 2016 #186
Lol. Thanks. Now please post more. cali May 2016 #187
Well fuck. snort May 2016 #191
My thoughts exactly.. I'll go add my thoughts right now.... pangaia May 2016 #335
Annnnnnd Fuck! n/t ebayfool May 2016 #395
Sorry, but GROW UP. maddiemom May 2016 #210
You're patently transparent. Really you are... Just look at your profile. n/t JimDandy May 2016 #293
Let me go on record and say Ilsa May 2016 #376
By "the poor," do you mean those lazy moochers who expect the government to assist them just because maddiemom May 2016 #447
Every jobless person I know that needs work is Ilsa May 2016 #451
Hello! Were you paying attention? maddiemom May 2016 #467
+100 - n/t mazzarro May 2016 #103
It doesn't sound like you've read many posts here . . . hatrack May 2016 #21
Someone caught the vapors awoke_in_2003 May 2016 #134
lol Love it. ctsnowman May 2016 #407
All this political correctness Skink May 2016 #63
Naw, finding the term "F*** Y** to be offensive isn't political correctness. It's common decency. Trust Buster May 2016 #67
I take it you disapprove of the rude pundit. cali May 2016 #70
Does he or she post on DU ? Trust Buster May 2016 #75
Never fucking mind. You really are clueless. cali May 2016 #81
What a take down ... aggiesal May 2016 #137
You mean you don't know that answer to that question? Why don't you know the answer? nt ChisolmTrailDem May 2016 #173
That's fucking ridiculous. n/t Brainstormy May 2016 #86
People who want to cut SS and SNAP awoke_in_2003 May 2016 #136
Your initial post made it clear you're just trying to silence an opinion you disagree with Scootaloo May 2016 #249
Are you fucking serious? truebrit71 May 2016 #361
Fuck Yeah! chwaliszewski May 2016 #443
Oh my stars and garters! The language! TransitJohn May 2016 #87
LOL! maddiemom May 2016 #222
Offensive in what way? blackspade May 2016 #114
If you are so offended by the language NV Whino May 2016 #175
No, putting posters on ignore is a form of self censorship IMO. Trust Buster May 2016 #181
Only Democrats noiretextatique May 2016 #437
you would be wrong hfojvt May 2016 #452
and cutting SS and Medicare is "helpful" jpak May 2016 #8
Allowing these systems to go belly up would be even worse. Compromises must be sought. Trust Buster May 2016 #13
Bullfuckingshit. And yeah, I hope that offends you to the core. cali May 2016 #17
^^^T H I S katsy May 2016 #90
+1 stage left May 2016 #228
Nice to see you too, sl. Thanks. And agree. cali May 2016 #236
Food Shelter Clothing Safety Protalker May 2016 #311
Well they showed their true colors today, repeating GOP talking points without any shame. Rex May 2016 #254
Yep. cali May 2016 #256
Me either, you told them the easy alternatives and they ignored you roundly. Rex May 2016 #258
It makes.me want to puke cali May 2016 #263
Yeah, sure, but just try and fucking do that cheapdate May 2016 #343
The vast majority of dems.feel as I do on these issues. cali May 2016 #345
Sure, the "vast majority" of Democrats in blue states and safe blue districts. cheapdate May 2016 #353
A Blue Dog still counts as a dog. Keep em. Come up with a better plan Teamster Jeff May 2016 #441
I think winning is more important. cheapdate May 2016 #449
The vast majority of Americans. ctsnowman May 2016 #408
It's almost too easy sometimes. dchill May 2016 #401
Some things are not for sale. TheCowsCameHome May 2016 #20
You realize that cutting SS & MC is not a "compromise" - it's surrender to the douchebags jpak May 2016 #22
+1 cali May 2016 #26
And don't forget Single Payer / Universal Health Care weknowvino2 May 2016 #122
I find it sad that such a Republican paradigm has come to infect the Democratic Party. eShirl May 2016 #34
It's sickening. cali May 2016 #39
Because Repubs have infected the Democratic Party.... blackspade May 2016 #118
Hm......I think they are called..... Phlem May 2016 #314
I think you can blame Bill Clinton for that. alarimer May 2016 #152
Yep! KPN May 2016 #282
You're pushing austerity measures here? Lars39 May 2016 #36
That's not a compromise. The two political parties need to compromise to shore up these programs. Trust Buster May 2016 #41
Tax the rich or eat the rich. Lars39 May 2016 #61
That's whats actually gonna happen if people don't wake up. KPN May 2016 #280
When has the GOP compromised on SS or MC? When have they been fiscally responsible? jpak May 2016 #68
Not since 1980 Lydia Leftcoast May 2016 #211
Spoken like a true Clintonian! Beowulf May 2016 #98
Republicans don't compromise! Silver_Witch May 2016 #239
Horseshit. You do realize SS can't go "belly up"? HooptieWagon May 2016 #44
We've been compromising my whole life. They_Live May 2016 #141
It is impossible for SS and Medicare to go "Belly Up" C0RYH0FFMAN May 2016 #174
On the backs of some of the most vulnerable members of society? Lydia Leftcoast May 2016 #207
Fuck compromises ... until we've done everything else first ... KPN May 2016 #278
and it is never the rich that compromise DonCoquixote May 2016 #347
Now the rich COULD compromise by accepting a 50% MARGINAL (not total) Lydia Leftcoast May 2016 #350
Under FDR Urchin May 2016 #399
We could start by actually paying the interest on money borrowed from SS and other federal pensions Mnpaul May 2016 #413
Such utter bullshit. Arugula Latte May 2016 #417
Have you called the White House to explain how you feel to the President. Leontius May 2016 #405
Keep on clutching those pearls n2doc May 2016 #14
I have no idea what "clutching at pearls" is supposed to mean. I do know that our Trust Buster May 2016 #23
The Peterson Institute called - they want their talking points back hatrack May 2016 #29
You just wish to insult. Congratulations. Trust Buster May 2016 #33
The overwhelming majority here have no use for repuke "solutions" that harm cali May 2016 #42
I just used the word "compromise". What a curious time we live in when using the word Trust Buster May 2016 #46
We duers know precisely what repuke compromise entails cali May 2016 #48
Then the SS system will run out of money. That would be the worst case scenario. Trust Buster May 2016 #52
You are wholly wrong and terribly misinformed. cali May 2016 #59
That is some shitty shit snort May 2016 #200
That is exactly what republicans say too...you must be so proud of yourself. Rex May 2016 #252
Suprise! What clintonistas are really all about... Katashi_itto May 2016 #334
Holy shit BlindTiresias May 2016 #383
I don't play your game n/t n2doc May 2016 #37
You don't? Is English your first language? maddiemom May 2016 #375
You are terribly misinformed my friend. The only compromise will be to scrap the cap of $118,500 YOHABLO May 2016 #411
+1000 noiretextatique May 2016 #438
Well in that case hobbit709 May 2016 #18
We cannot find solutions to challenges with that kind of attitude. Trust Buster May 2016 #25
Solutions do NOT include selling out. hobbit709 May 2016 #31
The political reality is that compromise is essential in divided government and rudeness will not Trust Buster May 2016 #35
Appeasement worked so well for Neville Chamberlain. hobbit709 May 2016 #38
And to think that some are accusing me of using Republican talking points because I dared to use Trust Buster May 2016 #43
Evidently you believe everything is negotiable, including selling out the safety nets. hobbit709 May 2016 #45
Well, let's see if your "rule with an iron fist" strategy works any better for you than it did for Trust Buster May 2016 #49
I don't want to rule anything much less with an "iron fist" I will let myself be governed, not ruled hobbit709 May 2016 #51
Silly, we weren't talking about your own thoughts. Quit hiding behind victimhood. Trust Buster May 2016 #54
Sovereign nations do not "run out of money" The Far Left May 2016 #167
Don't be silly, Republicans have forgotten the word FlaGranny May 2016 #171
And you.have the unmitigated gall to accuse someone else of hyperbole? cali May 2016 #53
No, I referenced "ruling with an iron fist" to describe the attitude that the SS imbalance can be Trust Buster May 2016 #55
You're being called a republican awoke_in_2003 May 2016 #144
What the hell have Democrats been doing without reciprocation for 35-40 years? KPN May 2016 #462
You have no clue how SS works, do you? HooptieWagon May 2016 #47
I know it's going bankrupt unless we act. I know telling anyone that does not bow to your position Trust Buster May 2016 #50
No, it cannot go bankrupt. HooptieWagon May 2016 #56
There use to be 20 workers for every SS recipient. Now it's down to a 3:1 ration and heading for Trust Buster May 2016 #64
How does it run out of money if money continues to be paid in? HooptieWagon May 2016 #69
Nope, just "parroting" basic math. Trust Buster May 2016 #74
Then you failed. HooptieWagon May 2016 #79
No I didn't. There is still just 3 workers for every one SS recipient. The fund is still projected Trust Buster May 2016 #97
You might want to read this book. Harcourdt Fenton Mud May 2016 #448
How many bots will you include in your ratio? nt The Far Left May 2016 #192
We certainly haven't found solutions by compromising with the GOP KPN May 2016 #285
There are better solutions than 'bust the trust" by privatizing or cutting S.S. suffragette May 2016 #288
+100 cali May 2016 #27
No language is too strong for those who would harm the less fortunate to get the debt shraby May 2016 #19
Thank you, shraby. Horrifying to see such views here. cali May 2016 #30
You're very welcome Cali. This place isn't what it used to be that's for sure. Du had caring people shraby May 2016 #403
I know. cali May 2016 #459
Ah well you malaise May 2016 #106
Debt is out of control due to the war machine arikara May 2016 #111
The money pit that people in mainstream Dem society don't talk about Lydia Leftcoast May 2016 #226
This message was self-deleted by its author rjsquirrel May 2016 #115
Cutting the safety net is not compromise. It's CAPITULATION. cali May 2016 #170
This message was self-deleted by its author rjsquirrel May 2016 #340
Horseshit. As has been explained over and over. cali May 2016 #342
This message was self-deleted by its author rjsquirrel May 2016 #344
No. Turin_C3PO May 2016 #331
Much of your post reads like something you'd see on FreeRepublic. Very telling... WIProgressive88 May 2016 #414
This message was self-deleted by its author rjsquirrel May 2016 #442
"Revolutionary Vanguard of the hippie campus left" is certainly a phrase you'd see on FreeRepublic. WIProgressive88 May 2016 #469
This message was self-deleted by its author rjsquirrel May 2016 #470
Completely not what I said, as that comment was based on your choice of words rather than your WIProgressive88 May 2016 #472
Our debt is not out of control...yet. puffy socks May 2016 #120
I disagree with your rebuttal of Cali's OP. nt ladjf May 2016 #128
Our financial shortfalls awoke_in_2003 May 2016 #132
Are you a Democrat, because you just used Fox News/GOP talking points about debt? Feeling the Bern May 2016 #138
That is the Republican position. /nt Marr May 2016 #142
There are a couple around here that I cannot tell any difference between their POV Rex May 2016 #250
Many ways to address our financial shortfalls tiredtoo May 2016 #157
You sound just like a right-winger... Why did you start posting so prolifically in the past 90 days? ChisolmTrailDem May 2016 #169
Debt is not out of control. Helen Borg May 2016 #177
Those with your perspective always conveniently forget to mention . . FairWinds May 2016 #178
And another post from Trust Buster... ljm2002 May 2016 #184
Bravo. cali May 2016 #196
. Iggo May 2016 #275
Her language is completely appropriate in this instance. ScreamingMeemie May 2016 #194
But somehow, cutting the military budget is NEVER on the table Lydia Leftcoast May 2016 #203
Did your feelings get hurt by dirty words?? Silver_Witch May 2016 #216
I don't believe we are at the point where cutting SS is necessary. HOWEVER, it is ludicrous to say Hoyt May 2016 #220
Nonsense pottedplant May 2016 #458
Raising the cap is one of the options I would pursue first. Problem is, if economy does not produce Hoyt May 2016 #463
Here's an idea pottedplant May 2016 #465
Look, I used to work for gubmit and loved it. But, we aren't going back to those levels anytime soon Hoyt May 2016 #466
Republican compromises would have the opposite effect Bradical79 May 2016 #225
"our debt is out of control" WHAT! So you are saying that Social Security is a debt? bkkyosemite May 2016 #240
But you lecturing some username on an anonymous forum will help? Rex May 2016 #248
Want to do something about the debt? - Tax the rich who created it with their wars and tax cuts Betty Karlson May 2016 #259
You have to be fucking kidding! nt G_j May 2016 #268
I second the OP's sentiment Android3.14 May 2016 #269
Our financial shortfalls can be dealt with by taxing massive wealth hoarders Cal Carpenter May 2016 #270
So cut fucking defense and corporate subsidies. KPN May 2016 #271
Aw. Iggo May 2016 #273
Message auto-removed Name removed May 2016 #279
Only you can decide that. Freeperville? RimJob? Ugh. cali May 2016 #281
Message auto-removed Name removed May 2016 #284
Social Security has never been a problem shadowmayor May 2016 #283
Always money for wars. But none for the citizens of our country. Is that what you are saying? jillan May 2016 #287
Addressing our "financial shortfalls" is code for cut programs that help those struggling. I can rhett o rick May 2016 #289
OMFG. Phlem May 2016 #312
Let's address our shortfalls. Specifically, let's address the billions and billions and BILLIONS octoberlib May 2016 #327
OMGGIH -- balancing the budget on the backs of the most vulnerable is obscene magical thyme May 2016 #328
Social Security... gregcrawford May 2016 #329
Damn RW talking point nadinbrzezinski May 2016 #332
Well, fuckity fuck fuck on a fuck stick. pangaia May 2016 #336
How about addressing the shortfalls by RoccoR5955 May 2016 #339
If our debt is out of control, we should cut our military spending. JDPriestly May 2016 #341
Exactly. It's a matter of priorities. Arugula Latte May 2016 #418
the fix for social security has ben there for years DonCoquixote May 2016 #346
High gov't debt when interest rates are so low is a good thing. ihaveaquestion May 2016 #364
There should be no consensus lbrtbell May 2016 #369
The fucking, mother fuckers taking our jobs and giving them to slaves in India now whereisjustice May 2016 #371
Nah.....fuck that Red Mountain May 2016 #372
LOL Skittles May 2016 #396
How about taxing the super rich before cutting social security???? Urchin May 2016 #398
People have been cussing about corruption here on DU since the beginning of the Bush administration. Hissyspit May 2016 #402
The language is plenty appropriate, and if you think unnecessary... MrMickeysMom May 2016 #404
Bullshit. The Green Manalishi May 2016 #406
Remember when we used to call Republicans for being full of shit when they spouted this stuff? Lancero May 2016 #410
Please go back and fix your own party ibegurpard May 2016 #422
First, have the government repay what it took from Social Security emsimon33 May 2016 #425
I think you are taking the OP personally noiretextatique May 2016 #436
Why not balance it on the backs of those reaping huge reward from our decline? n/t JPnoodleman May 2016 #468
You sound like a Republican. Odin2005 May 2016 #471
Indeed. n/t demmiblue May 2016 #474
Since when are the Democrats supporting this cut? FarPoint May 2016 #3
No it is not. Senator Warner yesterday. cali May 2016 #9
Talk is cheap and easy... FarPoint May 2016 #16
Like that time Bill Clinton was going to bring it up. Octafish May 2016 #185
I guess saving SS and Medicare is moot to anyone with their head in their pocket. nm rhett o rick May 2016 #291
My point is....this issue is and has not been on the table. FarPoint May 2016 #297
Since the 1990's when Bill and Newt talked about it n/t arcane1 May 2016 #476
K&R. I won't vote for anyone who wants to cut SS...I live in CharlotteVale May 2016 #5
Fellow Virginian here. dgibby May 2016 #183
I'm for the small tent movement alc May 2016 #57
Oh, brother. Wednesdays May 2016 #412
What Dem wants to do that? apcalc May 2016 #58
Mark Warner, for one. cali May 2016 #62
Post removed Post removed May 2016 #131
That was a joke, right? A lame one? Right? truebluegreen May 2016 #146
He's a close hilly.ally, friend. cali May 2016 #172
So a rat. The DNC is infested with rats. greymouse May 2016 #197
Truth inversion... ljm2002 May 2016 #201
Some people lie with great ease. Like Hillary. cali May 2016 #215
Yes indeed... ljm2002 May 2016 #221
Who does that poster remind you of? nm rhett o rick May 2016 #292
So... we're using "DemocRAT" on DemocraticUnderground now? Scootaloo May 2016 #214
I would not call a member of the Democratic party a "DemocRAT" that is just for stonecutter357 May 2016 #223
Personally I reserve neocon warmonger for hilly. cali May 2016 #231
Actually you just did exactly that. Scootaloo May 2016 #235
no i called bernie democRAT. stonecutter357 May 2016 #238
So you're not able to understand the stuff you write. Scootaloo May 2016 #242
you seem a little unhinged are you ok? stonecutter357 May 2016 #245
And now we get into the insults. Nice. Scootaloo May 2016 #247
you insults your·self. stonecutter357 May 2016 #266
Are you finished yet? Scootaloo May 2016 #267
I feel compelled to say exactly that to you. It's unhinged to suggest that Catfood Warner cali May 2016 #260
Projection. Unhinged would be like using no caps and weird sentence structure. rhett o rick May 2016 #295
You are calling Mark Warner a "democRAT". Here is your quote, "he must be a bernie democRAT." rhett o rick May 2016 #294
I am guessing that you want to "save" SS by cutting benefits. I recognize you. rhett o rick May 2016 #382
DLC / Third Way Dems - The Clintons influence on the Democratic Party FreakinDJ May 2016 #60
Fucking frightening and grotesque. cali May 2016 #65
and YES - Hillary will Cut Social Security FreakinDJ May 2016 #66
No she won't and has said as much. apcalc May 2016 #71
I hope you're right about Hillary. cali May 2016 #72
How does she feel about Chained CPI? dragonfly301 May 2016 #76
Chained CPI... apcalc May 2016 #91
It's either raise the cap or Chained CPI. That is the reality. I know which Hillary prefers. Enthusiast May 2016 #301
Social Security funding DOESN'T run out in 8 years ??? FreakinDJ May 2016 #77
+1,000,000 eom dragonfly301 May 2016 #96
It should have apcalc May 2016 #102
It was - by Bernie FreakinDJ May 2016 #104
70 Dems committed to expanding a couple years ago and it was Warren not Bernie puffy socks May 2016 #218
What do you expect from an irresponsible media? Enthusiast May 2016 #305
remove the salary cap and SS lasts forever. greymouse May 2016 #195
+1! Weasel words are not comforting. Enthusiast May 2016 #303
She has also said awoke_in_2003 May 2016 #149
She said a lot of things. Just words. Enthusiast May 2016 #308
Her position apcalc May 2016 #309
. . . for thse who most need it. Ed Suspicious May 2016 #389
I can't believe the people setting up the talking points to wreck these programs further upthread Hydra May 2016 #78
Hillary supporters seem to be blindly loyal and quite a few are not liberals cali May 2016 #85
You just don't live in reality, and want free stuff. TransitJohn May 2016 #84
Hill supporters parrot that one a lot cali May 2016 #88
Post removed Post removed May 2016 #100
You are the one spouting.right wing crap cali May 2016 #108
And please cite. Kingofalldems May 2016 #110
Go.....use your imagination. And take your right wing crap and.... cali May 2016 #113
Still waiting for proof of right wing crap. Kingofalldems May 2016 #116
We are done. And everyone can see what you are. cali May 2016 #119
Oh we are not done. Kingofalldems May 2016 #123
Off. Brushes shoulders. You whine after calling me a freeper. Been here longer cali May 2016 #130
I posted I thought you were a republican. Kingofalldems May 2016 #140
Sorry, that was another Hillary fan in another thread. So many of you cali May 2016 #145
Well isn't that special. Kingofalldems May 2016 #154
Lol. And now buh bye. cali May 2016 #155
are you a a freeper? stonecutter357 May 2016 #160
Lowdown bogus garbage... ljm2002 May 2016 #205
Are you a Berniebro ? stonecutter357 May 2016 #217
I am a 67 year old woman... ljm2002 May 2016 #232
Berniebroing has nothing to do with being a man are woman. stonecutter357 May 2016 #237
What utter nonsense... ljm2002 May 2016 #241
The hell it doesn't. It's sexist crap! I am a woman, don't fucking call me a bro. CharlotteVale May 2016 #352
if you are not a berniebro ,I did not fucking call you a bro. stonecutter357 May 2016 #355
Stop spinning. You just said it had nothing to do with sex. But there is only one meaning CharlotteVale May 2016 #357
Bernie's female supporters? stonecutter357 May 2016 #358
PS. stonecutter357 May 2016 #359
This message was self-deleted by its author Matt_R May 2016 #391
Welcome to DU! stonecutter357 May 2016 #430
Bwahaha. Sure you are. cali May 2016 #478
I believe you aren't paying enough attention. Fuddnik May 2016 #112
And these *expletive deleted supporters of a certain candidate, have the fucking nerve cali May 2016 #117
I agree. Fuck you......... socialist_n_TN May 2016 #89
Agreed yourpaljoey May 2016 #92
That should read "open to hurting and killing the most vulnerable, you coward, by cutting..." jtuck004 May 2016 #94
Just so. deancr May 2016 #95
I was starting to think my "ignore function" wasn't working. Fuddnik May 2016 #99
This message was self-deleted by its author Matt_R May 2016 #392
Which Dems have stated this? n/t puffy socks May 2016 #101
Start with Warner. This has been going on for years in the dem party cali May 2016 #105
Then concentrate on finding progressives to replace the 9 whole Dems I can find... puffy socks May 2016 #127
I'm from vermont. We don't elect Catfood Democrats cali May 2016 #135
Damn straight. blackspade May 2016 #109
Agree. Those aren't Democrats, they are Libertarians wearing Democrat Amimnoch May 2016 #121
YES! They ARE Libertarians in disguise! Lydia Leftcoast May 2016 #224
If only we could get them to just take a step back.. Amimnoch May 2016 #257
Didn’t Democratic U.S. President Barack Obama offer up cuts to Social Security? CobaltBlue May 2016 #124
So that makes it alright ??? FreakinDJ May 2016 #125
So that makes it all right? Lydia Leftcoast May 2016 #229
and the Lewinsky scandal's the only reason we have it around today MisterP May 2016 #277
That's why Bernie wanted someone to run vs. Obama in the primary for 2012 2cannan May 2016 #302
I second that. (and, I've missed you on DU.) nt ladjf May 2016 #126
Thanks cali May 2016 #133
And the horse they rode in on... awoke_in_2003 May 2016 #129
Ignore the tone police alarimer May 2016 #148
Tone police = Concern trolls Populist_Prole May 2016 #230
Plus one for truth! Enthusiast May 2016 #313
there wasting when a person with similar inchhigh May 2016 #150
Also, if you feel taxes on the rich are too damn high. Spitfire of ATJ May 2016 #151
Yes cali May 2016 #159
Few things frost me more than the Western world's least-taxed rich people Lydia Leftcoast May 2016 #233
agreed gopiscrap May 2016 #153
Agreed, Cali. There is no good argument against your post. Just neoliberal white noise. floriduck May 2016 #156
Could all such supposed Dem's open to this be listed please? EndElectoral May 2016 #158
An abusive over culture felix_numinous May 2016 #161
when i saw the topic line i thought straight click bait dembotoz May 2016 #163
DLC sell-outs zentrum May 2016 #165
KNR n/t. DirkGently May 2016 #166
Where is your party loyalty??? C0RYH0FFMAN May 2016 #168
Gotta love that mindless drivel. Not. cali May 2016 #180
Dems that will throw social security under the bus . . ? FairWinds May 2016 #182
Third way scum. FOAD. JEB May 2016 #188
Agree with every word and sentiment The Second Stone May 2016 #199
You are too generous. Downwinder May 2016 #204
It's fucked up that on DU you can support cutting social security cali May 2016 #213
Anything short of, "As President, I will veto any cuts to Downwinder May 2016 #243
+100,000,000. Nt daa May 2016 #208
Is there a list of said Democrats liberal N proud May 2016 #246
Get ready to privatized SS, Medicare and Obamacare being gone. JPnoodleman May 2016 #255
That is why it is useful to preserve a Republican majority. Enthusiast May 2016 #315
No she will not apcalc May 2016 #319
Agree with you completely cali Ferd Berfel May 2016 #296
One of those times when I have to log in and give a rec. Efilroft Sul May 2016 #298
Thanks cali May 2016 #299
Yes, FUCK any Dem who thinks we are that stupid Tsiyu May 2016 #300
Righteous rant cali May 2016 #304
I am pissed off Tsiyu May 2016 #307
And the horse ya rode in on! And all of your supporters! n/t brewens May 2016 #310
Kicked and recommended! Enthusiast May 2016 #316
kick rec Teamster Jeff May 2016 #322
Amen. K&R closeupready May 2016 #324
wow there's an over fed troll actually defending cuts to our safety net? !? southmost May 2016 #326
Yeah BlindTiresias May 2016 #385
"If you're an elected dem who leaves the door open to cuts in social security" ... Jopin Klobe May 2016 #330
Likewise, if you call yourself a Progressive yet vote with the Bush cronies to poison the Latinos, misterhighwasted May 2016 #337
Your post is chock full of lies. cali May 2016 #429
No lies cali. Bernie voted against the most Progressive, Paul Wellstone misterhighwasted May 2016 #450
+1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000! n.t. RoccoR5955 May 2016 #338
Some seniors live or die on $700/mo as is. glinda May 2016 #348
"well, they voted in the primaries, so they can go screw as I fight Trump for Republican voters" MisterP May 2016 #379
Not understanding what you are saying... glinda May 2016 #416
Clinton's the hypothetical speaker--the elderly can starve as she flounders about trying MisterP May 2016 #419
+1 glinda May 2016 #421
By doing this, they are harming the bottom line in overall GDP. glowing May 2016 #351
Well stated. Thank you. nt DLevine May 2016 #431
Righteous, well done! appalachiablue May 2016 #445
Thank you. glowing May 2016 #461
Agreed. SammyWinstonJack May 2016 #354
YES!!!!! wolfie001 May 2016 #360
Interesting how many here supporting "compromise" AllyCat May 2016 #367
You realize this is how the asshole auditions for VP. This was a trial balloon. Vote2016 May 2016 #370
YUP, FUCK YOU! Dont call me Shirley May 2016 #373
K & R! Excellent Fuckin' post! TIME TO PANIC May 2016 #374
DURec leftstreet May 2016 #377
kick warrprayer May 2016 #378
This message was self-deleted by its author TM99 May 2016 #381
+1 Honey pot thread BlindTiresias May 2016 #384
Jesus cali.. what have you done! BlindTiresias May 2016 #386
:-) I have a lot of people on ignore. redwitch May 2016 #388
+1 mr clean May 2016 #460
Not Only F.U.: You're A Self-declared Enemy of the People cer7711 May 2016 #387
Yes. redwitch May 2016 #390
Isn't Trump is against cutting social security? ozone_man May 2016 #394
You f*cking ROCK, Cali!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RiverLover May 2016 #397
thank you for your very hopemountain May 2016 #400
K&R Jeffersons Ghost May 2016 #409
Happy to be rec #300. Arugula Latte May 2016 #415
Kicked and recommended. Uncle Joe May 2016 #420
Thanks for calling attention to this important issue, cali. PoliticalMalcontent May 2016 #423
We are now well organized emsimon33 May 2016 #426
Really. I am tired of having my economics screwed over by Democrats. I reserve my vote to see highprincipleswork May 2016 #427
K & R! nt TeamPooka May 2016 #428
It heartens me to see so many duers are holding strong on this. cali May 2016 #432
How about fuel subsidies? merrily May 2016 #433
Kick Teamster Jeff May 2016 #440
We have a center right and a far right party nadinbrzezinski May 2016 #453
Skinner, if you want some *real* purge material, THIS is the thread to pull from. Marr May 2016 #456
Kick for exposure. demmiblue May 2016 #473
A 'Pub I knew told me that it would take a Dem admin to dismantle the New Deal. haele May 2016 #475
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»If you're an elected dem ...»Reply #151