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(5,169 posts)
267. Excerpts from Islam's holy texts
Sat Jan 16, 2016, 04:39 AM
Jan 2016


Fight in the cause of Allah those who fight you, but do not transgress limits; for Allah loveth not transgressors.

And slay them wherever ye catch them, and turn them out from where they have Turned you out; for tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter; but fight them not at the Sacred Mosque, unless they (first) fight you there; but if they fight you, slay them. Such is the reward of those who suppress faith.

Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.


The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger, and strive with might and main for mischief through the land is: execution, or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet from opposite sides, or exile from the land: that is their disgrace in this world, and a heavy punishment is theirs in the Hereafter;

As to the thief, Male or female, cut off his or her hands: a punishment by way of example, from Allah, for their crime: and Allah is Exalted in power.


Remember thy Lord inspired the angels (with the message): "I am with you: give firmness to the Believers: I will instil terror into the hearts of the Unbelievers: smite ye above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them."

Say to the Unbelievers, if (now) they desist (from Unbelief), their past would be forgiven them; but if they persist, the punishment of those before them is already (a matter of warning for them).

And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and faith in Allah altogether and everywhere; but if they cease, verily Allah doth see all that they do.

Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into (the hearts of) the enemies, of Allah and your enemies, and others besides, whom ye may not know, but whom Allah doth know. Whatever ye shall spend in the cause of Allah, shall be repaid unto you, and ye shall not be treated unjustly.


But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the Pagans wherever ye find them, an seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war); but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practise regular charity, then open the way for them: for Allah is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful.

Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers,

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

O ye who believe! fight the unbelievers who gird you about, and let them find firmness in you: and know that Allah is with those who fear Him.


When We decide to destroy a population, We (first) send a definite order to those among them who are given the good things of this life and yet transgress; so that the word is proved true against them: then (it is) We destroy them utterly.



Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 179:
Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Turks; people with small eyes, red faces, and flat noses. Their faces will look like shields coated with leather. The Hour will not be established till you fight with people whose shoes are made of hair."

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 182:
Narrated 'Ali:

When it was the day of the battle of Al-Ahzab (i.e. the clans), Allah's Apostle said, "O Allah! Fill their (i.e. the infidels') houses and graves with fire as they busied us so much that we did not perform the prayer (i.e. 'Asr) till the sun set."

Volume 4, Book 52, Number 256:
Narrated As-Sab bin Jaththama:

The Prophet passed by me at a place called Al-Abwa or Waddan, and was asked whether it was permissible to attack the pagan warriors at night with the probability of exposing their women and children to danger. The Prophet replied, "They (i.e. women and children) are from them (i.e. pagans)." I also heard the Prophet saying, "The institution of Hima is invalid except for Allah and His Apostle."


Book 019, Number 4321:
It is reported on the authority of Sa'b b. Jaththama that the Prophet of Allah (may peace be upon him), when asked about the women and children of the polytheists being killed during the night raid, said: They are from them.


Book 019, Number 4294:
It has been reported from Sulaiman b. Buraid through his father that when the Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) appointed anyone as leader of an army or detachment he would especially exhort him to fear Allah and to be good to the Muslims who were with him. He would say: Fight in the name of Allah and in the way of Allah. Fight against those who disbelieve in Allah. Make a holy war, do not embezzle the spoils; do not break your pledge; and do not mutilate (the dead) bodies; do not kill the children. When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to (accept) Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them. Then invite them to migrate from their lands to the land of Muhairs and inform them that, if they do so, they shall have all the privileges and obligations of the Muhajirs. If they refuse to migrate, tell them that they will have the status of Bedouin Muilims and will be subjected to the Commands of Allah like other Muslims, but they will not get any share from the spoils of war or Fai' except when they actually fight with the Muslims (against the disbelievers). If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the Jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah's help and fight them. When you lay siege to a fort and the besieged appeal to you for protection in the name of Allah and His Prophet, do not accord to them the guarantee of Allah and His Prophet, but accord to them your own guarantee and the guarantee of your companions for it is a lesser sin that the security given by you or your companions be disregarded than that the security granted in the name of Allah and His Prophet be violated When you besiege a fort and the besieged want you to let them out in accordance with Allah's Command, do not let them come out in accordance with His Command, but do so at your (own) command, for you do not know whether or not you will be able to carry out Allah's behest with regard to them.
Nice restatement of your previous post, but your Islamophobia is showing. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #1
why is HuffPo publishing it if what I posted, legit and not shoot-from-hip ericson00 Jan 2016 #3
Get over your fear. USA and Israel not built by scaredy-cats Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #70
our government and others around the world ericson00 Jan 2016 #72
It is a crazy phobia. Better to have spent the trillions against US poverty than against Iraq. Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #76
they stole countless millions to foment what they now steal countless billions mhatrw Jan 2016 #92
Can't speak for that poster leftynyc Jan 2016 #82
Perhaps you are not a person of color shot by the likes of Bernhard Goetz or a cop? Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #89
obviously not, so 19 scary Saudis are right up there with bird flu. mhatrw Jan 2016 #95
Perhaps that is the difference for some of us. It is a very real and ever present threat. smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #141
I just happened to come back online leftynyc Jan 2016 #147
I know what you mean. I watched it from 7th Ave South, right near St. Vincent's Hospital. smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #157
NY is still magical leftynyc Jan 2016 #161
Yes, it is. But for a long time, I was shaken up by that event. smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #170
Understandable leftynyc Jan 2016 #197
In the face of solid statistics and reliable info, ronnie624 Jan 2016 #185
I live in Boston and I'm not afraid mythology Jan 2016 #228
You mean like the target of a drone? mhatrw Jan 2016 #241
Israel's aphartied regime has been very good at propagating fear arthritisR_US Jan 2016 #191
HuffPo has published Jeb Bush and many conservatives. It's your problematic commentary & attitude. Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #86
Facebook meme... Blue_In_AK Jan 2016 #223
I'll Plead Guilty Then ProfessorGAC Jan 2016 #7
The jury is still out Professor, guillaumeb Jan 2016 #15
Not all Americans ShrimpPoboy Jan 2016 #45
Agreed. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #49
You question whether they have actually read the Koran? oberliner Jan 2016 #24
That begs the question O. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #50
I have not read it oberliner Jan 2016 #55
Understood and agreed. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #60
All religions (even buddhist) have committed acts of aggression or terror. Therefore you indict Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #91
people aren't going around the globe blowing themselves up yelling ericson00 Jan 2016 #174
Yes they are. Who cares if they are blowing themselves up. The end result is the same. Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #181
what part of "around the world" do you not get? ericson00 Jan 2016 #183
Of course, but you don't distinguish between Islam and Radical Islam. Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #190
first off, I refer you to ericson00 Jan 2016 #198
I can't help but notice you didn't get a response. Marr Jan 2016 #277
Daesh and their version of Islam was Islam floriduck Jan 2016 #166
the strange views go far outside of Saudi Arabia ericson00 Jan 2016 #200
Being "critical" =/= discrimination. Lizzie Poppet Jan 2016 #10
True. But if I posit Islam as the problem, and that has been done by many posters here, guillaumeb Jan 2016 #16
Agreed, but with a caveat: Lizzie Poppet Jan 2016 #26
Caveat accepted because you are correct. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #34
Yeah...a lot of people tend to oversimplify this kind of thing. Lizzie Poppet Jan 2016 #88
Your the one being irrational. Islam is definitely implicated with the terrorist attacks snagglepuss Jan 2016 #127
Who attacks more people worldwide, the US military or Muslims? mhatrw Jan 2016 #163
Apples and and oranges. snagglepuss Jan 2016 #184
Again, the problem is not the religion itself but the segment of leadership mhatrw Jan 2016 #216
+++++++ Blue_In_AK Jan 2016 #225
Christianity doesn't allow for multiple wives TexasMommaWithAHat Jan 2016 #234
So Mormons are not Christians? mhatrw Jan 2016 #237
No, they aren't. TexasMommaWithAHat Jan 2016 #239
Isn't it largely the same effect whether you are a fundy Christian, an ultra-orthodox Jew, mhatrw Jan 2016 #245
Well, I am not dialoguing with a Muslim, am I? TexasMommaWithAHat Jan 2016 #255
Read about the history of polygamy in the world. mhatrw Jan 2016 #259
Absolutely not. TexasMommaWithAHat Jan 2016 #329
Mormons do believe in the divinity and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ though. el_bryanto Jan 2016 #335
I have no skin in this game TexasMommaWithAHat Jan 2016 #337
Fair enough; I am a Mormon and I consider myself a Christian el_bryanto Jan 2016 #339
Excerpts from Islam's holy texts FrodosPet Jan 2016 #267
And the God of the Judeo-Christian Old Testament does not command genocide? mhatrw Jan 2016 #268
Yes it is FrodosPet Jan 2016 #269
Nothing at all. But come on. The Old Testament/Torah are rife with the same crap. mhatrw Jan 2016 #270
Most of the Old Testament stuff is ignored in modern practice FrodosPet Jan 2016 #271
It's the fact of the existance of 10 Islamic nations that use religious law as secular law and thus Bluenorthwest Jan 2016 #280
Nobody pays attention to HIS ugliness anymore. ALLAH's ugliness, on the other hand... sibelian Jan 2016 #294
How is that relevant? sibelian Jan 2016 #289
The only thing being implicated in terrorist attacks is the actor. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #213
Being critical of Islam is discrimination? oberliner Jan 2016 #23
Being critical of Islam itself is discrimination. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #39
Do you think being critical of Republicanism is discrimination? oberliner Jan 2016 #42
There is more to this point. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #48
That's a separate question, though oberliner Jan 2016 #52
Can we refine that further to: guillaumeb Jan 2016 #56
Which beliefs or aspects are you going to approve for criticism? trotsky Jan 2016 #71
What I said was: guillaumeb Jan 2016 #211
Thank you for quoting the very words that indeed needed clarification. trotsky Jan 2016 #217
My belief is that all aspects of any belief system can be criticized, or analyzed, or rejected. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #218
I'm not sure I understand the distinction you are making oberliner Jan 2016 #123
+1000 smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #139
Agreed O. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #219
But you conflate Muslims with Islam, you say it is discrimination to criticize Islam, then you shift Bluenorthwest Jan 2016 #110
Gay Muslims are LESS than Western Muslims, and Gay Westerners, apparently. sibelian Jan 2016 #298
Not, not agreed at all. Islam is a BELIEF struture, criticism of it is not discrimination sibelian Jan 2016 #293
I protect no faith. All can be criticized for theology and practice. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #330
Okidoke then. sibelian Jan 2016 #334
NO, being critical of any religous idea is not necessarily discrimination. Yo_Mama Jan 2016 #61
Most excellent post. Bluenorthwest Jan 2016 #111
Excellent points. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #212
If criticism is equal to discrimination in this case leftynyc Jan 2016 #75
what it really demonstrates is the fault line of ericson00 Jan 2016 #153
Criticism for the most part is is merely observation - not descrimination. Descrimination jonno99 Jan 2016 #79
My choice of a po'boy sandwich over a Big Mac is evidence of my discriminating palate. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #254
Trump RW nuttery is more in line with Islamic sensibilities katsy Jan 2016 #83
Posters should know that you have been banned from the IP group Mosby Jan 2016 #125
Well, that explains a lot. smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #140
Wow leftynyc Jan 2016 #154
Thanks for the heads up. Hypocrisy knows no bounds. grossproffit Jan 2016 #175
I can still remember looking out my office window... stone space Jan 2016 #2
the Democratic Party could've fixed that ericson00 Jan 2016 #5
Ver well put. What is being posted here can be disguised, and sometimes disguised quite well, guillaumeb Jan 2016 #8
I have zero fear of others; hence why I hold views on Mexican immigration ericson00 Jan 2016 #12
Your same views were also held by many nativists in the US, guillaumeb Jan 2016 #18
I live in Texas and it does my heart good to see some of the Mexican immigrants assimilate Jim Beard Jan 2016 #59
ericson00 made that statement, not me. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #63
"Texas was actually part of Mexico until the US stole the land?" Not really... EX500rider Jan 2016 #126
I apologize for my unfamiliarity with this part of US history. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #214
It can certainly try....didn't work out so well last time in 1860's.. EX500rider Jan 2016 #281
You don't see the flags weeks on end and UNDER the US flag Jim Beard Jan 2016 #130
One of my neighbors flies a Polish flag. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #215
Distaste for an idea, or rejection of it, is not fear of the other. It is in fact taking the other Yo_Mama Jan 2016 #62
Exactly. Spew Jan 2016 #137
Yes. n/t Adsos Letter Jan 2016 #305
Of course it isn't. PeteSelman Jan 2016 #4
America's first out gay imam would probably argue the homophobic piece. KamaAina Jan 2016 #9
Whereas the thousands of homosexuals executed in Islamic nations wouldn't... Lizzie Poppet Jan 2016 #13
+1. JudyM Jan 2016 #22
The first of how many? oberliner Jan 2016 #31
That he is "America's first out gay imam" kind of settles the argument out of the gate. n/t trotsky Jan 2016 #74
I doubt that he would, he is an honest man. Also he's an American who converted well into adulthood Bluenorthwest Jan 2016 #118
Religion isn't the problem. Religion is used by societies to justify pre-existing culture norms. Odin2005 Jan 2016 #150
precisely. "religion" is really the symptom, not the cause. nt TheFrenchRazor Jan 2016 #169
Dear ericson00: Being Critical of Islamist Jihadists Is Not The Same As Being Critical of Islam KamaAina Jan 2016 #6
but how about the sentiments with which non-jihadists might agree with ericson00 Jan 2016 #11
How about them? Orsino Jan 2016 #30
the Pew polled ones: ericson00 Jan 2016 #37
Nice poll. Shows Muslim support for democracy, religious freedom, women's right to divorce and pampango Jan 2016 #113
how about honor killing, abortion, and gay rights ericson00 Jan 2016 #187
The statistics speak for themselves. hifiguy Jan 2016 #307
well said. Liberals who ignore them or excuse them ericson00 Jan 2016 #312
Islam is a political ideology, not a race. nt thereismore Jan 2016 #14
Islam is a religion, and like all skydaddy religions, Islam is fucking stupid. backscatter712 Jan 2016 #87
Islam is all that ^^^. Plus a lot more, making it a hateful political ideology, IMO. nt thereismore Jan 2016 #106
The big problem is they mash religion and political power together. backscatter712 Jan 2016 #128
Welded together. I like that expression. Very prescient. thereismore Jan 2016 #129
We've kind of brought it on ourselves. The hand-wringing to "not offend" has become an insistence.. MadDAsHell Jan 2016 #17
well said. It looks more like the GOP looked in '92 with Buchanan and Quayle ericson00 Jan 2016 #19
Bravo! smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #32
+1000 leftynyc Jan 2016 #96
Dear ericson00: Being Critical of Israel is Not Extremism. Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #20
please stop the thread hijacking ericson00 Jan 2016 #40
I'm responding DIRECTLY to content in your post that you wrote and posted publicly. Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #44
Another protected class of people (Palestinians) from criticism; ericson00 Jan 2016 #53
You believing Palestinians protected from criticism (not) does not excuse protecting Israel fr crit Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #64
Excellent post Bernardo !!! Jim Beard Jan 2016 #69
Unless you are Palestinian Depaysement Jan 2016 #159
time to ask: why does the far-left have a Palestinian fetish? ericson00 Jan 2016 #162
They aren't Depaysement Jan 2016 #165
a lot of American money goes to China, Egypt, we did have trade relations with Sudan ericson00 Jan 2016 #167
"The Jews win" Depaysement Jan 2016 #176
Thank you, good post Jim Beard Jan 2016 #177
the vast majority of Jews support Israel, and its the haters who conflate ericson00 Jan 2016 #182
+1000 smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #247
I agree and I don't think you are thread hijacking. Some are overly sensitive. Jim Beard Jan 2016 #66
More deflection leftynyc Jan 2016 #97
It is here. bdwker Jan 2016 #21
Being critical of Islam is also a dog-whistle to racists and xenophobes... Orsino Jan 2016 #25
A whistle that many at DU can hear, apparently. guillaumeb Jan 2016 #29
Also, you'd better not criticize Republicanism! Arugula Latte Jan 2016 #264
I don't remember that sort of hand-wringing during the Catholic church sex abuse scandals. Nuclear Unicorn Jan 2016 #35
People who paid attention also recognized it as a conspiracy of silence... Orsino Jan 2016 #54
Those people did not blame it on Christianity as a whole, and then go on jeff47 Jan 2016 #65
Plenty of those same voices want that as part of the pretext for destroying churches Nuclear Unicorn Jan 2016 #115
And plenty of those same voices are now demanding we treat Islam as a monolithic bloc jeff47 Jan 2016 #117
No. Not really. They seem determined to overlook mob sexual assault in the name of PC-ism. Nuclear Unicorn Jan 2016 #120
Everyone should oppose any ideology they find to be anti-progressive values oberliner Jan 2016 #36
Being critical of Israel is also a dog-whistle to racists and xenophobes oberliner Jan 2016 #38
The "everything my opponent says is a code/dog whistle" is cowardly politics, IMHO. MadDAsHell Jan 2016 #107
So should we alert on posts about the Westboro Baptist church then? sibelian Jan 2016 #340
If by "abuse" you mean saying nasty things... Orsino Jan 2016 #342
I was really hoping to make something of a deeper point there... sibelian Jan 2016 #343
As Long As You Hold The View That Being Critical of Israel is not Anti-Semetic... 403Forbidden Jan 2016 #27
I will be critical of the state of Israel, state of Iran, Poland etc anytime anywhere and Jim Beard Jan 2016 #78
Subverting the needs of victims of sexual assault to fears of Islamophobia or RW extremism will Nuclear Unicorn Jan 2016 #28
Good article - thanks for posting! smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #33
If you're not critical of Islam, you're not a liberal Dems to Win Jan 2016 #41
+1000 smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #152
Cultural relativism seems to mean "throw away liberal values" to some. sibelian Jan 2016 #284
ouch... nt TheFrenchRazor Jan 2016 #172
This message was self-deleted by its author bvf Jan 2016 #43
Bigotry Rebkeh Jan 2016 #46
So if disliking belief systems is bigotry, isn't anti-Republicanism bigotry, too? Arugula Latte Jan 2016 #144
Is opposing the death penalty "bigotry" against those who support it? sibelian Jan 2016 #291
Not this again Rebkeh Jan 2016 #295
It is a constitutional right to own guns. Are gun control advocates BIGOTS? sibelian Jan 2016 #297
Don't bother Matrosov Jan 2016 #47
I've been here a lot longer than you leftynyc Jan 2016 #103
Thank you. Good post. Agree. 840high Jan 2016 #109
I know, I have never been more disappointed in so-called liberals than I have over this issue. smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #168
We certainly don't need them flooding our country like Europe Jim Beard Jan 2016 #178
Freedom of expression? You wrote a discriminatory remark: Bernardo de La Paz Jan 2016 #51
WOW - Great article leftynyc Jan 2016 #57
Is the Westboro Baptist Church the same as all of Christianity? jeff47 Jan 2016 #58
Of course not, but at the same time their fellow Christians looked the other way as Westboro did Bluenorthwest Jan 2016 #114
Xenophobia and stereotypes. Tierra_y_Libertad Jan 2016 #67
Discrimination also means the ability to tell the difference whatthehey Jan 2016 #68
The regressive left isn't doing Muslims any favors by shielding Islam from criticism LittleBlue Jan 2016 #73
What always shocks me is how willing some liberals are... trotsky Jan 2016 #77
Good point. The right does it to appease their angry god. LittleBlue Jan 2016 #84
I'm not sure if it's that The2ndWheel Jan 2016 #94
"Does anyone on the left defend Christianity over human rights?" trotsky Jan 2016 #99
Fair enough The2ndWheel Jan 2016 #102
So your claim would be that human rights are just another kind of religious belief? n/t trotsky Jan 2016 #105
Like our concept of time, it doesn't exist somewhere out there The2ndWheel Jan 2016 #112
Well no, of course not. trotsky Jan 2016 #116
It's all subjective is what I'm saying The2ndWheel Jan 2016 #121
You should read this: trotsky Jan 2016 #131
None of that changes anything about rights only existing in the human mind The2ndWheel Jan 2016 #204
I'll tell you again, that's a different subject. trotsky Jan 2016 #205
+1000 smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #171
+10000 ericson00 Jan 2016 #173
Exactly so. Allowing any religion to exert life-threatening force over a populace sibelian Jan 2016 #283
You've just broken down regressive attitudes in two paragraphs LittleBlue Jan 2016 #300
A truly wonderful post. hifiguy Jan 2016 #308
Their belief system is uniquely EVIL, so our virtuous belief system must murder them all. mhatrw Jan 2016 #322
Sigh. I don't understand why you're insisting on this. sibelian Jan 2016 #336
So what is your solution? To highlight how and why "our" value system is so superior to "theirs"? mhatrw Jan 2016 #348
I get it, believe me, OBVIOUSLY it's patronising, but if we don't openly state what we value sibelian Jan 2016 #357
Sheer mass hypnosis... HickFromTheTick Jan 2016 #80
+1000 katsy Jan 2016 #98
Nope. Just bigotry. Ed Suspicious Jan 2016 #81
So if I'm critical of Islam and Christianity's complete marginalization of women (to put it nicely) Arugula Latte Jan 2016 #145
Nope. I wasn't talking about that but there really is no way for you to know that based on my post. Ed Suspicious Jan 2016 #148
But Maher is critical of the treatment of women and LGBT while you seem to say that if we Bluenorthwest Jan 2016 #278
Oh, piss off. Ed Suspicious Jan 2016 #282
no one ever said it was 4dsc Jan 2016 #85
Dear Racists, discrimination based on religious beliefs is un-American. mhatrw Jan 2016 #90
Except as #68 shows whatthehey Jan 2016 #93
And most people in the South used to be in favor of slavery. mhatrw Jan 2016 #101
They are not "my" "fukc"ing charts. They are the opinions of fucking Muslims whatthehey Jan 2016 #104
I notice you ignored the 80% of Americans who just supported killing tens mhatrw Jan 2016 #119
Thank you Dretownblues Jan 2016 #244
Because Muslims are the MIC's enemy du jour mhatrw Jan 2016 #253
"Being Critical of Islam Is Not Racism" but racists (GOP) love to criticize OTHERS like Muslims. pampango Jan 2016 #100
The synagogue that I belong to issued a statement against Islamaphoia karynnj Jan 2016 #108
1000+ Uponthegears Jan 2016 #122
sooner or later, elected officials emulate their constituencies ericson00 Jan 2016 #133
I think you responded in the wrong place karynnj Jan 2016 #135
I read the statement at your link Dems to Win Jan 2016 #136
Many of the people involved have a lot of expertise on the issue karynnj Jan 2016 #138
115 replies, 13 recs? Speaks for itself. closeupready Jan 2016 #124
Actually it is sonofspy777 Jan 2016 #132
K&R to this article romanic Jan 2016 #134
Bullshit, Muslims are singled out for problems that are not unique to the Muslim World. Odin2005 Jan 2016 #142
You consider Iran a leftynyc Jan 2016 #149
I am NOT saying that the Islamic world should be immune to criticism. Odin2005 Jan 2016 #155
Well, I like Maher leftynyc Jan 2016 #158
I suggest reading "Holy War" by Karen Armstrong. Odin2005 Jan 2016 #164
+1 ronnie624 Jan 2016 #194
Thanks! Odin2005 Jan 2016 #201
bahahahahah ericson00 Jan 2016 #151
So you have nothing, got it. Odin2005 Jan 2016 #156
Islamic World =/= Africa, in terms of economics, society ericson00 Jan 2016 #160
What you are doing is ignoring the Muslim world's problems davidn3600 Jan 2016 #186
Yep. Belief systems are not people. Arugula Latte Jan 2016 #143
The violent moron wings of all religions and ideologies suck. hunter Jan 2016 #146
And to that I would add -- Dear Liberals: Blue_Tires Jan 2016 #179
beautiful. +100000 ericson00 Jan 2016 #180
There are many DUers who blame America, Bush, or Obama Democat Jan 2016 #188
Yeah, don't dare recognize any commonalities between your tribe and their tribe! mhatrw Jan 2016 #222
Hyperbole much? smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #250
David and Goliath fallacy... Described HERE: sibelian Jan 2016 #318
It also strikes me as an oddly colonial, infantilization of the Muslim world. Marr Jan 2016 #226
"they" are no more a monolith than "we" are. nt mhatrw Jan 2016 #242
I had a college professor, many years ago... Adsos Letter Jan 2016 #306
Exactly. sibelian Jan 2016 #338
Thank YOU! smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #249
Waiting for "Christianophobia" complaints on DU Democat Jan 2016 #189
Not all terrorists are Muslims but all terrorists are radical nut jobs. nt arthritisR_US Jan 2016 #192
The first time I went to NY nilesobek Jan 2016 #193
You're not criticizing Islam betterdemsonly Jan 2016 #195
Racist? Which race? (no text) Quantess Jan 2016 #196
tell me why so many people with 10k posts+ ericson00 Jan 2016 #199
Another thing, Muslims come in all skin colors. Quantess Jan 2016 #203
well said, its a perfect summation of why this discussion is so difficult ericson00 Jan 2016 #263
What race are Jewish people? betterdemsonly Jan 2016 #206
Jewry is an ethnoreligion ericson00 Jan 2016 #207
So what. Jews still aren't a race so people who don't like them aren't racist by your standard. betterdemsonly Jan 2016 #208
ONLY hating a race, ethnicity, or ethnoreligion (like Jews and Yazidis) IS racism ericson00 Jan 2016 #209
You aren't being critical of Islam, and discrimination against religious groups is illegal too. betterdemsonly Jan 2016 #210
This is UTTERLY disingenuous sibelian Jan 2016 #287
The original post called for not allowing immigration from muslim countries betterdemsonly Jan 2016 #310
Make up your mind, betterdemsonly! Quantess Jan 2016 #229
Here is why this criticism isn't based on racism LittleBlue Jan 2016 #221
Yeah, Islamophobia has nothing to do with tribalism! Nothing at all. mhatrw Jan 2016 #227
Can any criticism of Islamic culture or religion not be Islamophobia? LittleBlue Jan 2016 #243
Criticize away! But don't pretend that Islam is the most mhatrw Jan 2016 #258
Historically, it is not the most evil thing ever LittleBlue Jan 2016 #260
Theocracies suck. But who had the bright idea to invade and occupy secular Iraq? mhatrw Jan 2016 #265
They don't seem to be attempting that with BUDDHISM, do they? sibelian Jan 2016 #299
LOL. It's the exact SAME weakness that we Americans have! mhatrw Jan 2016 #304
...meaning... WHAT? sibelian Jan 2016 #316
But the standard American Exceptionalist response is winning Muslim hearts & minds everywhere! mhatrw Jan 2016 #319
I would agree that the neoliberal position is stupid, yes... sibelian Jan 2016 #344
And what, other that my suggestions, would you advise as steps toward solving these problems? mhatrw Jan 2016 #349
... (shrug) sibelian Jan 2016 #354
Racist my arse. These people believe things that are foul. sibelian Jan 2016 #286
He is not criticizing Islam and you know it. betterdemsonly Jan 2016 #311
"YOU THERE! WHY DO YOU HATE MUSLIMS?" sibelian Jan 2016 #317
So what is your suggestion? A never ending Crusade against those vile Muslim infidels? mhatrw Jan 2016 #320
Well... sibelian Jan 2016 #341
Do you actually know any Muslims living in the United States? mhatrw Jan 2016 #350
That's got nothing to do with talking about, I'm in EUROPE. sibelian Jan 2016 #356
Dear bigot rjsquirrel Jan 2016 #202
Practicing Muslims are bigoted against gays and women. Quantess Jan 2016 #235
So are many practicing Christians rjsquirrel Jan 2016 #262
I'm also bigoted against fundie Christians. Quantess Jan 2016 #331
So NotAllChristians (or Muslims) then? rjsquirrel Jan 2016 #333
There are a bunch of different groups of "bigots" with conflicting beliefs, when you put it that way Quantess Jan 2016 #345
Couldn't agree more-- particularly with this: Marr Jan 2016 #220
exactly. For the good of America, the world, and the Dem party, ericson00 Jan 2016 #224
That's right! For the good of our warlords, we much recognize The Other mhatrw Jan 2016 #231
Because we don't want to fight their intolerance and bigotry with our own? mhatrw Jan 2016 #230
So you admit your defense of Islam is disingenuous. Marr Jan 2016 #233
You so, so desperately want EVERYONE to recognize the UNIQUELY EVIL nature of Islam. Right? mhatrw Jan 2016 #236
No, I want people to stop making excuses for misogynistic, anti-gay systems of thought. Marr Jan 2016 #246
LOL. "By any honest measure"? What about Catholicism? Can women become priests? mhatrw Jan 2016 #251
Where does your interlocutor support Judeo-Christian fundamentalism? sibelian Jan 2016 #346
Where are Muslims extrajudicially murdering completely innocent Christians with drone strikes? mhatrw Jan 2016 #351
"They cut off heads, stone women, and toss gays off of buildings! How barbaric!" - Yes! IT IS! sibelian Jan 2016 #355
Bravo! smirkymonkey Jan 2016 #256
I don't have to work hard to prove anything given the fact that your real problem is with betterdemsonly Jan 2016 #273
Where did I 'call for discrimination'? Marr Jan 2016 #275
The original poster called for not allowing people to imigrate from muslim countries betterdemsonly Jan 2016 #309
Acting like "Islam" is a monolithic entity is, however, shockingly ignorant Spider Jerusalem Jan 2016 #232
I am acquainted with several non-practicing muslim women, and also Quantess Jan 2016 #238
Same here. TexasMommaWithAHat Jan 2016 #240
The ex-muslims tend to be cool people, and Quantess Jan 2016 #248
I know a whole family of ex-Muslims TexasMommaWithAHat Jan 2016 #257
Its "monolithicity" depends on the location of it's followers. sibelian Jan 2016 #296
Some is, some isn't. cheapdate Jan 2016 #252
Are we allowed to criticize their religious texts? FrodosPet Jan 2016 #272
There are passages in the bible just as horrible killbotfactory Jan 2016 #285
Does that negate the negativity and militancy of these passages then? FrodosPet Jan 2016 #301
Isis behaves in a way specifically endorsed by the bible. killbotfactory Jan 2016 #313
Cologne attacks: Migrant men banned from German swimming pool 1-15-16 Jim Beard Jan 2016 #261
I only dislike lancer78 Jan 2016 #266
K & R mog75 Jan 2016 #274
Dear Shawn. Sam Harris is not a liberal. stone space Jan 2016 #276
Exactly. He's a bigot who tries to cloak his bigotry in intellectualism, when in fact..... marmar Jan 2016 #279
How did that quote support your assertion? sibelian Jan 2016 #288
First Strike Nuclear Genocide against Muslims is not a liberal position. (nt) stone space Jan 2016 #290
He doesn't advocate it. He DESCRIBES it. sibelian Jan 2016 #292
Have you read the Qu'ran and Hadith verses I posted? FrodosPet Jan 2016 #302
(Some of) the intimidating parts of Islamic sacred texts FrodosPet Jan 2016 #303
Could you quote the text of the uniquely evil belief system that convinced mhatrw Jan 2016 #314
Are these quotes intended as a refutation of my post, or as a justification for genocide? (nt) stone space Jan 2016 #315
what is it with people like you who try to claim ericson00 Jan 2016 #321
Since when does US foreign policy judge Muslim regimes on their relative treatment mhatrw Jan 2016 #323
What do you think a Nuclear Attack would be? stone space Jan 2016 #324
but no mainstream people argue for that ericson00 Jan 2016 #325
I have no opinion on how "mainstream" Sam Harris is or isn't. The article used him as an axample. stone space Jan 2016 #326
when did he ever advocate ericson00 Jan 2016 #327
These "I am not a bigot" essays are starting to get boring. bemildred Jan 2016 #328
I'm also bigoted against fundie Christians. Quantess Jan 2016 #332
Just wrong to divide fundamentalists into two groups and call one uniquely evil. nt mhatrw Jan 2016 #352
It isn't any better to praise and cuddle one group of fundamentalists Quantess Jan 2016 #353
I agree Islam is not a Race loyalsister Jan 2016 #347
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