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(6,944 posts)
104. 'Rural Dem's' are very much 'Dem's', but they are RURAL.
Fri Sep 13, 2013, 01:06 PM
Sep 2013

I now live in deep southern Illinois (south of I-64), in the same county where I was born and grew to adulthood. I subsequently lived in Chicago for several years and thereafter lived in central IL for almost three decades. My natal county was once known as 'the most Democratic county in Illinois', because not a single Republican held any county office from 1930 until the early 1980's. With the exception of that single officeholder (now deceased), that remains true to this day. Both our State Representative and State Senator are Democrats, and carried the county by substantial margins. The county is very much pro-union, supports social welfare programs, teachers and educations, etc., etc. etc. . That said, it is helpful to understand why Chicago is Chicago and why the rest of the State of Illinois is NOT Chicago.

When I lived in Chicago, a call to 911 for emergency police assistance normally resulted in a blue-and-white, or several blue-and-whites, arriving on the scene in under 5 minutes. Where I now live, a call to 911 will result in a deputy being dispatched immediately, but since there may well be only 2 or 3 deputies on-duty in a county of 420 square miles, it may well take 15 minutes OR LONGER for him/her to arrive on-scene. Even in incorporated cities or villages with a police officer or department, the response time is OFTEN substantially longer than it would be in Chicago, due to the area being poorer and unable to afford as many sworn L.E.O.'s per-capita as Chicago. In short, RURAL residents have every reason to view 'concealed-carry' in a very different light than does a citizen of Chicago. That difference of opinion does not make them any less 'Dem's'!

Chicago has exercised a 'tyranny of the majority' on this subject (and others, like school-aid funding, e.g.) for decades, knowing that even if downstate Dem's and Rethugs combined to support CCW legislation or override a veto thereof, they simply didn't have the numbers to do so. Finally, the 7th Circuit stepped in and settled the issue, and did so in favor of the minority.

In closing, downstate Democrats ARE Democrats but, to quote Lyndon Johnson, we are 'inside the tent pissing out' on the subject of CCW. Downstate Democrats routinely and loyally support the Democratic leadership on virtually ALL 'party line' votes, so please, don't cast aspersions on us because we differ on the subject of CCW.

Thank you.

Just what Chicago needs, more untraceable guns mwrguy Sep 2013 #1
Did the registery solve any crimes? GreenStormCloud Sep 2013 #2
Taxpayers Shoulder Bulk Of Gun Violence Costs, Study Finds otohara Sep 2013 #3
Do you think the registry ever stopped a crime? Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #4
Nazi officer in 1963? B Calm Sep 2013 #5
The registry existed in the 90's too Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #6
How would crime statistics show the number of crimes stopped/solved by a registry? DanTex Sep 2013 #7
If more gun laws than other areas stops crime, Chicago should have less gun crime Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #9
In other words, they don't. DanTex Sep 2013 #10
Ok, compare Chicago with the closest comparable sized cities Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #12
OK, go look up homicide stats for St Louis, New Orleans, and Detroit, and get back to me. DanTex Sep 2013 #15
And on the other hand we have the ACLU opposing gun registration due to privacy concerns. hack89 Sep 2013 #17
Ever since the ACLU sided with Scalia over Citizens United, their credibility has taken a real hit. DanTex Sep 2013 #19
They opposed a national gun registry. hack89 Sep 2013 #25
In other words, you are making things up again. Gee, what a shock! DanTex Sep 2013 #27
So the ACLU would oppose a national registry on principle hack89 Sep 2013 #30
I figure if the ACLU were against this they would, uhh, say so. DanTex Sep 2013 #42
And your love for all things police and authority is telling hack89 Sep 2013 #48
Once again, desperate and loony fabrications... DanTex Sep 2013 #56
I can understand your frustration - it has been a bad week all around. hack89 Sep 2013 #58
LOL. Fiirst you fail at logic. Then try lying, but get called. So now the gloating. DanTex Sep 2013 #60
I am just sitting back waiting for the "backlash" hack89 Sep 2013 #63
Still here I see! I guess I should have known better than to take you at your word... DanTex Sep 2013 #65
You are trying too hard to make this personal hack89 Sep 2013 #70
LOL. Just can't quit me! DanTex Sep 2013 #73
Psst.. X_Digger Sep 2013 #51
LOL. We're talking about Chicago here, in case you missed that part. DanTex Sep 2013 #54
Did you miss your post that I replied to? X_Digger Sep 2013 #108
"this" = Chicago gun registry. Sorry. Thanks for playing. DanTex Sep 2013 #109
And you think the state version of the same would be A-OK to them? LOL!! X_Digger Sep 2013 #110
They've had 45 years to object to Chicago's law if they wanted. I'm not a mind-reader like you... DanTex Sep 2013 #111
They share the same privacy concerns. Was that a reach too far? X_Digger Sep 2013 #112
Privacy concerns about a national gun registry run by the federal government. DanTex Sep 2013 #113
What indication has the ACLU ever made that they are okay with state controls that they oppose.. X_Digger Sep 2013 #114
LOL. Sorry, the burden of proof is on the person making the claim. Nice try though. DanTex Sep 2013 #115
I demonstrated that the ACLU had privacy concerns with Reid's national bill. X_Digger Sep 2013 #116
And I'm sure you had a lot of fun doing it. Too bad that wasn't the question. DanTex Sep 2013 #117
My extrapolation is based on their position on similar issues, presented elsewhere. X_Digger Sep 2013 #118
If the ACLU were against this, they would say so. Since they didn't, we don't know DanTex Sep 2013 #119
I see you had a chat with each other and split the difference. ;) n/t X_Digger Sep 2013 #120
LOL. hack and I go way back! DanTex Sep 2013 #121
St Louis, Detroit and New Orleans? Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #21
So no credible expert against gun registries, I take it? Didn't think so. DanTex Sep 2013 #24
Too bad you didn't check out how Dallas does things derby378 Sep 2013 #146
Hmm... Dallas has almost twice the homicide rate of NYC, a much larger and denser city. DanTex Sep 2013 #150
No stats? That's okay... derby378 Sep 2013 #152
I thought you could figure this one out on your own. My mistake. DanTex Sep 2013 #154
Okay, let's use those stats... derby378 Sep 2013 #155
Exactly. Despite having a similar assault rate, NYC has a much lower homicide rate. DanTex Sep 2013 #156
Now all you have to do... derby378 Sep 2013 #157
Most homicides in the US are committed by gun, particularly in high-gun states like Texas. DanTex Sep 2013 #158
I live in ST. Louis, Dan. pintobean Sep 2013 #78
I'm glad you live in a safe neighborhood. Others aren't so lucky. DanTex Sep 2013 #80
I don't believe pintobean Sep 2013 #87
So now a gun registry is "punishment". DanTex Sep 2013 #90
I guess you've forgotten about The News Journal gun map pintobean Sep 2013 #97
So we're agreed that gun registries are good so long as personal info isn't released. DanTex Sep 2013 #102
It can very well be, along with permits to own or purchase Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #160
It's outlandish hyperbole to call any of that "punishment". DanTex Sep 2013 #161
I don't know. Will this increase the number of guns? Of untraceable guns? Recursion Sep 2013 #23
A big victory for fans of homicide. DanTex Sep 2013 #8
NSA databases bad. Chicago police databases good. hack89 Sep 2013 #18
Yeah, not all databases are the same. I know this is difficult to comprehend. Try harder. DanTex Sep 2013 #20
So you trust the Chicago cops to respect your civil rights? Really? hack89 Sep 2013 #22
Have there been any rights violations associated with the gun registry? DanTex Sep 2013 #29
So the Chicago cops cannot be trusted with anything except the gun registry? hack89 Sep 2013 #31
So that's a no. DanTex Sep 2013 #40
Your police worship is a little too much, don't you think? hack89 Sep 2013 #43
My police worship? Whaaa? You're losing it, buddy. DanTex Sep 2013 #45
Are you denying that the Chicago PD has a long history of systemic civil rights violations? hack89 Sep 2013 #49
I'm denying that it matters when it comes to a gun registry. DanTex Sep 2013 #52
Not a big deal anyway. hack89 Sep 2013 #55
I wonder what motivates such intense dislike of people who live in cities? DanTex Sep 2013 #59
I want urban dwellers to have exactly the same rights I do hack89 Sep 2013 #61
Wait, I thought you were leaving? You said so twice! DanTex Sep 2013 #64
But you are such a compelling personality - it just draws me back. hack89 Sep 2013 #68
Do you trust the Chicago police to respect civil rights? Simple question. hack89 Sep 2013 #44
I have no problem with them having a gun registry, which is the issue at hand. DanTex Sep 2013 #47
No doubt Chicago paid for their hubris. hack89 Sep 2013 #53
Chicago paid for the ignorance and hatred of people who don't live there. DanTex Sep 2013 #62
Time will tell hack89 Sep 2013 #66
Well, I found this posted on DU years ago Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #74
One gungeon post from ten years ago, to a website that doesn't exist anymore. DanTex Sep 2013 #76
This OP is disgusting SecularMotion Sep 2013 #11
Part of it is disdain for urban people on the part of rural conservatives. DanTex Sep 2013 #13
More safe? TheDeputy Sep 2013 #28
Not just rural conservatives, rural Dems, and for reason Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #32
Nothing like good ol' hatred and revenge. DanTex Sep 2013 #41
Not what I said at all Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #46
The pattern that the US has 10x more gun violence than other wealthy nations? DanTex Sep 2013 #50
The pattern of chicken littles Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #57
Actually, the sky is falling... DanTex Sep 2013 #72
So if someone is murdered with a knife or club, they aren't as dead? N/T GreenStormCloud Sep 2013 #122
'Rural Dem's' are very much 'Dem's', but they are RURAL. ColesCountyDem Sep 2013 #104
This thread is about the Chicago gun registry, not CCW. DanTex Sep 2013 #106
I understood that, but was trying to give some 'context' to the complexities of Illinois' Dem family ColesCountyDem Sep 2013 #128
Actually, Jenoch Sep 2013 #137
How Did Dems Come to Hate otohara Sep 2013 #140
May I? derby378 Sep 2013 #149
Detriment otohara Sep 2013 #159
I've noticed that as well with similar threads on other cities Blue_Tires Sep 2013 #93
Kind of like people who don't even living in Colorado rl6214 Sep 2013 #129
Not every gun owner is on the right or in the NRA Lee-Lee Sep 2013 #14
+1 Gidney N Cloyd Sep 2013 #35
I agree. It's disgusting. nt stevenleser Sep 2013 #37
Liberals and Progressives ? Limousine liberals you mean warrant46 Sep 2013 #132
So you would rather cheer and support Bloomberg? oneshooter Sep 2013 #141
It gets even better hack89 Sep 2013 #16
I carry my gun every time I visit Chicago. TheDeputy Sep 2013 #26
It's a big scary city, huh? I live here and have never felt the need to arm myself. Gidney N Cloyd Sep 2013 #34
Do you have insurance? TheDeputy Sep 2013 #38
Certainly I have insurance. But I don't parade it around or hope for an excuse to use it. Gidney N Cloyd Sep 2013 #94
Heavens no. Who hopes for a crash? TheDeputy Sep 2013 #95
I never carry a gun when I visit Chicago. I have been in some of the worst IdaBriggs Sep 2013 #39
I have needed a gun numerous times. TheDeputy Sep 2013 #69
You are involved in law enforcement. I can understand why you carry a gun. IdaBriggs Sep 2013 #88
Make sure you respond on posts about when cops beat up suspects for no reason..... Logical Sep 2013 #130
Pretty dumb to assume I would defend them. TheDeputy Sep 2013 #134
We will see. Maybe we can get an arbitrator involved. n-t Logical Sep 2013 #135
well then you are the lucky one who wasn't attacked and raped. lucky you. GalaxyHunter Sep 2013 #99
Can you GUARANTEE to someone else that they will have your good luck? GreenStormCloud Sep 2013 #123
Good grief. More paranoid fantasies. marmar Sep 2013 #83
Baaaaaa. The police will protect me. TheDeputy Sep 2013 #85
Chicago can be a very violent place warrant46 Sep 2013 #133
Criminals don't register guns fletchthedubs Sep 2013 #33
Everywhere there are lax gun laws, there is more murder and more killing with guns. stevenleser Sep 2013 #36
Except Vermont. And DC/Chicago on the other side. Recursion Sep 2013 #67
Yes, and the stats prove it. More guns = more killing. From VPC stevenleser Sep 2013 #71
Again, only if you ignore Vermont, DC, Chicago, etc. (nt) Recursion Sep 2013 #79
VPC doesnt ignore anyone. nt stevenleser Sep 2013 #81
You seem to have at least some science background. DanTex Sep 2013 #82
VPC hasn't managed to count the actual number of guns in a jurisdiction yet Recursion Sep 2013 #143
I imagine it goes both ways. DanTex Sep 2013 #153
VPC cooks the numbers. N/T GreenStormCloud Sep 2013 #125
Except for El Paso, TX. GreenStormCloud Sep 2013 #124
Chicago is one place gun nuts point to however treestar Sep 2013 #75
Crime won't significantly change. TheDeputy Sep 2013 #84
LOL. You've been reading too much NRA propaganda. DanTex Sep 2013 #86
LOL, I'm sure you know better than I. TheDeputy Sep 2013 #89
Actually I think that the National Gang Center's statistics know better than you. DanTex Sep 2013 #92
You disgust me. Starry Messenger Sep 2013 #77
your concern is noted. GalaxyHunter Sep 2013 #100
... and irrelevant. DonP Sep 2013 #101
BOOM! Truth Bomb! GalaxyHunter Sep 2013 #103
Interesting metaphor. Gidney N Cloyd Sep 2013 #105
I started saying it after watching the show Men at Work GalaxyHunter Sep 2013 #139
My cat loves me. N/T GreenStormCloud Sep 2013 #127
Chica loves you, too derby378 Sep 2013 #147
Illinois Supreme Court yesterday allowed open carry everywhere AngryAmish Sep 2013 #91
That's fucked up! gopiscrap Sep 2013 #96
Good. I'm not scared of the City of Chicago, I'm scared of the gangs who inhabit the City of Chicago GalaxyHunter Sep 2013 #98
Another nail in the gun control coffin HolyMoley Sep 2013 #107
They can get any worse rl6214 Sep 2013 #126
My, oh my! This is interesting. rdharma Sep 2013 #131
Suddenly quiet! rdharma Sep 2013 #136
I have been at work since 5AM. 12 hr shift. 1 hr each way commute. GreenStormCloud Sep 2013 #142
Oh, I think you know! nt rdharma Sep 2013 #144
I think many have noticed. Starry Messenger Sep 2013 #138
Now I'm curious. 2ndAmForComputers Sep 2013 #145
Sure. Feel free to PM me. nt rdharma Sep 2013 #151
Fucking gun nuts. nt. Blue Idaho Sep 2013 #148
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»Chicago abolishes gun reg...»Reply #104