Government presents. Gunnery Sergeant William Fuller testifies. GS Fuller sat on the Classification and Assignment (C&A) boards that reviewed Bradleys custody and status.
GYSGT Fullers testimony later revealed, however, that GYSGT Blenis entered the C&A boards in which all three board members are supposed to discuss and reconsider Bradleys classification status having already written down his recommendation that Bradley remained on POI. The other two board members were then simply asked to concur with GYSGT Bleniss recommendation (which they did every single time).
GYSGT Fuller also explained that Bradleys limited communication with Quantico staff and apparently withdrawn demeanor was cause for concern, as it may have indicated depression. GYSGT Fuller said that guards told him that Bradley was constantly polite and followed orders, but that he frequently gave curt responses when they asked how he was doing. GYSGT Blenis, for his part, reported to the other members of the C&A board that Bradley didnt interact with him in the same manner as did other detainees.
However, two former Quantico guards, Lance Corporals Tankersly and Cline, testified today that the guards did not typically have extensive conversations with detainees. They said it would be unprofessional to have long, informal discussions with the prisoners anything more than asking how they were doing though they did say that Bradley was on the quiet side, sometimes giving just one-word responses. All three guards questioned also said that Bradley was almost always polite and respectful to them as a detainee.