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Big Blue Marble

(5,381 posts)
236. Genocide is a process.
Fri Dec 15, 2023, 07:55 PM
Dec 2023

The risk in Gaza is high. With little food and water. almost no medical care. People
are dying for lack of medicine. With 85% of their housing gone. the term
is domicide and the environmental devastation, experts are asking if
Gaza will even be habitable for decades.

100's of thousands of wmen and children are living in makeshift tents of plastic sheeting
which fall apart in the wind. Many have no winter clothes as temperatures drop and the
rainy season is occurring. Raw sewage and uncollected garbage are running in the streets
putting everyone at risk for disease.

Genocide is occurring; it just takes a while.

What nonsense. tritsofme Dec 2023 #1
Pretty much the entire world disagrees with you RAB910 Dec 2023 #23
And those that voted against or abstained TexasDem69 Dec 2023 #50
Israel alone enid602 Dec 2023 #102
UK voted to abstain (as did other countries) because the resolution didn't condemn Hamas act emulatorloo Dec 2023 #147
Biden wants the bombing stopped Big Blue Marble Dec 2023 #122
He needs to stop selling Israel bombs womanofthehills Dec 2023 #142
I agree with Biden. No more war Trueblue1968 Dec 2023 #166
That's not President Biden's position. N/T lapucelle Dec 2023 #194
Many of us have a hard time going to sleep at night womanofthehills Dec 2023 #137
But you could sleep at night before Gaza? EX500rider Dec 2023 #215
Not to mention Iraq. Everything the United States did there was illegal, start to finish. Coventina Dec 2023 #221
let us stick with those who voted against RAB910 Dec 2023 #177
How so? A demand for a ceasefire is not a declaration of genocide. lapucelle Dec 2023 #72
Genocide enid602 Dec 2023 #119
There is a genocide going on in Sudan right now. Crickets. LeftInTX Dec 2023 #143
Darfur enid602 Dec 2023 #169
If the claim is that the actual definition of a crime is too (checks notes)... "legalistic", lapucelle Dec 2023 #192
It is absolute nonsense. The US has declared that it is Hamas that is engaged in genocide lapucelle Dec 2023 #58
Just asking.... Butterflylady Dec 2023 #187
I must have missed that. Please provide the link to where the world declares this. n/t Coventina Dec 2023 #2
Damn right, my dear malaise! I applaud you. CaliforniaPeggy Dec 2023 #3
DUer states that The world has declared that Israel is committing genocide revmclaren Dec 2023 #4
Numerous DUers state that Israel is committing genocide. Earth-shine Dec 2023 #26
A handful of DUers, actually. Who put up an Tomconroy Dec 2023 #28
A very copious number of posts a day. revmclaren Dec 2023 #30
Agree debm55 Dec 2023 #37
Responsibility enid602 Dec 2023 #104
If it's not genocide, what is 18,000 deaths, mostly women and children? brush Dec 2023 #106
The definition of genocide is not created revmclaren Dec 2023 #108
Again, if it's not, what's a good description of the 18,000 deaths? brush Dec 2023 #111
War. revmclaren Dec 2023 #112
Israel can do better. Kick corrupt Netanyahu and Likud to the curb. brush Dec 2023 #116
This message was self-deleted by its author Big Blue Marble Dec 2023 #124
Reactionary authoritarianism is never pretty. limbicnuminousity Dec 2023 #152
War...exactly! agingdem Dec 2023 #178
Yes, the people of Israel didn't want this war.. Butterflylady Dec 2023 #190
no they didn't want this war... agingdem Dec 2023 #196
Stating it doesn't make it so. revmclaren Dec 2023 #29
It's in the eye of the beholder -- I decide! Earth-shine Dec 2023 #32
Facts are facts. Personal beliefs donot create facts. revmclaren Dec 2023 #34
What facts? This is a matter of opinion. Earth-shine Dec 2023 #39
Good. Dont. revmclaren Dec 2023 #44
... emulatorloo Dec 2023 #157
This message was self-deleted by its author emulatorloo Dec 2023 #156
The vast majority of humanitarian and human rights organizations around the world Big Blue Marble Dec 2023 #125
What a strange and personally directed statement revmclaren Dec 2023 #135
What do you mean... Butterflylady Dec 2023 #191
Interesting you're answering for the poster. revmclaren Dec 2023 #195
No I'm not I was just stating a fact Butterflylady Dec 2023 #199
And here i have to state this again... revmclaren Dec 2023 #200
What do you think about what is going on in Sudan? LeftInTX Dec 2023 #145
Apparently Syria, Yemen, Ukraine, Myanmar, Sudan, Ethiopia etc aren't a problem EX500rider Dec 2023 #217
THIS malaise Dec 2023 #213
Israel is not committing genocide. edisdead Dec 2023 #101
It is an intentional effort to devalue the whole concept TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #105
I say otherwise. Earth-shine Dec 2023 #150
Netanyahu has made it clear he wants to eliminate Palestine with this war. Cuthbert Allgood Dec 2023 #218
Netanyahu is a POS, but I doubt he's said that. Coventina Dec 2023 #225
Where? edisdead Dec 2023 #234
Genocide is a process. Big Blue Marble Dec 2023 #236
Definitions should apply over different treestar Dec 2023 #254
Israel has an enemy that HAS vowed to engage in genocide edisdead Dec 2023 #255
Did not answer the question I posed treestar Dec 2023 #256
And the multiple ministers in the Israeli government and the Knesset Big Blue Marble Dec 2023 #123
and so do the number of large protest gatherings that are going on.... Chakaconcarne Dec 2023 #182
Damn straight! Goddessartist Dec 2023 #5
That simple malaise Dec 2023 #7
Hamas is committing war crimes by using children and civilians as human shields LetMyPeopleVote Dec 2023 #74
* Donkees Dec 2023 #6
Thank you, malaise. Think. Again. Dec 2023 #8
I agree. Tomconroy Dec 2023 #27
lol... sure does. Cha Dec 2023 #77
On that i absolutely agree. revmclaren Dec 2023 #33
Calling out Duers that you do not agree with? sheshe2 Dec 2023 #99
Shocking colors. Big Blue Marble Dec 2023 #126
I agree on that... Think. Again. Dec 2023 #176
Pretty hosile and ironic statement revmclaren Dec 2023 #202
I believe it's been... Think. Again. Dec 2023 #233
Agree. MorbidButterflyTat Dec 2023 #227
If this is true, The World is badly mistaken. Tomconroy Dec 2023 #9
Gee, global warming deniers make the same sort of claim. KPN Dec 2023 #15
Fascinating. But not terribly relevant. Tomconroy Dec 2023 #25
And then there's this BuddhaGirl Dec 2023 #40
All countries, including the US have substantial numbers ofdumb bombs Tomconroy Dec 2023 #48
"Obvioudly they don't want to deplete BuddhaGirl Dec 2023 #64
I assure you, guided munitions are fully capable Tomconroy Dec 2023 #67
This is the part you seemed to have missed: AloeVera Dec 2023 #131
I didnt miss that. Even the author doesnt state with Tomconroy Dec 2023 #161
The authors are journalists, not experts. AloeVera Dec 2023 #165
Sorry. But you need more much information before making Tomconroy Dec 2023 #170
Bomb them back to the stone age and say it's for their own good. AloeVera Dec 2023 #179
To add: AloeVera Dec 2023 #180
It is the use of dumb bombs in extremely densely populated areas that is the problem. Big Blue Marble Dec 2023 #133
Exactly. Civilians are not worth smart bombs is the message. AloeVera Dec 2023 #144
The use of the words 'may' and 'could' carry a great Tomconroy Dec 2023 #162
This message was self-deleted by its author tenderfoot Dec 2023 #10
Nah. TwilightZone Dec 2023 #18
tenderfoot...you wrote: revmclaren Dec 2023 #22
Pretty sure in this instance it would libel n/t Alpeduez21 Dec 2023 #61
Either it's a pretty s&$ty thing to say revmclaren Dec 2023 #65
See my post 238. revmclaren Dec 2023 #241
This is a libel against DUers, madaboutharry Dec 2023 #52
Are you accusing DUers of being bloodthirsty? sarisataka Dec 2023 #55
Oh looky...they self deleted. revmclaren Dec 2023 #96
See my new post. revmclaren Dec 2023 #239
Well that is pleasant sarisataka Dec 2023 #243
The last time i received a DU email like this revmclaren Dec 2023 #244
Look at the photos, the films and the numbers and decide for yourself. Chainfire Dec 2023 #11
Or not. Bonx Dec 2023 #12
These losses are terrible edhopper Dec 2023 #13
The world has declared this? sarisataka Dec 2023 #14
Don't you know? Real genocides are OK question everything Dec 2023 #17
The Jewish factor does seem to be the difference sarisataka Dec 2023 #42
and the Ukranian people. debm55 Dec 2023 #63
Netanyahu overplayed his prop-up Hamas to kill peace hand, now overplayed his "just war" hand. . . . nt Bernardo de La Paz Dec 2023 #16
Yep. Israel can do better. Kick corrupt Bibi and Likud to the curb. Asap. brush Dec 2023 #110
Hamas is the real bad guy here and they're playing both sides for chumps. Initech Dec 2023 #19
Because it's easier to hate on a Jewish state than involve complexity in thought. n/t Coventina Dec 2023 #20
Yep. And it pre-dates Israel by centuries if not longer. CincyDem Dec 2023 #36
That's the maddening part. What should Israel do? Is only answered with "stop defending yourself." Coventina Dec 2023 #38
Do those lazy thinkers include the tens of thousands of Israeli protesters that have spent months protesting onecaliberal Dec 2023 #57
Possibly, I don't know what each one is thinking. Coventina Dec 2023 #60
I've never seen a comment saying Israel doesn't have the right to defend herself. onecaliberal Dec 2023 #70
Fuck the Red Cross. They have zero credibility with me. Coventina Dec 2023 #71
You know nothing about me. You're not going to tell me what I think, or what influences me. onecaliberal Dec 2023 #73
But not the innocent women and children that Hamas raped and butchered on Oct. 7th? Coventina Dec 2023 #75
Can you not read or do you not comprehend what innocent wherever they are means? onecaliberal Dec 2023 #78
OK, so please explain to me what Israel should do to bring the Hamas attackers to justice? Coventina Dec 2023 #81
You won't get an answer, debm55 Dec 2023 #97
Isn't that so convenient? Coventina Dec 2023 #118
Hours later - crickets Bleacher Creature Dec 2023 #140
I never get an answer to that question n/t Coventina Dec 2023 #208
If Israel went after the men that actually participated in 10-7 questionseverything Dec 2023 #231
How are they supposed to do that, when Hamas are hiding out in a place where Coventina Dec 2023 #235
As long as Israel can be attacked TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #232
Your argument simply proves the point TexasDem69 Dec 2023 #91
Self-defense justification is no longer believable. This is something else now. AloeVera Dec 2023 #141
Most of ceasefire stuff is unilateral, will prevent Israel from LeftInTX Dec 2023 #183
I wouldn't rule it out or conflate opposition to Likud TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #109
I don't think it's lazy thinking. CincyDem Dec 2023 #69
Natural, I could buy. Rational? All but devoid of such TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #132
I will say, with all due respect, that I think I agree with you but I think I need a decoder ring to be sure. CincyDem Dec 2023 #148
What should Israel do? AloeVera Dec 2023 #146
Hamas seems to be operating above ground, given their latest ambush on the IDF Coventina Dec 2023 #151
Attend to real-life immediate threats before addressing future threats. AloeVera Dec 2023 #163
Israelis are currently being held hostage Coventina Dec 2023 #164
I disagree. AloeVera Dec 2023 #167
Wow. So you're just going to ignore everything that Coventina Dec 2023 #173
I am playing into the hands... AloeVera Dec 2023 #188
So, in other words, you want Israel, and Jews worldwide, to just suck it up and take it. Coventina Dec 2023 #204
Who is "taking it" AloeVera Dec 2023 #209
"Human shield trope"!?!?!?!?!?!?! That was their stated PLAN Coventina Dec 2023 #210
Oh I didnt know they stated that. AloeVera Dec 2023 #211
Here is a link: Coventina Dec 2023 #212
I see no proof. AloeVera Dec 2023 #216
How about the Guardian then? Coventina Dec 2023 #220
This message was self-deleted by its author debm55 Dec 2023 #228
Who would those people be? AloeVera Dec 2023 #245
Hamas is aggressively bombing Israel daily LeftInTX Dec 2023 #184
There are those that consider it "unfair" sarisataka Dec 2023 #189
It is rapidly becoming clear that anything, ANYTHING is an excuse to blame the Jews. Coventina Dec 2023 #205
Ideas and ideologies we thought we had extinguished sarisataka Dec 2023 #207
Who was deluded into believing anything was extinguished? TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #246
That's not good. Thanks. AloeVera Dec 2023 #197
Israel's taking/annexing of Palestinian land predates Hamas. Cuthbert Allgood Dec 2023 #222
I see, you are qualified to say what you think Israel shouldn't do, but not qualified to provide as to what they should. Coventina Dec 2023 #223
I'm qualified to say my opinion of what they are doing. Cuthbert Allgood Dec 2023 #229
"I can't think of anything better, but they're doing it wrong." Coventina Dec 2023 #230
Those numbers are highly dubious. Amishman Dec 2023 #21
There are thousands buried under rubble and uncounted. AloeVera Dec 2023 #149
When that number is cited Mountainguy Dec 2023 #153
"The world" has the power to stop them. LeftInTX Dec 2023 #24
The I guess every recent war has been "genocide" too? Or just Israel for some reason? EX500rider Dec 2023 #31
The United States committed genocide against Iraqis, definitely. Sky Jewels Dec 2023 #84
It's really frickin simple . . . Richard D Dec 2023 #35
Where are the calls for Hamas to surrender and to release all hostages? LonePirate Dec 2023 #41
Really, the likelihood of an army of useful idiots is high . . . Richard D Dec 2023 #45
Hamas is the FAUX NewZ of terrorist propaganda now? No uponit7771 Dec 2023 #98
We'll see Richard D Dec 2023 #128
Russia and China see this as an op to erode US soft power and further demonize US allies uponit7771 Dec 2023 #253
Far deeper and effective than Faux TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #247
We don't talk about that sarisataka Dec 2023 #46
Birkenstock Charlottesville is the same as the white polo and khakis variety TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #62
Some people commenting on here have had four posts removed. LakeArenal Dec 2023 #43
I've actually seen dozens of DUers revmclaren Dec 2023 #107
Overly argumentative people always make me look at profiles. LakeArenal Dec 2023 #136
As do I. revmclaren Dec 2023 #138
Post removed Post removed Dec 2023 #47
We can't deny the loss of global support. Basic LA Dec 2023 #49
Good (I guess.) elleng Dec 2023 #51
Make it pellucidly clear. TheProle Dec 2023 #54
Bibi Charlie Chapulin Dec 2023 #53
Any chance that any of the "few others" are Hamas? TheProle Dec 2023 #56
I'd love to see him locked in a small cell with Trump, Putin, Orban, Erdogan and Bolsonaro. Sky Jewels Dec 2023 #82
'The world' does not seem to care that Hamas has vowed to commit genocide on the Jews. keithbvadu2 Dec 2023 #59
Because you said Israel is and thus the world declared it has? Beastly Boy Dec 2023 #66
See my post 238. revmclaren Dec 2023 #242
Netanyahu and the factions who empower him have overplayed their hand. jaxexpat Dec 2023 #68
We need to tell Netanyahu to fuck off. Then cut off the money/weapons spigot completely. Sky Jewels Dec 2023 #80
Even without US weapons, Israel isn't going to stop until Hamas is gone Arazi Dec 2023 #94
I guess you missed it. AloeVera Dec 2023 #155
Barbaric and brutal doesn't even begin to describe what Hamas did Calculating Dec 2023 #120
Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals, mosques and schools LetMyPeopleVote Dec 2023 #76
It couldn't be more obvious. Israel's response has been depraved and monstrous. Sky Jewels Dec 2023 #79
21% of Israel's population are Palestinians. Are you saying that Israel is killing Palestinians Coventina Dec 2023 #83
There are certainly those on the right that would like to force them out of Israel. Big Blue Marble Dec 2023 #237
links please? Coventina Dec 2023 #240
The thing that is killing me is they don't care about the innocent ones onecaliberal Dec 2023 #85
That's nonsense. madaboutharry Dec 2023 #86
I find it strange how arguments sarisataka Dec 2023 #90
The term "antisemetic" applies only to hatred and prejudice against . . . Richard D Dec 2023 #93
Yes, i am well aware sarisataka Dec 2023 #95
I'm sure you are aware. Richard D Dec 2023 #129
. sarisataka Dec 2023 #139
Most Israelis are brown JI7 Dec 2023 #159
Not true! Bibi is white, but Likud is brown. LeftInTX Dec 2023 #186
It's not genocide TexasDem69 Dec 2023 #87
describing Jews as "monstrous" is nothing new. Coventina Dec 2023 #88
The reaction by some on the "left" TexasDem69 Dec 2023 #89
The "Left" & "Liberals" are us. Basic LA Dec 2023 #113
The "left" and "liberals" TexasDem69 Dec 2023 #219
Of course not. Basic LA Dec 2023 #226
This is the conversation going on in Jewish communities through the country. CincyDem Dec 2023 #168
... Behind the Aegis Dec 2023 #171
You are not alone nor I have I forgotten your true solidarity TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #249
Netenyahu is monstrous. David__77 Dec 2023 #127
I said ISRAEL. Not "Jews." Sky Jewels Dec 2023 #130
Yes, this is a very fraught issue. To give you my personal perspective Coventina Dec 2023 #134
"GeNoCiDe!11" BannonsLiver Dec 2023 #203
Depraved and monstrous... sarisataka Dec 2023 #92
I have learned that... Think. Again. Dec 2023 #103
I am speaking up for innocent women and children where ever they reside.. I don't say anyone's name. onecaliberal Dec 2023 #114
Depraved and monstrous- I agree with that characterization. David__77 Dec 2023 #117
Never again Calculating Dec 2023 #121
DURec leftstreet Dec 2023 #100
Not literally but SarahD Dec 2023 #115
Hamas using civilians as human shields, does not justify Israel killing the shields to get Hamas. Runningdawg Dec 2023 #154
International law makes allowances. As to what extent, I don't know LeftInTX Dec 2023 #160
Meanwhile, Russia really is committing genocide, and yawns ensue Kennah Dec 2023 #158
I always knew there was widespread antisemitism but I'm still a bit shocked at the level on which it truly exists. BlueTsunami2018 Dec 2023 #172
Were "genocide" and "war crimes" in the resolution? NT Patton French Dec 2023 #174
Can you provide a link to the declaration? Shrek Dec 2023 #175
I asked for that in post #2 in this thread. Coventina Dec 2023 #206
It will be a long wait EX500rider Dec 2023 #224
The world? What, was there a plebiscite? Straw Man Dec 2023 #181
Historically, the world hates Jews. Happy Hoosier Dec 2023 #185
I guess it's buy one get one day for logical fallacies. Jedi Guy Dec 2023 #193
The "world" sees Israel as a convenient way to express hatred of the US and the West mathematic Dec 2023 #198
I Faux pas Dec 2023 #201
Makes me sad that i got a post hidden for something similar Laura PourMeADrink Dec 2023 #214
I just reported this personal DU mail to the admins... revmclaren Dec 2023 #238
I am so sorry that happened to you. Coventina Dec 2023 #251
... revmclaren Dec 2023 #252
Then the ForgedCrank Dec 2023 #248
Don't dignify that propaganda as factual at all TheKentuckian Dec 2023 #250
Latest Discussions»General Discussion»The world has declared th...»Reply #236