There have always been a myriad of reasons why a woman would choose to terminate a pregnancy.
But there is now another glaringly obvious reason that might prompt an American woman to choose not to bring a child into the world - and that is because of the world that the GOP has created.
Who wants to raise a child in a country overrun with racists and bigots? Who wants to raise a child in a nation that elects the stupid and the downright insane to govern them?
Who wants to bring a child into a world where, even if they survive a school massacre by a crazed gunman, might not survive a world that climate change deniers will eventually render uninhabitable?
Who wants to give birth to a female child who comes into the world as a second-class citizen, with no rights over her own body?
Who wants to raise an American citizen who is subject to having their rights taken away by a SCOTUS comprised of religious whack-jobs and drunken sex offenders?
Who wants to bring a child into a country where a POTUS can attempt to overthrow the government - and is still free to try it again?
At the same time the GOP tries to make abortion illegal, they are demonstrating why it might be a preferable option to giving birth.