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Wonder Why

Wonder Why's Journal
Wonder Why's Journal
April 20, 2023

An open letter to Chief Justice John Roberts

Chief Justice Roberts:

I hope you feel proud to serve as Chief Justice of the United States leading a Court of members, some of whom have no ethics, some of whom have no morals, at least one of whom has broken the law, and some of whom who want to overthrow the rights of American citizens, including the most precious - the right to an equal vote for their representatives.

You have done nothing to stop any of this and in fact have participated in it. Worse, you are unwilling to show any leadership by forcefully condemning such behavior. That says it all about your own ethics and morality as well as your dedication to the laws, the Constitution, Democracy itself and the American People. Instead of setting an example as Chief Justice, you are burying your head in the sand as the reputation of the Court sinks into the mire.

How does it feel to end up going down in history as a failure and as one of the chief architects leading to the potential destruction of this nation as the leader in democracy? Our country is far from perfect but you are helping push it down further into oblivion.

You took an oath to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" but you have failed to follow the letter or spirit of that oath.

You took an oath to "solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich" yet one of your justices even now is flouting the law, his ethics, his morality while getting gifts from the rich and you do nothing. You say nothing.

History will punish you severely, Mr. Chief Justice, for your failures. You will be the example of how not to act as Chief Justice. You will be remembered as a coward and a failure.

May God have mercy on your soul for assuredly history and the American People in the future will not.

Edit with source of the oaths - the Supreme Court Website:

April 6, 2023

"Marjorie Taylor Greene calls New York City disgusting, filthy and repulsive" - multiple sources

Not as disgusting, filthy and repulsive as you are, Greene!

That was a mirror you were looking at, not NYC.

April 3, 2023

Trump arrives in New York for surrender, opposes TV court coverage

Source: Reuters

Beefing up his legal team, Trump hired Todd Blanche, a prominent white-collar criminal defense lawyer and former federal prosecutor, to join his defense, two sources familiar with the matter said. Blanche and other Trump lawyers on Monday urged the judge not to allow videography, photography and radio coverage of the arraignment.

In a letter to the court, they argued against allowing such coverage, saying it would "exacerbate an already almost circus-like atmosphere around this case" and "detract from both the dignity and decorum of the proceedings and courtroom."

Justice Juan Merchan was expected to decide the matter on Monday.

Read more: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-fly-new-york-court-surrender-amid-tight-security-2023-04-03/

Mr. Sleaze and his icky lawyers don't want video in the court because it would make the circus he created worse.

But he wanted to arrive in handcuffs. Create more circus and get sympathy. But live coverage of his lies under oath? Nah!
March 30, 2023

Just read this on Snopes, the Fact Check people. Hadn't seen it before.

Did an Old Toys 'R' Us Building Later Become a Gun Store?



This is so awful!
March 29, 2023

Potential Republican candidate Chris Christie vows to never support Trump

Source: The Guardian

Good morning, US politics readers. Former New Jersey governor Chris Christie has vowed to never throw his support behind presidential candidate Donald Trump again, even if he wins the GOP nomination.

On Wednesday, Axios reported Christie, who pledged his allegiance to Trump during the 2016 presidential election, saying: “I can’t help him. No way.”

Read more: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/live/2023/mar/29/trump-2024-republicans-biden-oil-drilling-politics-live-updates

Another Republican weasel. Waits until Trump is about to be indicted and is thinking about running himself (because he hopes Trump and DeSantis will knock each other off?) then says he won't support Trump.

Coward! Coward! Coward! And those are his good points.
March 21, 2023

Can admins automatically provide a notice to everyone posting a twitter "link"

that they should post the URL of the tweet, NOT the share?

For those of us who don't subscribe to Twitter, we can't see shares unless we login which means we would need to have an account.

And thanks to those who are smart enough to actually use the real links instead of the shares.

March 15, 2023

Everyone, please stop the sarcasm on this site!

It's getting dangerous. Tons of sarcasm are aimed at DeSatanist's Florida and the many imbeciles that live there and it has to stop.


Soon Florida will be covered in sarcasm and DeSatanist will be looking for the federal bailout he so much despises. The beaches will smell as bad as Tallahassee.

Worse, people will stop moving there and their taxes will go way up. Then what will he say about high taxes?

So, folks, be nice. Stop the sarcasm.

Too bad NPR couldn't spell the word correctly. Perhaps sargassum is the English spelling of the word. If so, I'd understand that if it were the BBC or The Guardian News that published this article, but not NPR.

January 13, 2023

What if years ago, newspapers told visitors the following:

"So you are from out of town and want to buy a paper to read the local news? Sorry, we don't do that. You have to buy a six month subscription and every time you want to read the paper, you have to tell us who you are. And if you pick up a previously read paper from 3 weeks ago, you still have to pay to read any article".

Think that would fly?

That's what so many local media sites are doing today. You see an online article about something that happened in East Podunk and you say to yourself, "I used to live there" or "I'm considering visiting there so I want to read some local restaurant reviews" or some other reason. Can you do that? Not any more and so many sites whose numbers increase daily, it seems. You have to pay to read any article or one of interest to you that is "restricted to subscribers". Moreover, you have to login so they can track which articles you read to sell that information to others - even if you paid to read it!

So you do what so many of us do - restrict your reading to the free sites or go to the library and read the national papers there. Of course, if you are a local, you can stop by the library daily and skip paying for the local paper at all. For the out-of-towner, finding a local paper that has local news is difficult and the location of the library and its hours are something that has to be looked up at every town.

Sure, local news sites need the income and are fast dying. But they, in the past, made their money from local residents and didn't track what they read or, worse, sell that information to others.They lost their ability to market themselves locally. They "off-shored" their subscription handling which cost them many customers dissatisfied with the service (like me); they contracted out their printing to out of town mega-printers who provided low quality printing; they stopped carrying much local news and just added national inserts (Do I really need to read national news from local inserts?); they put all their stories online and instead of selling news, they sold the readers' personal information ;and, in general, lost their way.

Their solution is to sell 6 month or 1 year teaser-priced subscriptions with auto-renewal to catch the suckers to anyone and everyone just to read a single story (or more than the first paragraph of one).

Front Page used to be the latest news, so extensively written that they had to send you to the back pages to finish it. Now it contains meaningless unrelated pop-up videos that move around, lots of ads and plenty of stories that are months old. (My local paper until a few weeks ago had its Black Friday story still on the main page!

"Local newspapers" are no longer local. Owned by out-of-towners that own many papers and containing little research on local stories with poorly written articles, lots of stories about the local high school football team's last game, and lots of canned stories provided by outsiders who "contribute" their articles to push their agenda. The reporters are gone and the editors all have the same name - "Microsoft Word".

Oh, well. No wonder Fox News does so much business.

January 5, 2023

"Downturn causes company board to fire executives and cut highly paid managers' salaries"

Okay, so we'll never read that. All we read about is how the rowers get fired and the coxswains get big bonuses fr saving the company money.

But we can fantasize, can't we?

I remember the old days when Hewlett Packard asked its employees to take a 5% pay cut to avoid layoffs. Upper management had to take a 10% cut to show they would do more than what they asked of the employees. Ten years or so later, new management fired 10,000 and gave themselves big bonuses.

January 3, 2023

If I could draw political cartoons, this would be my first:

Picture of the devil sitting on his throne, surrounded by flames. Next to him is a sign saying: "Support my GoFundMe campaign. I'm being overrun and can't afford the coal for my fires"

In a long line at the gate are Donald, his family, his lawyers, Proud Boys, Oath Takers, his aides, some Supreme Court Justices, right-wing Republican politicians, many Secret Service men, Maggots, anti-vaxxers and other minions.

Perhaps we have an artist in the crowd.

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Member since: Wed May 18, 2022, 08:38 PM
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