Across-the-Desk's JournalAcross the Desk - S6:E7 (OK Primary Election Results & How Your Vote Matters)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about his take on the recent primary election results in Oklahoma and why it is is important for (D)s to go vote in the Nov. 8th Midterms and why your vote matters.
Across the Desk - S6:E7 (OK Primary Election Results & How Your Vote Matters)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about his take on the recent primary election results in Oklahoma and why it is is important for (D)s to go vote in the Nov. 8th Midterms and why your vote matters.
Across the Desk - S6:E7 (OK Primary Election Results & How Your Vote Matters)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about his take on the recent primary election results in Oklahoma and why it is is important for (D)s to go vote in the Nov. 8th Midterms and why your vote matters.
Across the Desk - S6:E6 (Chaunte Gilmore (D) for HD 100)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit welcomes special guest Chaunte Gilmore (D) who is running for the State House of Representatives in House District 100. We talked about her campaign, education, experience, and local activism as a community leader...
Across the Desk - S6:E6 (Chaunte Gilmore (D) for HD 100)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit welcomes special guest Chaunte Gilmore (D) who is running for the State House of Representatives in House District 100. We talked about her campaign, education, experience, and local activism as a community leader...
ICYMI: Across the Desk - S6:E5 (The Corruption of Governor Stitt - Abridged)
Earlier this week Kit talked about just the tip of the ice burg when it comes to the 10's of millions in missing and misappropriated funds from the most corrupt administration in the U.S.A.
Across the Desk - S6:E5 (The Corruption of OK Gov. Kevin Stitt - Abridged)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about just *some* of the the many schemes and grifts Oklahoma's own Governor Kevin Stitt has been in charge of over the last 4 years.
Across the Desk - S6:E5 (The Corruption of OK Gov. Kevin Stitt - Abridged)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about just *some* of the the many schemes and grifts Oklahoma's own Governor Kevin Stitt has been in charge of over the last 4 years.
Across the Desk - S6:E5 (The Corruption of OK Gov. Kevin Stitt - Abridged)
This week on Across the Desk, Kit talks about just *some* of the the many schemes and grifts Oklahoma's own Governor Kevin Stitt has been in charge of over the last 4 years.
Across the Desk - S6:E3 (The Corruption of OK Ed. Sec. Ryan Walters)
This week on Across the Desk. Kit highlights the corruption and the failure in ethics, morals, and business that is Ryan Walters.. The Education Secretary that allowed private school parents to fleece $8 million in education funds while also misclassifying $250K in education funds for guns and ammo purchases. All of this along with the conflict of interest that is Ryan Walters is also the Executive Director of a dark money supper PAC called Every Kid Counts, that also pays Ryan Walters $120K per year. And want does Every Kid Counts do? They advocate for state education contracts and public education money for private schools.... Sound shady? You bet! And it's all this week on Across the Desk...
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayHometown: Oklahoma
Home country: United States
Member since: Tue Sep 21, 2021, 10:57 PM
Number of posts: 484