albacore's JournalI think we SHOULD negotiate with the Russians.
Sit down across the table and calmly explain our "last and final offer".
1) Get out of Ukraine and stop shelling Ukraine cities.
Once that stops... once they are out... we can sit down again and discuss their actions to allow them back into the community of nations.
We don't need to make threats. The sanctions are crippling them, the whole continent is united against them (for now). And we can wait them out... might as well settle sooner rather than later.
Chyron on CNN just now: "Obama warns against focusing too much on trump's bad behavior"....
Holy Shit! Everything he has done...and is doing... is bad behavior.
Why do Dems always pull our punches?
I just don't understand!
Help... I cannot find the roll call vote on a bill...
...and yes, I have looked. Hard. I get everything but the names of the yays and nays.
Anybody find that roll call vote?
"On October 10, the president signed into law H.R. 7846, the Veterans Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2022, which authorizes a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for veterans receiving Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) disability compensation, clothing allowance, and survivors receiving dependency indemnity compensation payments."
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