grumpyduck's JournalDumb things said by Repukes?
An old friend who's a conservative sent me a list of dumb comments supposedly made by Democrats, including Nancy Pelosi and Obama. Now, from reading them I have to believe that some were made up or misquoted.
However, it made me wonder if anybody out there has compiled a collection of dumb comments made by Repukes, like an ongoing list. Has anyone here seen or heard of such a list? I'd love to send him something back. I already told him about Herschel Walker's comment about apes and about the gazpacho police.
Wouldn't it be great if Anonymous
hacked into that pos Fox talking head's show and exposed him for what he is?
Selling vintage comics?
I have probably 200-300 comic books from the mid-to-late 60s that have just been sitting there since I stopped reading them some forty-odd years ago. Mostly DCs and Disney, with some other ones. All in good condition.
What would be a good place or way to sell them? I've looked up pricing and such, but I'd like to hear from folks who know more about this than I do.
I'm all for all these sanctions on Russia
and the foreign companies suspending operations, but it's mostly affecting the general public, not the government officials who can get whatever they want, legally or illegally. People being laid off or fired, products not available, and so forth. I have to hope something happens inside Russia before too long or the Russian public is going to be in serious trouble.
Two probably unanswerable questions about Putin.
One, if he's in hiding as mentioned a few times, is he aware of what's happening to his country re: sanctions and such? Is anyone telling him?
Two, is he the one behind the so-called military strategy in Ukraine, or is someone else doing it?
Okay, that's three questions.
So DeathSantis said France wouldn't fight back.
I would love to be a fly on the wall if tfg, or DeathSantis, or Abbot, or any of those requblican assholes found out that, say, Tuvalu or a similar tiny country was invading the US. They would probably be on the first plane outta here.
Big-mouth asshole cowards, every last one of them.
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