Pepsidog's JournalI agree there will be a backlash in 2020 but remember when Bush-Cheney lied us into a war and we
thought it was the end of the Republican Party? As long as Fox exists to support the Republican Party and as long as abortion, gay rights, and tax cuts for the rich are issues, the Republican Party will continue to win elections after 2020. To dismantle the Republican Party we must first marginalize Fox. So goes Fox so goes the Republican Party. Without Fox, Republicans are doomed.
Sadly you are correct. Ken Starr is still around spreading lies. Mueller, I suspect, didn't have the
vigor to go toe to toe with the Dotard. What a huge disappointment especially seeing what Barr is doing to the DOJ and the great of the country. How Mueller can sit by and watch Trump and Barr potentially malign and indict career officials like McCabe, Strock, Yates and so many others is beyond me. Mueller better be careful or Barr will drag his ass in front of a grand jury and throw him in prison. That's what happens when good people quietly sit by and watch our country be destroyed by bad actors from within. You better believe Trump is nagging Barr, about when he is going to indict Obama and Biden.
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