disalitervisum's JournalJust one more thought
and this may be sophistry or just purely illogical, but it strikes me as odd that conservatives oppose abortion, but if you turn out to be a criminal they will gladly put you to death.
I thought neoliberal conservatism was all about
the individual right to choose without government interference. Apparently this is true only if your choice doesn't offend neoliberal conservatives, or insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
Some of the comments made by
the people interviewed in the article seem to show that they don't have any grasp of reality. One of them said that what he was excited about was his hope that the billionaires in the cabinet would put the country's interests ahead of their own. My question is, how can attitudes like this continue to exist after the great recession?
Hanititty (deliberate spelling)
and all the other disgusting sycophants of the extreme right at Fox News (not all of them, some people there are OK) amazingly cut their own throats by not defending Jim Acosta and CNN. Apparently they haven't learned the lessons of history, which clearly show that the media supporters of dictatorial authoritarianism are among the first to go.
Lockheed Martin is the United States
World's largest weapons producer, financial info concerning government ties can be found at Investopedia. Dick Cheney's wife was or is a board member. The phrase "Lockheed Martin is the United States," is widely used within the iron triangle.
It just occurred to me
trump will be committing perjury the moment he takes the oath. Actively violating the Constitution while swearing to uphold it. Of course, no word ever given by this revolting bag of vomit has ever been honored.
Nazi or Communist, you decide
It seems so odd, because the nazis and communists were (are) bitter enemies. But this revolting sack of crap displays characteristics indicative of both. The way he organizes things is clearly nazi, however, as he follows Hitler's principles exclusively regarding the way he has formed the cabinet and made ongoing administrative decisions, which is to place competing interests at each others throats so he alone can be the final arbiter, and protected from conspiracy against him among his own people. Not that he was smart enough to think of this himself, it's simply cribbed from Mein Kampf, probably the only book he's ever read.
trump probably not smart enough to be a spy
Most of the people who work in the intelligence field are just that, intelligent, and I think trump stopped developing any semblance of brains at around age ten.
trump probably in debt to Russians for quite a while
It's my belief that this repulsive bag of pus was fronted by the USSR as early as 1989 when his "businesses," especially in Atlantic City, went in the toilet, just like they always do. No American bank would touch him.
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Member since: Tue Jan 10, 2017, 07:24 PMNumber of posts: 470