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orangecrush's Journal
orangecrush's Journal
February 11, 2017

Thanks for the Hearts!!!

I can sure use them...

February 11, 2017

Donald Trump considers issuing new travel ban

Donald Trump is considering a new executive order to ban citizens of certain countries from travelling to the US after his initial attempt was overturned in the courts.

Mr Trump told reporters on Air Force One that a "brand new order" could be issued as early as Monday or Tuesday.

It comes after an appeals court in San Francisco upheld a court ruling to suspend his original order.

It barred entry from citizens from seven mainly Muslim countries.

It is unclear what a new US immigration order might look like.

Mr Trump said that it would change "very little", but he did not provide details of any new ban under consideration.

Despite his suggestion on Friday, Mr Trump's administration may still pursue its case in the courts over the original order, which was halted a week ago by a Seattle judge.

"We'll win that battle," Mr Trump told reporters, adding: "The unfortunate part is it takes time. We'll win that battle. But we also have a lot of other options, including just filing a brand new order."


"Dignity of the Office of the Presidency" exists no longer.

In a few weeks this buffon has done incalculable damage to the country.

And he's just warming up.

February 10, 2017

Federal agents conduct sweeping immigration enforcement raids in at least 6 states

"U.S. immigration authorities launched a series of raids, traffic stops and checkpoints in at least half a dozen states across the country on Thursday and Friday, sweeping up an unknown number of undocumented immigrants, immigration lawyers and advocates said.

The raids, which appeared to target scores of undocumented immigrants, including those without criminal records, mark the first largescale episode of immigration enforcement inside the United States since President Trump’s Jan. 26 order to crack down on the estimated 11 million immigrants living here illegally.

It also appeared to signal a departure from the Obama administration’s prioritized immigration enforcement against criminals. Trump has pledged to deport up to 3 million undocumented immigrants with criminal records."


Welcome to Putinland.

February 10, 2017


That is what "collateral arrests" means.

Katie Klabusich ✔ @Katie_Speak
They're even in suburban neighborhoods outside Austin city limit. Yesterday, they were following a school bus as kids got off. https://twitter.com/ncardenastx/status/830068056617529347
 Katie Klabusich

"Donald Trump's Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents began massive deportation sweeps Thursday in Los Angeles and other cities around the country, only there's no indication that agents specifically targeted dangerous criminals. In the LA raids, Esther Yu Hsi Lee reports:

Advocates and lawyers said that ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations agents detained 134 immigrants at their workplaces and homes in a series of raids. They said that some people were picked up as “collateral arrest” after they opened their doors to agents who were not there to specifically arrest them. ICE agents allegedly requested to see identification from everyone and took in family members who were undocumented. (emphasis added)

The immigration sweeps are believed to have taken place across Southern California in Santa Paula, Oxnard, Van Nuys, San Bernardino, and Downey."

ICE agents denied detaining 100 people and a spokesperson insisted the raids targeted "individuals who pose a risk to our communities." Kind of like apprehending Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos in Arizona Wednesday, a mom with American children whose only crime was getting caught in a workplace raid about a decade ago.

Or these sweeps in Austin, Texas: “Alvarado described her husband’s arrest like ‘he was being hunted. … She said they knew where he lived, his job, his morning route.’”

“What do I do now?” Reyna Alvarado said in Spanish. "I had to go to school and tell my daughter that they’ve taken her father away,” she added, while her forlorn 12-year-old, the youngest of the Honduran couple's three children clutched her mother as she spoke.

There’s also unconfirmed reports that ICE agents are trailing kids walking home from school to lead them to their parents."

February 10, 2017

Trump: New action coming on security next week

"Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Friday his White House will unveil new security measures to keep America safe next week, and said his administration will continue to pursue efforts to lift the freeze on his immigration ban.

"We will be doing something very rapidly having to do with additional security for our country. You will be seeing that sometime next week," Trump said at a news conference with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, without elaborating on what the actions will be.
At times, the press conference appeared to show an administration still finding its feet in the stagecraft of foreign policy. During Abe's opening remarks, Trump did not appear to use an earpiece to listen to a translation. And he almost closed the event before the second scheduled question from the Japanese press."


He's getting his ass kicked in court with an unconstitutional executive order, so the plan is to keep issuing new ones every time a court stops him?

February 9, 2017

Russian stocks, U.S. banks remain clear winners in Trump trade

"As U.S. stocks continue stubbornly to carve out records since Donald Trump’s November presidential election victory, financial and industrial stocks remain the clear winners while utilities and consumer staples lag behind. But, it appears the biggest beneficiaries since the election have been Russian stocks.

As a benchmark, the Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, +0.59% has advanced 9.8% since the Nov. 8 election, a span of 62 trading days, while the S&P 500 SPX, +0.58% has risen 7.7% and the Nasdaq COMP, +0.58% has gained 10%. Since Trump’s Jan. . 20 inauguration (or 14 days of trading), the Dow has gained 1.6%, while the S&P 500 had advanced 1.4% and the Nasdaq has advanced 2.6%.

One benchmark however, has at least doubled that performance since the election, namely, the Moscow Exchange, or Micex, made up of Russia’s 50 largest companies. Since the election the Micex has jumped nearly 30% in U.S. dollar terms and nearly 20% using the Russian ruble, according to FactSet data. Since the inauguration, it has gained 5.9% in U.S. dollar terms and 4.9% in rubles.

The biggest heavyweights on the Micex, the natural-gas giant Gazprom OGZD, -1.65% Lukoil LKOH, +5.19% and Sberbank of Russia SBER, -1.19% have generally outperformed their American counterparts. Since Trump won the election, shares of Gazprom have risen 4.8% in local terms, while Lukoil shares have jumped 10% and Sberbank shares have leapt 19%. In comparison, shares of Exxon Mobil Corp. XOM, +0.44% have declined 4.7%, Chevron Corp. CVX, +0.61% shares have gained 4.4% over the same period. Shares of the largest U.S. bank by market cap, however, J.P. Morgan Chase & Co. JPM, +1.44% have rallied 23%.

A rush into Russian assets is also.... "


Does this explain the media silence on the Trump - Putin connection?

February 8, 2017

Translation of Trumps Speech to Law Enforcement for the Obedience Impaired

"And I don’t ever want to call a court biased, so I won’t call it biased. And we haven’t had a decision yet. But courts seem to be so political, and it would be so great for our justice system if they would be able to read a statement and do what’s right. And that has to do with the security of our country, which is so important."

Translation - why can't the courts just rubber stamp whatever I decree? If I get away with what I'm trying to do, you won't have to worry about courts anymore. We will be like russia with a nearly 100% conviction rate.


"But the law enforcement people said to me, oh, you can’t give a notice, because if you give a notice that you’re going to be really tough in one month from now, or in one week from now — I suggested a month and I said, well, what about a week? They said, no, you can’t do that, because then people are going to pour in before the toughness goes on. Do you people agree? I mean, you know more about law than anybody, law enforcement. (Applause.)"


People are going to "pour in" because I want my idiot base to remain ignorant of the fact we have an immigration screening process in place already than can take from months to years to complete.

"You know more about law than anybody", especially lawyers and judges that get in my (our) way.

"So I’d like to begin my remarks with a declaration issued to all of you, and delivered to every member of the law enforcement community all across the United States. My message today is that you have a true, true friend in the White House. You have. (Applause.) I stand with you. I support our police. I support our sheriffs. And we support the men and women of law enforcement. (Applause.)"

Zieg HEIL!
I, the Trumpenfuhrer, vill get der volk to worship our authority!

Right now, many communities in America are facing a public safety crisis. Murders in 2015 experienced their largest single-year increase in nearly half a century. In 2016, murders in large cities continued to climb by double digits. In many of our biggest cities, 2016 brought an increase in the number of homicides, rapes, assaults and shootings. In Chicago, more than 4,000 people were shot last year alone, and the rate so far this year has been even higher. What is going on in Chicago?

We cannot allow this to continue. We’ve allowed too many young lives to be claimed — and you see that, you see that all over — claimed by gangs, and too many neighborhoods to be crippled by violence and fear. Sixty percent of murder victims under the age of 22 are African American. This is a national tragedy, and it requires national action. This violence must end, and we must all work together to end it."


Blacks commit all crime and I hereby declare open season.

They’re working against you. For many years they’ve been working against you. We must support them, not undermine them. And instead of division and disunity — and which is so much disunity — we must build bridges of partnership and of trust. Those who demonize law enforcement or who use the actions of a few to discredit the service of many are hurting the very people they say that they want to help. "


The people are the enemy. We will give you everything you need to crush dissent and proteat.

You know the illegals, you know them by their first name, you know them by their nicknames. You have that power. The federal government can never be that precise. But you’re in the neighborhoods — you know the bad ones, you know the good ones.

I want you to turn in the bad ones. Call Secretary Kelly’s representatives and we’ll get them out of our country and bring them back where they came from, and we’ll do it fast. You have to call up the federal government, Homeland Security, because so much of the problems — you look at Chicago and you look at other places. So many of the problems are caused by gang members, many of whom are not even legally in our country."


It's perfectly o.k. to abuse power and act as vigilantes to further my fascist agenda.

"So there it is, folks. It’s as plain as you can have it. I didn’t — and I was a good student. I understand things. I comprehend very well, okay? Better than I think almost anybody. And I want to tell you, I listened to a bunch of stuff last night on television that was disgraceful. It was disgraceful. Because what I just read to you is what we have, and it just can’t be written any plainer or better. And for us to be going through this — and, by the way, a highly, highly respected judge in Boston ruled very strongly in our favor. You heard that."


I am a complete narcissistic asshole.

Thank you. God bless you. And God bless America. Thank you very much. Thank you. (Applause.)"

9:44 A.M. EST


Fuck you, America.

Hope you enjoyed your democracy.

Mark this date and time in history as the beginning of your police state


February 8, 2017

Kapersky Labs - Now Sponsor of NPR

Heard the sponsorship ad this morning, right after repub representative Michael Johnson spoke on why Trumps muslim ban is a-o.k..

Here is an interesting opinion on Kapersky - your mileage may vary.

Technically, Kaspersky is probably the most sophisticated information security organization. They caught both Stuxnet and Flame (super-sophisticated, state-sponsored super viruses designed to avoid capture) before anyone else. They offer a great product at a great price, with half decent support. On top of that, Eugene Kaspersky is Russia’s version of Bill Gates meets Steve Jobs. In short, he’s a tech-savvy genius with a personality, and now he’s one of the richest men in Russia. So why should you avoid using Kaspersky like the plague?

In short, you should never install this program on your machine because of one simple reason: corruption. First, Eugene was a spy. He studied at the KGB backed institution, “Institute of Cryptography, Telecommunications, and Computer Science.” After this, he became an “intelligence officer” (AKA Russian Spy). He is entirely, absolutely opaque about both his time at the “educational” institution, and his military service. No transparency: the Russian way of doing things.

Had Eugene moved to Sweden to follow through with his fascination with computer viruses, and to start his company there, I would not write this article. Had he renounced government intrusion in a company dedicated to a public interest, I would also not write this article. But in fact, Kaspersky is run from Moscow, and Eugene is not behind bars, which is all the proof that anyone needs: Kaspersky–the man and the company–works with Putin and his crime organization."


February 8, 2017

Daily Morning Republican Liars on NPR Now

Yesterday morning, we were treated to....

"David Greene talks to Tom Nichols, an author and professor at the Naval War College, who says the public and the media need to take a step back and a long breath when thinking about President Trump."


This jerk actually said that when the Clintons left the White House, they trashed it and removed all the W's from the typewriters.

Not a peep from David Greene objecting to these "alternative facts".

The clock alarm went off at 6:30 this morning, and to my absolute amazement, I was listening to...

"Republican Rep. Mike Johnson Calls Trump Travel Ban 'Common Sense'

Audio will be available later today.
February 8, 20174:50 AM ET
Heard on Morning Edition
Steve Inskeep talks with Republican Rep. Mike Johnson of Louisiana. He's among many supporters of President Trump's immigration order who say it is a matter of common sense."



NO REBUTTAL from a democrat, or opposing viewpoint.

Inskeep did point out some of Trumps "FASLEHOODS".

The GOP is going to take NPR down anyway.

Why aren't they fighting tooth and nail?

Or has a deal been made?

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Member since: Tue Dec 27, 2016, 06:47 PM
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