Watchfoxheadexplodes's JournalIs fox news the only one showing Joe at 264

They seem sad

Hold the brakes!!
They are playing a game, still reporting Wisconsin recount is happening and Trump could inch out Nevada, Georgia and North Carolina.
If Trump does pull it off they can yuck it up as someone else's fault.
So when will Trump make his public out cry?
You can bet he will be on his crazy today.
Surely I'm not the first?

Does John King remind you of William Hopper, both very handsome.
I plan to watch fox news all day tomorrow
If we have a president elect Biden and vice president elect Harris tonight.
I will enjoy as they commiserate over Trump and his family.
I will be a happy person.
Who is this Bubba linski coming to debate?
In oil change place heard fox claiming he's confirmed hunter Biden email?
More bullshit??
So, how should Joe handle trumps Hunter attacks?
I will be honest I am a little worried Trump thinks he may can get Joe to blow his cool.
All morning peeking at fox they seem to be feeding Trump questions about this bullshit.
I just watched Jr dumb ass and fox news go off rails
Trump will refer to Joe Biden as "the big guy" tonight.
Laptop receipt in possession with hunter Biden signature.
Laptop is linked to prostitution.
Laptop contains classified information.
Trump people will monitor person using mute button.
Jr. sounded and looked highly drugged.
Bat shit crazy Ernst has the gall to say
"since the subject of covid has come up AGAIN in this chamber"
In her dry tone then goes on to blame democrats for no covid relief.
It boggles the mind how nuts like her get in power
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Name: Perry RicheyGender: Male
Hometown: Anderson South Carolina US
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Member since: Mon Nov 7, 2016, 12:24 PM
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