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Madam45for2923's Journal
Madam45for2923's Journal
November 19, 2017

Question submitted by Madam45for2923

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November 19, 2017

Which domestic abusers will go on to commit murder? This one act offers a clue.

Which domestic abusers will go on to commit murder? This one act offers a clue. (Snyder/WaPo)

By Rachel Louise Snyder November 16

In 2012, while stationed at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico, Devin Patrick Kelley assaulted his wife and stepson. Kelley was subsequently convicted of domestic violence and released early from the Air Force.

One important detail of the attack: In addition to fracturing the child’s skull and hitting and kicking his wife, Kelley strangled her. If the particular severity of his violence had been better understood and recognized in New Mexico, 26 people, including a 17-month-old baby named Noah, might not have been killed in Sutherland Springs, Tex., this month.

Strangulation inhabits a category all its own in domestic violence as a marker of lethality. A kick, a punch, a slap, a bite — none of these, though terrible, portend homicide like strangulation does. And while the link between mass shooters and domestic violence is increasingly recognized in the public arena, articles and op-eds, strangulation as a specific sign of lethality in the context of domestic violence remains largely unknown.

The U.S. Sentencing Commission recognized strangulation as a marker of dangerousness in a 2014 report and recommended increased prison time — up to 10 years — for those convicted of it. Indeed, 45 states now recognize strangulation as a felony. New Mexico, where Kelley was convicted, is not one of them.
Gael Strack, chief executive of the Training Institute on Strangulation Prevention in San Diego, says the mere presence of strangulation in a situation of domestic abuse increases the chances of homicide sevenfold. It is a clear trajectory from escalating violence to homicide, of which strangulation is the penultimate act. “Statistically, we know that once the hands are on the neck, the very next step is homicide,” Strack said. “They don’t go backwards.”
more: https://www.washingtonpost.com/outlook/which-domestic-abusers-will-go-on-to-commit-murder-this-one-act-offers-a-clue/2017/11/16/80881ebc-c978-11e7-aa96-54417592cf72_story.html

November 18, 2017

How to insert symbols, like bullet points? Does anyone have any idea?

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Is there a keyboard of symbols I can pull up?

November 18, 2017

Stone & Infowars knew before, Putinbots all over it. Is this a plan to undermine #metoo

Stone & Infowars knew before, Putinbots all over it: how to deal with the horrific possibility



Now look at the timestamps on those tweets. They’re all within nine minutes of each other — from 1:12 to 1:21 a.m. Nov. 16.

So look how a fake allegation against a Dem, especially a Dem who passionately defends sexual assault victims, is a win for the right wing. Liberals themselves will be inclined to believe it, driven by their own morality. Any liberal who doubts it will be attacked by other liberals (amply helped by the Trumpcult and the bots) as a hypocrite or rape apologist. Liberals will be emotionally crushed by disillusionment to see one of their champions found guilty (before he’s actually been found guilty), adding to their cynicism about powerful men in general.

However it gets even bigger and more evil than that. They cannot lose even if their plot is exposed and the accuser, or, better still, multiple accusers, are discredited.

Why? Because, in far too many peoples’ minds, that discredits ALL accusers.

Including those accusing Roy Moore and... Donald Trump.

And discrediting all accusers is exactly what is needed for powerful men to be able to go back to getting away with systemic sexual violation!

5) Look for patterns. If there really is a plan to put a “long line” of Democrats “in the barrel,” it will give us an opportunity to do this. Because this is a new situation, I am not sure, but I think that there will be features that distinguish genuine media sexual assault allegations from false ones. I have noticed some patterns already in two cases I suspect of being false, George Takei and Al Franken, vs. ones I think are genuine either due to overwhelming evidence, e.g. Roy Moore, or an admission, e.g Louis CK:

• there’s a single accuser rather than multiple ones

• the accuser approached news media (or, in Tweeden’s case, was the news media) rather than news media approaching them (WaPo was careful to point this out in their original Moore story)

• the accuser did not ask for an investigation or charge or say that they had previously attempted to find some sort of recourse, unsuccessfully. (In my Takei diary, or perhaps a comment, I wrote that Takei, if he’s innocent, should try to initiate an investigation somehow, or at least welcome one; Franken, interestingly, has done exactly that)

• the news media outlet they went to was not a major, established one that did a comprehensive investigation with fact-checking

• recorded media that the accused says depicts clowning around was used as substantiation (a Howard Stern interview and a photo, respectively) of more severe abuse that was not recorded

• Russian bot/trolls allocated the vast majority of their resources to the accusation while it was trending on Twitter

• the accused has a solid reputation as a champion of women’s concerns including with respect to sexual assault/abuse
he displays that in his response, even if it is a denial, rather than making excuses for his behaviour (e.g. “I ask the girl’s mother”).
[Edit: John Ziegler notices some of these and other anomalies here.]

With the Franken case we can also now say that Roger Stone knew about it beforehand. Same with every Dem politician who gets accused from now on.

Other points:

She did not look sincere the first time to me. Looked like someone trying to have her facial expressions match her words but not quite managing it.

Also the fact of Hannity saying in his interview with her, that she showed him the photo years ago, but he kept quiet all these years. Tweeden laughs when he says that in the interview.

Yeah, sure! (BTW: Funny how Hannity suddenly cares about sexual abuse!)

If this is a hit job, it shows the GOP does not give a crap about victims of sexual abuse , & may it all backfire on the GOP.

I am sorry but I think we are divided in this issue, even though we all care about sexual abuse and sexual assault.

Also in a court of law what would Franken be convicted of? Giving a kiss she consented to. Photo of grabbing breasts but not really grabbing.

Edited to add link mentioned in article above:

I Loathe Al Franken, But It Sure Seems Like He is Getting Totally Railroaded

November 17, 2017

Why Trumps Elephant Trophy Policy Is all About Hillary

But there is another possible explanation for why the Trump administration would overturn a policy that was designed to protect elephants from possible extinction. Not many people are aware of the fact that as Secretary of State as well as in subsequent years, Hillary Clinton made the preservation of elephants in Africa a major issue.

Clinton’s affinity for elephants is not widely known or reported. But during her tenure as Secretary of State in the Obama Administration, she helped bring the issue of global wildlife trafficking out of obscurity.

There was also this announcement in September 2013 at the Clinton Global Initiative:

Hillary Rodham Clinton announced a new global effort Thursday to protect Africa’s wild elephants from poaching, part of a long-running personal crusade for the former secretary of state…

“Unless the killing stops, African forest elephants are expected to be extinct within 10 years,” Clinton said. “I can’t even grasp what a great disaster this is ecologically, but also for anyone who shares this planet to lose a magnificent creature like the African forest elephant seems like such a rebuke to our own values.”

For Hillary, this is actually personal.

When asked by Ellen DeGeneres what her spirit animal is, Hillary Clinton had a surprising answer: the elephant.

Although the symbol of the GOP, Clinton spoke on the Ellen DeGeneres Show this May with rare passion about the need to protect real elephants from a poaching crisis that has killed at least 110,000 of them over the past decade, pushing the world’s largest land animals – especially forest elephants – closer to extinction.

“I love the way…the matriarch of the family looks out for everybody, I just have such a sense of connection to elephants and it just breaks my heart that they are being poached and murdered and babies being left to fend for themselves,” Clinton said on a portion of the show that only aired on Facebook.

If we have learned nothing else about Donald Trump, it is that he is primarily motivated by attempts to elevate himself and take revenge against people he considers to be his enemies. Even though she is simply private citizen Hillary Clinton now, he can’t let go. And while he’s at it, this action provides another opportunity for Trump to take a swipe and Barack Obama’s legacy…a twofer.

November 17, 2017

Jon Favreau apologized for photo grabbing HRC's -cutout- breast

Why Electing Hillary in ’16 Is More Important Than Electing Obama in ’08
A former Obama ’08 speechwriter explains how and why Secretary Clinton is a lot more compelling than you might think.

Jon Favreau

I hear you’re still not Ready for Hillary.

I get it. I didn’t start off as her biggest fan either. During the 2008 campaign, I wrote plenty of less-than-complimentary words about Hillary Clinton in my role as Barack Obama’s speechwriter. Then, a few weeks after the election, I had a well-documented run-in with a piece of cardboard that bore a striking resemblance to the incoming Secretary of State.

It was one of the stupider, more disrespectful mistakes I’ve made, and one that could have cost me a job if Hillary hadn’t accepted my apology, which she did with grace and humor. As a result, I had the chance to serve in the Obama administration with someone who was far different than the caricature I had helped perpetuate.

The most famous woman in the world would walk through the White House with no entourage, casually chatting up junior staffers along the way. She was by far the most prepared, impressive person at every Cabinet meeting. She worked harder and logged more miles than anyone in the administration, including the president. And she’d spend large amounts of time and energy on things that offered no discernible benefit to her political future—saving elephants from ivory poachers, listening to the plight of female coffee farmers in Timor-Leste, defending LGBT rights in places like Uganda.

Most of all—and you hear this all the time from people who’ve worked for her—Hillary Clinton is uncommonly warm and thoughtful. She surprises with birthday cakes. She calls when a grandparent passes away. She once rearranged her entire campaign schedule so a staffer could attend her daughter’s preschool graduation. Her husband charms by talking to you; Hillary does it by listening to you—not in a head-nodding, politician way; in a real person way.

This same story has repeated itself throughout Clinton’s career: those who initially view her as distrustful and divisive from afar find her genuine and cooperative in person. It was the case with voters in New York, Republicans in the Senate, Obama people in the White House, and heads of state all over the world. There’s a reason being America’s chief diplomat was the specific job Obama asked Hillary to do—she has the perfect personality for it.

more here: https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-electing-hillary-in-16-is-more-important-than-electing-obama-in-08
November 16, 2017

2018 elections are coming in less than a year. DEM candidates need 2b clean & non-creepy. PLEASE!

They need to self-select having this in mind right now. Whoever does not measure please just take yourselves out of the race now.

November 16, 2017

Just got an email from my local Indivisible group that my Repug Rep Faso is a NO on the tax bill!

Hmmm? First time he is done the correct thing.

From Capitol Confidential

The House of Representatives will vote today on their Republican leadership’s version of a tax code rewrite, advancing their goal of scoring some kind of legislative victory before the year’s end. The legislation is expected to pass along party lines, but it does not have the support of every Republican: U.S. Rep. John Faso of Kinderhook said late Wednesday afternoon that he will vote against the legislation. Rep. Elise Stefanik of the 21st CD says she’s voting against it, too.

Rep. John Faso to vote against GOP tax bill
Senate Republican plans to vote no on that chamber's version of tax reform


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Member since: Mon Sep 19, 2016, 10:04 AM
Number of posts: 7,178

About Madam45for2923

Russia Continues Info-War Tactics In US. MY OP HERE: https://www.democraticunderground.com/10029586724 .WATCH HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vy1vk1mZhiw. READ HERE: https://timesofsandiego.com/politics/2017/03/23/russia-duped-bernie-fans-via-facebook-san-diego-dems-told/LISTEN JOHN MATTES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1112&v=P2ujhoTqRtQ
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