BSdetect's JournalTime to start The DJT Relief Fund for Magat Fleecing
All money will go towards relieving us of DJT
Anyone also getting repeated call re car maintenance cover?
Been happening for at least 2 years now. Multiple calls per day.
I block them without answering of course.
Obviously some scam as my car is a 2012 model.
Wish the scam fighters on Youtube could destroy this mob.
Re "civil war"
I think we would be very safe as Friendly Fire will take out about 90% of nutjobs.
Anyone calculating how many of us need to move to some small red state(s) to win?
I can "retire" anywhere. Buy a cheap house or trailer etc Share with 3 or 3 other "retiries".
What about setting up a "religious" type compound?
No limits for number of tenants surely.
Perhaps we only need 100,000 others?
I know there will be some 3 month residency limit to vote but it could be done.
GoFundMe? Not for me but perhaps some others.
We need senators.
I think when tfg was talking about shithole countries he was PROJECTING his plan for us.
So if they carry guns openly how about allowing shooting off a few rounds at random next?
They need to test their weapons just in case.
Where does the crap end?
Video shows how drastic the falling water levels are in Lake Mead
Fairly long but you get the point after a few minutes.
Time to examine the Mueller report decision by obviously biased Barr?
He has exposed himself as a liar re election fraud for one thing.
Why can't his "report" re Mueller be rescinded?
If you think the economy is stuffed in the long run watch this video
So many concepts to consider.
A video worth watching re AI - most of us have no idea what is going on.
Or what might happen soon.
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Name: Liam DonaldsonGender: Male
Hometown: Santa Rosa, CA
Home country: USA
Current location: USA
Member since: Tue Aug 23, 2016, 05:33 PM
Number of posts: 9,040