RickHworth's JournalThis is a cult that we are dealing with.
Yesterday, Friday, I was at my local and favorite watering hole, practicing social distancing as any reasonable place that serves alcohol in an inclosed space, can be.
On the wall behind the bar are six big screen TVs, fairly evenly spaced along the wall. The two rightmost TVs are showing a baseball game, National League, not much interest from me. But hey, its baseball.
This is when I notice the four gentlemen to my left, staring and making comment of what they were watching on the TV in front of them, which was Faux news showing the helicopter in front of the White House. The first fifteen minutes or so, I did not really pay any attention as we were talking baseball at our end.
That was until I heard one of the gentlemen on my left made comment that they turned on the navigation lights on the helicopter. This got my attention, as I noticed the posture of the four, completely transfixed to a live shot of a helicopter, for now close to a half hour.
Fortunately, this channel did not leave this shot until the helicopter lifted off, and the camera panned to follow it across the sky.
Washington D.C. is my home and I know that it is not a long flight, by helicopter, from the White House to Walter Reed. And sure enough, next shot of the helicopter approach and landing.
This is where it gets nuts. Helicopter lands, 45 walks out, cheers erupt like the Ravens scored a touchdown. Followed by a smattering of insults of Obama.
To see it up close is very surreal, to say the least. Never experienced anything close to this with either Bush or even Reagan. There is something horribly wrong going on that is not getting the attention as it properly should.
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Name: RickGender: Male
Hometown: Maryland
Current location: here
Member since: Sat Apr 23, 2016, 12:12 PM
Number of posts: 128