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Feeling the Bern

Feeling the Bern's Journal
Feeling the Bern's Journal
May 31, 2016

North Korea praises Trump and urges US voters to reject 'dull Hillary'

Source: The Guardian

North Korean state media has praised US presidential hopeful Donald Trump, describing him as a “wise politician” and “far-sighted candidate” who could help unify the Korean peninsula.

An editorial in DPRK Today, an official media outlet, welcomed the Republican presidential candidate’s proposal to hold direct talks with Kim Jong-un, saying he could help bring about Pyongyang’s “Yankee go home” policy.

Read more: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/may/31/north-korea-praises-trump-and-urges-us-voters-to-reject-dull-hillary?CMP=share_btn_fb

No words to describe this.
May 30, 2016

Update on the Gorilla murder story: ZOO WITNESS SAYS GORILLA WAS 'PROTECTING' CHILD

A witness present at the Cincinnati Zoo says the 450-pound gorilla that was shot and killed after a 4-year-old boy fell into his enclosure was not "hurting" the boy, but instead seemed to be "protecting him."

"The little boy, once he fell, I don't think the gorilla even knew that he was in there until he heard him splashing in the water," Brittany Nicely told ABC News on Sunday, explaining that zoogoers' screams drew more attention to the Saturday afternoon incident.

"The gorilla rushed the boy, but did not hit the boy," Nicely said. "He almost was guarding the boy, was protecting him."

Video obtained by ABC News shows the gorilla dragging the small boy through the water in the enclosure, and the zoo said that the fire department reported that "the gorilla was violently dragging and throwing the child."

So the Gorilla was murdered.
May 30, 2016

Politico Confirms: Hillary Clinton Has Kept 99% Of Funds Raised For State Parties

Bernie Sanders’ accusations that Hillary Clinton is using her joint fundraising committee to skirt federal campaign finance laws are now proven.

According to a new Politico report, the Hillary Victory Fund has kept 99 percent of approximately $60 million it was supposedly raising for state Democratic Parties. Under the agreement signed by Democratic Party leaders in 33 states, the Hillary Victory Fund would solicit donations from super-wealthy donors for as much as $353,400.

The deal agreed to by state parties and the Clinton campaign allows for the first $2,700 raised by the Victory Fund to go to Hillary Clinton’s campaign. The next $33,400 is earmarked for the DNC, and the remaining funds are meant for state Democratic parties. Under this agreement, it was assumed that the DNC would spend that money helping each respective state party win down-ballot elections.

However, after the original distribution, the Clinton campaign is the sole decider of what happens to the rest of the cash.

Something's fishy here

Politico's original story

I guess it's time for HRC people to throw Politico under the bus now too.
May 29, 2016

DUers that speak French, I need some help with a screenplay I am writing for the production company

I don't want racism to be public here, but the movie I am writing that will go into production sometime next year deals with racism and slavery.

Those who speak French, can you PM me the French equivalent to the n-bomb in French, or any I can use? The movie deals with slavery in French colonies.

It is greatly appreciated if you can.


May 29, 2016

Let’s Call Establishment Democrats What They Really Are: REPUBLICANS - Ring of Fire

The Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia is going to be sponsored by the worst of the worst. Healthcare lobbyists, proponents of fracking, and even Comcast will be hosting the event, as DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has decided to lift the convention’s ban on lobbyists. America’s Lawyer™ Mike Papantonio talks about the fall of the Democratic Party with Thom Hartmann.

Time to throw Pap under the bus, Hillary supporters

Let's see. . .what good liberals have been thrown under the bus this primary season by good Democrats that put party over principle?

Susan Sarandon.
Mike Malloy
Cenk Uyger
Rosario Dawson
Seth Macfaralane
Sarah Silverman
Thom Hartman
Most Bernie Sanders supporters (if not all)

I guess it's Mike Papantonio's time to get thrown under the bus for saying that Democrats are now Republican Lite.

May 14, 2016

Police Officer Slits Throat Of Defenseless, Restrained Dog, Threatens To ‘Gut’ Her

A Baltimore police officer is now facing felony animal cruelty charges after he slit the throat of a restrained shar-pei dog. Another officer, as well, has been suspended for helping him commit the crime.

According to witnesses, officer Jeffrey Bolger also threatened to “gut” the dog.

“I’m going to [f–king] gut this thing,” Bolger said as he got out of the police vehicle, according to witnesses, documented in the charging document.

The dog was relatively small and unintimidating to all who knew her. 7-year-old shar-pei named Nala had escaped from her home at Sarah Gossard’s house on Saturday. She made her way out of an accidentally open gate after Gossard had let her out in the backyard.

From 2014, but still, these are your police officers, America

Sharpeis are harmless. But if cops can do this to dogs, they can do it to people. Which is why I will go to my grave believing Freddie Gray was murdered.

Profile Information

Member since: Mon Jul 6, 2015, 02:46 PM
Number of posts: 3,839

About Feeling the Bern

Principle before party is my belief. Lifelong Democrat, but I have no tolerance for blue dogs, tepid centrists, or weak Democrats that feel apologetic to Republicans. The way to win a political war is to fight the enemy using their tactics against them.
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