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Albertoo's Journal
Albertoo's Journal
July 19, 2016

Refugee attacks train passengers in Germany, shouts Allah akbar

In Nice it was a truck, in the train near Würzburg, it was axe and knife.

The underlying problem is not the choice of weapon, but the growth of such attacks.

Teenager attacks passengers with axe and knife on train in Germany

A teenager armed with an axe and a knife has attacked around 20 passengers on a train in northern Bavaria, according to local police.

Three people were seriously hurt and one person sustained light injuries before the attacker was shot dead by police, a police spokesman said on Monday evening.

Bavaria’s interior minister, Joachim Herrmann, said the attacker was a 17-year-old Afghan asylum seeker who had arrived in Germany as an unaccompanied minor and had been living with a foster family in Ochsenfurt, south of Würzburg, for “a few months”.

A police taskforce that happened to be in the vicinity then pursued the attacker, shooting dead the 17-year-old, who was carrying an axe and a knife when he had attacked members of the unit.

Asked whether the attack had an Islamist background, Herrmann said one witness inside the train said the teenager had shouted “Allahu Akbar” during the assault. The report was being investigated.

July 18, 2016

A recap on the link between religion and the truck attack in Nice

• belonging. While not observant most of his adult life, the attacker identified as Muslim. And in the last months of his life, he described himself to acquaintances as a born again radical. Religious identification: check.

• ideology: "I will throw fear into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Then smite the necks and smite of them each finger" (Quran 8:12). The attacker sure smote unbelievers' necks and fingers. Ideology: check.

• motive: Islam turns your drab life* in a flowery afterlife if you die killing people deemed enemies of Islam
France was engaged in fighting the State calling itself Islamic. *This is particularly attractive when one hasn't bothered living the observant Muslim's life. 'Martyrdom' cancels out all past omissions. motive: check.

• tactics: the attacker in Nice followed to the letter the Islamic State terror playbook. tactics:check.

• logistics: black money transfers, SMSs, weapons found in the truck. accomplices (link). logistics:check.

Now, can we go over again as to why this 'lone wolf' attack has, as usual, nothing to do with Islam?

July 15, 2016

Do 9/11, San Bernardino and Nice illustrate a problem with Islamic theology?

Hundreds of passages of the Quran advocate violent Islamic supremacism over non-believers.

Time to ask if GW was not an imbecile -again- when he claimed "Islam is a religion of peace"?

July 5, 2016

‘Giant Meteor for President’ in Three-way Tie With Trump and Hillary Among Independent Voters

Brexit, Giant Meteor, I suppose we should be wary of the current wave of populism..

‘Giant Meteor for President’ in Virtual Three-way Tie With Trump and Hillary Among Independent Voters

In what has become a presidential race based almost solely on scorn for the candidates, the establishment, fraud at the polls — and, hell, the entirely stale and wholly rigged electoral process — it’s clear no one will win in the traditional meaning of the word.
While third party candidates have experienced growing success in the dearth of acceptable duopoly offerings, a dark horse has emerged.

According to Public Policy Polling, ‘Giant Meteor for President’ now ranks as a serious contender — garnering “far more support than the third party candidates actually on the ballot.”

Meteor’s, well, meteoric rise in popularity isn’t difficult to understand, given the circumstances. After all, another poll today revealed a whopping 67 percent of Democratic voters would rather see President Obama stay in office for another term than endure a Hillary Clinton administration.

In addition to aversion to Clinton, Trump’s success could be attributed to the xenophobic vitriol and ‘fearanoid’ negativity common during similar periods of economic stratification that gave rise to such stunners as Adolf Hitler.

Maybe now — in a year pockmarked by political turmoil, typically ruinous scandal, and blatantly fraudulent electoral dealings — the people will slam down their collective foot to say they’ve finally had enough of the ‘lesser of two evils’ bullshit so ingrained in the American electoral mindset.

June 30, 2016

Refugees influx in Germany causes rise in antisemitism

while anti-Israel sentiment is already strong among the local immigrant Turkish population.


A Google translation here:

Josef Schuster warns of new anti-Semitism by refugees

Thursday, June 30, 2016

Munich - The President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, Josef Schuster has warned of a new anti-Semitism by the influx of refugees.

"The refugees seeking in such large numbers since last year with us refuge, come predominantly from countries that have been enemies deeply with Israel," said Schuster on Tuesday evening in Munich, according to pre-spread speech manuscript. "Who has grown up with such an enemy, it does not specify just from crossing the border."

Even now there is among young Muslims in Germany a fairly pronounced antisemitism. From the immigration feared Jews in Germany, for example, more anti-Semitic rallies. Refugees who did not know religious freedom of their countries of origin, would "internalize, that human dignity is universal, even for Jews."

The Catholic Academy of Bavaria had "today Jewish Life in Germany" invited Schuster about to Munich.

June 28, 2016

Debunking the myth Trump is a great businessman

I am surprised Democrats are not better at debunking this myth created by Trump
(without mentioning Trump's chapter 11s, because it could be claimed he ventured often)

Here is a demonstration which proves Trump did not create extra value in 35 years (1982-2016)
compared to the option he had of investing his 1982 money on the stock market:

• The first Forbes 400 in 1982 stated Trump and his father evenly split a fortune of $200M
=> Worth of Donald Trump in 1982 = $100M (* more on that later)

(*) http://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2015/09/29/inside-the-epic-fantasy-thats-driven-donald-trump-for-33-years/#7b39d7bd19ce

• Now, $100M invested in the stock market in 1982 would be worth ... 5.2 Billion in 2016


But, still according to Forbes, Donald is only worth ... 4.5 Billion in 2016.

(*) http://www.forbes.com/sites/randalllane/2015/09/29/inside-the-epic-fantasy-thats-driven-donald-trump-for-33-years/#595dd95919ce

• So, all in all, Trump would have been better off by 700 million investing all his money on the stock exchange, leaving it to professionals.


But wait, it gets funnier if we stick to the on-record claims by Donald Trump himself:

• In the article quoted twice (*), Donald Trump claimed in 1982 to be worth $500M.
• He now famously claims to be worth $10 billion.

$500M of 1982 invested across
- the Dow Jones would have become $25 billion in 2016 (Trump LOST $15 billion)
- the NASDAQ would have become $32 billion in 2016 (Trump LOST $22 billion)

Bottom line:

By Forbes' measures, Trump is not a great manager.

By Trump's declarations, he's a horrible money manager.

June 15, 2016

French couple stabbed to death by ISIS volunteer: no AR-15 involved.

Planes (9/11), bombs (London 7/7), knives,

we can talk about gun control, but it won't solve the problem of Islamic terrorism.

French police couple killed in attack claimed by Islamic State

A Frenchman who pledged allegiance to Islamic State stabbed a police commander to death outside his home and killed his partner, who also worked for the police, in an attack the government denounced as "an abject act of terrorism".

Larossi Abballa, 25, also took the couple's three-year-old son hostage in Monday night's attack. The boy was found unharmed but in a state of shock after police commandos stormed the house and killed the attacker.

Born in France of Moroccan origin, Abballa was jailed in 2013 for helping Islamist militants go to Pakistan and had been under security service surveillance, including wiretaps, at the time of the attack, Paris prosecutor Francois Molins said.

The attacker told police negotiators during the siege he had answered an appeal by Iraq-based Islamic State chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi "to kill infidels at home with their families", Molins told a news conference.

"The killer said he was a practicing Muslim, was observing Ramadan and, that three weeks ago, he had pledged allegiance to ... Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi," Molins said.

June 11, 2016

German nudists fear refugee shelter next to their colony will bring sex assaults

Nudist colony opened in 1905 will have to face 7th century non-nudist-friendly ideology.

German nudists fear new refugee shelter built next to their colony will bring sex assaults on their members by migrants

Nudists have voiced concerns over proposals to build a refugee shelter
£1million building will overlook their beloved colony in eastern Germany
Say sexual assaults across country make them worried about going nude
Migrants attacked hundreds of women in Cologne on New Year's Eve

The 400 members of the Familiensport-und FKK-Bund Waldteichfreunde Moritzburg nudist group fear their lifestyle will come under threat

Nudists in Germany have voiced concerns over proposals to construct a refugee shelter beside their beloved colony.

They have cited the recent history of sexual assaults by refugees in Germany as an issue that makes them deeply uneasy about the proposal to construct the £1million building overlooking their getaway.

Treasurer Petra Hoffman said: 'Since 1905, our more-than-400 members maintain a traditional way of life, the culture of nudity.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3634011/German-nudists-fear-new-refugee-shelter-built-colony-bring-sex-assaults-members-migrants.html#ixzz4BFPRpLJQ
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
June 9, 2016

Woman in burqa attacks family with their American Flag

Refugees seek a safe haven, but do all of them like America?

Muslim woman in burqa attacks family with their American Flag
| Friday, 06.03.2016, 01:17 PM

ATLANTA - A family in Lawrenceville, a suburb of Atlanta, said they were attacked by an unknown Muslim woman wearing a full burqa simply because they were flying an American flag for Memorial Day.

Amina Ahra, 30, was arrested on two counts of simple battery after being accused of attacking a mother and daughter at their home.
Dami Arno told police she was in the garage talking with her daughter when Ahra emerged from the woods wearing a burqa, grabbed the flag from off the mailbox and charged at them.
Arno said she still can’t believe it all happened on American soil.


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