grossproffit's JournalNational Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) and the Promotion of Antisemitism on the Campus
...when an organization denies Israels right to exist as a Jewish and democratic state; when it demonizes Israel by comparing the Jewish state to Nazi Germany or South African apartheid; and when in making demands of Israel it applies double-standards that are not applied to any other country in the world, this organization is not seeking justice. Rather, it is promoting antisemitism, plain and simple.
The reason for this is that demonization, delegitimization, and double standards against Jews were the main tools of antisemites for thousands of years. Now, they are being applied to the Jewish collective in the State of Israel.
Indeed, after ongoing debates, the international community has agreed upon a set of criteria for determining when criticism of Israel is antisemitic. Applying these criteria, the following report analyzes the officially proclaimed aims of Students for Justice in Palestine, and the views of its central figures, and unmasks them as fundamentally antisemitic ? in nature. The findings herein can certainly be used by those on campuses seeking to combat the pernicious influence of this group. More than that, I hope they will open the eyes of everyone who sincerely wants to better the world. The way to justice is, clearly, not through this organization.
To read the report please click below:|
Two killed in shooting outside synagogue in Germany
Two people have died in a shooting outside a synagogue in Germany, police say.
Police, who are urging locals to stay inside, said several shots were fired before the suspects fled in a car.
German newspaper The Bild is reporting that a hand grenade was thrown.
Jewish boys taunted in shocking cases of anti-Semitic bullying at Melbourne schools
A 12-year-old Jewish student was forced to kneel down and kiss the shoes of a Muslim classmate, while a five-year-old boy was allegedly called a "Jewish cockroach" and repeatedly hounded in the school toilets by his young classmates.
The two incidents this year the first involving a year 7 boy at Cheltenham Secondary College and the second a prep student at Hawthorn West Primary School have prompted the Anti-Defamation Commission to sound an alarm about what it says is a "rapidly spreading" crisis involving anti-Semitic bullying in Victorian state schools.
Both boys, whose parents have asked to remain anonymous, have since left the schools where the incidents occurred, with the five-year-old boy currently being home schooled.
The older boys act of kissing another students shoes, under threat of being swarmed by several other boys, was filmed, photographed and shared on social media.
No disciplinary action has been taken against the group of boys involved in the incident, which took place in a public park.
Dehumanizing and attacking Jews has become a worldwide epidemic.
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