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stone space

stone space's Journal
stone space's Journal
May 23, 2016

So, the NRA saw what Trump's open racist gunhumping misogynistic xenophobia is doing to the GOP...

...and decided that they want some of that for themselves?


Who is the political genius behind this decision? Ted Nugent?

May 15, 2016

It's Sunday morning, and Black church folks are singing...call the cops! (X-posted from AA)

From the AA Forum:


Invading White Gentrifiers Call Cops On Black Residents For Walking Down Street, Knocking On Doors


A local Oakland church even had police called on them for a noise complaint about loud singing. In an extreme display of arrogance, white invading gentrifiers do not even hold any respect for allowing Black residents to worship in their sacred spaces without being subjected to white supremacy.


May 15, 2016

Army chaplain quits because of drones (X-posted from GD)


Army chaplain quits because of drones

By Jarvis DeBerry, NOLA.com | The Times-Picayune

on May 14, 2016 at 8:15 AM

An Army chaplain has offered his resignation to the military because he can no longer support our country's drone program, a report at Military.com says. According to that report, the Rev. Christopher John Antal, a Unitarian Universalist minister, wrote President Barack Obama a letter last month decrying the administration's claim that it has "the right to kill anyone, anywhere on the earth, at any time, for secret reasons, based on secret evidence, in a secret process, undertaken by unidentified officials."

Antal also stands in opposition to the United States equipping placing nuclear warheads on air-launched cruise missiles. As of Thursday, according to Military.com, Antal was still officially in the Army, but an Army spokesman did confirm that his resignation is being processed.

Antal isn't only troubled by what our fighters are doing. He's also expressed concern over what he sees as a changing expectation for Army chaplains. The expectation had been that chaplains "expected to speak with a prophetic voice and must confront the issues of religious accommodation, the obstruction of free exercise of religion, and moral turpitude in conflict with the Army values."

Recently the language governing chaplains was changed so that now they're expected to "speak with candor as an advocate to confront and support resolution to challenges and issues of the command."



May 14, 2016

Right-Wingers Pledge to Carry Guns to Bathroom to Fend Off Trans Folks

Right-Wingers Pledge to Carry Guns to Bathroom to Fend Off Trans Folks

Anti-LGBT activists are taking the newfound role of “potty police” to the next level, pledging to carry weapons into public restrooms to “protect” against trans people using the bathroom that matches their gender identity.

The threats came after retailer Target announced Wednesday it would allow transgender patrons to use the restroom of their choice. The policy is a slap at North Carolina’s anti-LGBT House Bill 2, which, among other things, bars transgender people from using facilities that correspond with their gender identity, if those are in government buildings; it does let private-sector companies set their own policies. In response to Target's action, at least two right-wing leaders promised to meet trans people in the bathroom — with firearms.

The preliminary warning shot came from Anita Staver, president of the right-wing, anti-LGBT Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit conservative legal group — best known for representing defiant antigay Kentucky clerk Kim Davis — that recently told CBS News it is proudly pushing transphobic “bathroom bills” nationwide.

On Friday, Staver — who is married to Liberty Counsel’s chairman and cofounder, Mat Staver — sent out a tweet blasting Target’s trans-inclusive policy. “I’m taking a Glock .45 to the ladies room,” she wrote, before adding what appears to be a dig at the concept that someone could identify as a gender other than that they were assigned at birth.

Staver is an attorney who is licensed to practice law in Florida and the District of Columbia, and who not only serves as president of Liberty Counsel, but also as the director of Liberty Counsel Action, the right-wing group’s political action committee, according to her bio on Liberty Counsel’s website.

The same day that Staver posted her threat about carrying firearms into Target bathrooms, a Republican candidate for sheriff in Texas promised he would “beat the hell out of a transgender person who tried to piss in a bathroom where daughter was peeing,” according to the Dallas Observer.


May 14, 2016

Many, many years ago, a gay couple refused to discriminate against my wife.

They hired her, even though she was undocumented, and in return, they got the best employee that they have ever had.

At a time when they were not themselves legally allowed to marry here in Iowa, despite their having been together for more than a quarter century, they opened their home to us for our own wedding reception back in 1997. A decade later they were themselves able to legally marry.

I was shocked today when somebody here on DU said that our friends should have their business shut down and their property confiscated, simply because they hired my wife.

This is not socialism as I've ever understood it.

It's something else, and whatever else it is, I don't like it.

I just don't.

May 13, 2016

Making public bathrooms accessible (I'd suggest bullet proof stalls!)

Colion Noir, NRA News Commentator:

GUN CONTROL & Bathrooms - Using Bathroom as a form of GUN CONTROL

The regulation and control isnt going to be from banning assault weapons or limiting magazines to arbitrary round counts, the anti gunners are smarter then you all think.

You wanna know how the anti gunners are going to control guns.

Concealed carry unfriendly bathrooms!

Yes bathrooms

If you think about it the plan is genius!

You know how many times Ive gone to the bathroom and I've had to engage in some form bodily contortion to take a piss and keep my gun up.

This is madness, how hard is it to drill a shelf in the side of the stall right under the "for a good time call time call me" graffitti tag.

You put couches, flowers and tampon dispensers in the women's bathroom but I can't get a damn shelf to put my gun!

And don't you tell me I can just put it on the back of the toilet, when's the last time you've seen an American standard with a flat enough base to sit your gun on with out gravity ruining your day.

I can see it now, local chick fil a patron suffers an accidental discharge while taking a shit

Can you imagine being arrested for brandishing while you're taking a shit.

So do they like wait for you to finish or do they call swat and just storm the stall

Someone needs to check the Brady campaign tax records I swear their donating toilets and writing them off.

Oh and I'd you Mexican carry you're really screwed. At that point you have two options right hand left hand floor

That's got to be a site to see.

If your not going to give us some shelves or places to put our firearms at least make the stalls long enough to cover my gun when I go to take a shit.

Imagine the look on Rosie odonells face upon seeing my Jordan sixes, cargo shorts and Glock 19 in all it's glory while I flirt with having an aneurism

I'm surprised I haven't had some one knock on the stAll and ask me what generation Glock I was carrying because the my serrations were curved.

The anti gunners have reached a new low by using bathrooms as gum control and it's not fair. Something needs to be dome about this.

We boycott

Better yet we should protest!

I can see it now..

If you dont fix we won't sh...
May 13, 2016

Right-Wingers Pledge to Carry Guns to Bathroom to Fend Off Trans Folks

Anti-LGBT activists are taking the newfound role of “potty police” to the next level, pledging to carry weapons into public restrooms to “protect” against trans people using the bathroom that matches their gender identity.

The threats came after retailer Target announced Wednesday it would allow transgender patrons to use the restroom of their choice. The policy is a slap at North Carolina’s anti-LGBT House Bill 2, which, among other things, bars transgender people from using facilities that correspond with their gender identity, if those are in government buildings; it does let private-sector companies set their own policies. In response to Target's action, at least two right-wing leaders promised to meet trans people in the bathroom — with firearms.

The preliminary warning shot came from Anita Staver, president of the right-wing, anti-LGBT Liberty Counsel, a nonprofit conservative legal group — best known for representing defiant antigay Kentucky clerk Kim Davis — that recently told CBS News it is proudly pushing transphobic “bathroom bills” nationwide.

On Friday, Staver — who is married to Liberty Counsel’s chairman and cofounder, Mat Staver — sent out a tweet blasting Target’s trans-inclusive policy. “I’m taking a Glock .45 to the ladies room,” she wrote, before adding what appears to be a dig at the concept that someone could identify as a gender other than that they were assigned at birth.

Staver is an attorney who is licensed to practice law in Florida and the District of Columbia, and who not only serves as president of Liberty Counsel, but also as the director of Liberty Counsel Action, the right-wing group’s political action committee, according to her bio on Liberty Counsel’s website.

The same day that Staver posted her threat about carrying firearms into Target bathrooms, a Republican candidate for sheriff in Texas promised he would “beat the hell out of a transgender person who tried to piss in a bathroom where [his] daughter was peeing,” according to the Dallas Observer.


May 13, 2016

Question submitted by stone space

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May 11, 2016

No DU user deserves to be shot.

Normal people don't think this way.

One really has to wonder

what part(s) of Stone Space's normal behavior suggest to normal people that he needs to be shot?
Why does not not correct that bad behavior that even he recognizes as bad?


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Member since: Tue Apr 15, 2014, 11:00 AM
Number of posts: 6,498
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