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sheshe2's Journal
sheshe2's Journal
August 10, 2019

"I had this impulse to hug him, so I did. And I cried. I think I even got tears on the VP's jacket!"

"I had this impulse to hug him, so I did. And I cried. I think I even got tears on the Vice President's suit jacket! ... I am hugging the man who will help me and help our President move forward."

“Keep the faith”
By Zara Rahim on October 3, 2012

Standing at the back of a packed high school gym as Vice President Biden finished speaking in Ft. Myers, Florida, on Saturday was 15-year-old Kobe Groce. He cradled a "Forward" sign, hoping to get the Vice President to sign it for his brother, Kaelin. After unsuccessfully trying to make it to the front of the event, a staff member asked if he could help. Kobe told his story, and the staffer left for a moment and came back, saying simply: "The Vice President would like to meet you."

"I turned around and looked back at my mother as I was walking with the staffer in disbelief—I didn't know how to react. I was about to meet the man that helped make my life so much better.

"My mother, Jessica, raised us as a single mother. She's a teacher and has worked so hard to support her four children. I wanted the Vice President to know that yes, we are definitely better off than we were four years ago. My family has received the tax cuts for the middle class that the President and Vice President passed, and it has helped us tremendously.

"The President and Vice President have gone above and beyond for people like me and my family, and they stand for things like keeping school affordable. My older brother uses Pell Grants and college loans to be able to afford school, and I'm thankful for that. I want to be able to go to Florida State University one day, and now I know I don't have to worry about being able to afford it. Life would not be the way it is today if they hadn't taken office four years ago.

"The Vice President approached me and I was introduced to him as a ‘special guest.’ I was overwhelmed with different emotions. I had this impulse to hug him, so I did. And I cried. I think I even got tears on the Vice President's suit jacket! I met someone who has done so much for my family without even knowing us, and that was an incredible, overwhelming feeling. I felt like he really heard me, like he knew who I was. I am hugging the man who will help me and help our President move forward."

more here...

I have been looking for this picture for a few days, and voila. I found it here.

Thanks and a hat tip to Kadie.


Thank you Joe Biden.
August 10, 2019

History Repeated.

"Terrible things are happening outside... poor helpless people are being dragged out of their homes. Families are torn apart; men, women and children are separated. Children come home from school to find that their parents have disappeared." - Anne Frank (Jan 13, 1943)

August 9, 2019

Elizabeth Warren's List of Accomplishments is Bigger than Trump's Hanging Chad

This article is from 2016, but is a good start. Oh and you just know trump fears her.


Not only did Trump obviously confuse the Massachusetts senator for his own penis, but he also insulted Native Americans at the same time. Look at you, Donald—multitasking!

Anyone who knows who Sen. Warren is knows that “weak” and “ineffective” are the last words that can be used to describe her. With balls of steel, Warren has taken on her GOP opponents in the Senate like nobody’s business and has accomplished more in the past few years than most politicians do in a lifetime.

Let’s review just a few of these “weak and ineffective” victories:

1. In 2011, while working as an assistant for President Obama, Warren single-handedly conceived of and established the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, a watchdog agency that helps protect the little guy from Wall Street’s dirty schemes. Thanks to the newly-formed agency, mortgage lenders can no longer push you into a loan you cannot afford. And these servicers now have to make a good faith effort to keep you out of foreclosure. If they don’t, they face hefty civil penalties.

Read More! https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/5/9/1524727/-Elizabeth-Warren-s-List-of-Accomplishments-is-Bigger-than-Trump-s-Hanging-Chad

The KOS sure kneecapped Donnie do Little.

August 9, 2019

Who grieved better?

Are we really having this conversation on DU?

In the wake of white supremacists murders in El Paso and Dayton we are talking about Biden and Beto and who grieved better/best? Unfugging believable.

I will tell you who is ACTUALLY DEALING FIRSTHAND WITH THE GRIEF! It is the survivors and the family of the loved ones that were slaughtered. The young mom and dad who died protecting their baby. Another mom called her other and said she was shot in the head and to care for her children. She is dead now. Yet here we are making it a competition between Beto and Biden. Who grieved better? For the love of the Gawd, please stop.

Want to see grief? Here is Obama returning from Sandy Hook.

Don't. Full Stop!

Beto and Biden as did other candidates took action and their words were heartbreaking in the ongoing battle. Joe blew me away with his speech.
We already had an ass do a photo Op smiling and giving a thumbs up while talking about the size of his *****. We are better than this and do not need to pit one Democrat against another.
August 7, 2019

Cyntoia Brown Is Finally Free


The details surrounding Brown’s incarceration drew attention from both celebrities and social justice advocates alike, who channeled their indignation into protests and massive social media campaigns that eventually influenced Gov. Haslam’s decision to commute her sentence.

In 2006, Brown was convicted of murdering 43-year-old Nashville real estate agent Johnny Allen, as The Root’s Anne Branigin previously reported:

Brown told authorities she was trapped into sex work and was a victim of child sex trafficking at the time she killed Allen, who had picked up the then-16-year-old Brown from a Sonic Drive-In. She shot Allen while the two were in bed together; Brown claimed self-defense, while prosecutors argued Brown was trying to rob the real estate agent, WKRN reports.


Prior to her release, Brown released the following statement on Monday:

“While first giving honor to God who made all of this possible, I would also like to thank my many supporters who have spoken on my behalf and prayed for me. I’m blessed to have a very supportive family and friends to support me in the days to come. I look forward to using my experiences to help other women and girls suffering abuse and exploitation. I thank Governor and First Lady Haslam for their vote of confidence in me and with the Lord’s help I will make them as well as the rest of my supporters proud.


She is a strong woman.

The Epstein's and Trumps of this world are pitiful creatures. I hope they rot in hell for the rest of their lives.
August 6, 2019

You just don't get it, do you?

You just don't get it, do you Mr 'Resident. El Paso and Dayton (You called it Toledo...unfugging believable that you can't get your facts straight.) Guess all that golf tired what is left of your brain. Gawd! You were reading from a TELEPROMPTER and STILL can't get it right! Shows the world that you DO NOT CARE!

You, your Admin and children are a cancer on our society. You are so incredibly blind to the damage you are doing to this country's future. You think your children and grandchildren are exempt? You really are that stupid, aren't you.

August 6, 2019

Toni Morrison. A President. Her Words


Toni Morrison

“I decided that ... winning the (Nobel) prize was fabulous,” Morrison added. “Nobody was going to take that and make it into something else. I felt representational. I felt American. I felt Ohioan. I felt blacker than ever. I felt more woman than ever. I felt all of that, and put all of that together and went out and had a good time.”

Like Faulkner, her characters are burdened by the legacy, and ongoing tragedy, of slavery and separation. For Faulkner’s white Southerners, losers of the Civil War, the price is guilt, rage and madness; for Morrison’s slaves and their descendants, supposedly liberated, history follows like the most unrelenting posse.

“The future was sunset; the past something to leave behind,” Morrison wrote in “Beloved,” in which the ghost of the slain daughter returns to haunt and obsess her mother.

“And if it didn’t stay behind, well, you might have to stomp it out. Slave life; freed life — every day was a test and a trial. Nothing could be counted on in a world where even when you were a solution you were a problem.”

In November 2016, she wrote a highly cited New York essay about the election of Donald Trump, calling his ascension to the presidency a mark of what whites would settle for to hold on to their status.

“So scary are the consequences of a collapse of white privilege that many Americans have flocked to a political platform that supports and translates violence against the defenseless as strength. These people are not so much angry as terrified, with the kind of terror that makes knees tremble,” she wrote.



I cried this morning, hearing that she had died. She was a special gift bestowed on us. Her words will be with us forever. She was Beloved.

Rest in Peace Toni.
August 6, 2019

Cut to the chase.

Between Adderall-sniffs, the president blamed everyone and everything but said nothing about guns. Nothing about regular citizens having access to military-grade weapons.
Yep, this is happening. The President of the United States is a white supremacist. Full stop.

More: https://www.theroot.com/white-supremacist-president-blames-media-internet-and-1836969130

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Member since: Sat Oct 13, 2012, 08:33 PM
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