marym625's JournalStand With the Students of Color leaving due to death threats
Black students--who pay tuition just like their white counterparts--are leaving the University of Missouri because of active death threats against them. The school is on lockdown, classes have been cancelled, white students are walking around shouting "white power," and bricks have been thrown through windows--all in the wake of the University Chancellor stepping down and the President resigning.
I'm unable to find any mainstream media coverage about this incident. This shows the terrible state our media is in. The powers that be, don't fact they like the division, the anger, the plays in their favor. People can't focus on the true problems we face. Racism is pervasive and threats and abuse are rampant. It's the worst we've seen in years.
We cannot afford to live in denial or sit back and wait for others to act! It is time we all get off of our collective rears, and start doing something about this mess we find ourselves in. Please sign this petition to help these students get back to campus and prevent further harm from being done. This violates their basic human rights!
That's why I signed a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:
"Enough people have been killed in 2015. Let's end this trend of destruction against Black lives and stand with students at the University of Missouri. I'm also tired of seeing the police treat blacks....young-old - female like they are not the same as even poor whites....this HAS TO STOP!" I was born in Missouri and I'm ashamed to say so....with this sort of stuff going on!
Will you sign the petition too? Click here add your name:
Thanks! ...Apathy is the biggest problem facing progressives....Be part of the solution, not part of the problem
"Dragged destiny by the shirt collar and voted for the NHS"
Please watch this video posted by handmade34
91-year-old war veteran Harry Smith
This man speech is poetry. While he's speaking about the Labour Party in the UK, the basics are the same for the U.S. My grandparents buried their 1 year old daughter in a poupers field, not having the funds for healthcare or the money for a grave. It's part of the reason my oldest uncle raised over $750 million for St. Jude's children's hospital.
We need universal health care.
#FeelTheBern #Bernie2016
Enough is Enough West Coast Rally organizers need a little help
They had over 20,000 people sign up to attend on their Facebook page. While they knew that wouldn't happen, they expected between 2k and 5k
I would guess it was 2,000 but I don't know for sure. Haven't seen an official count.
This rally was for liberal, progressive, people sick of the bullshit in our new oligarchy. They support Sanders, played a recent speech and the head of his Veterans Affairs for his campaign, Tyson Manker, was the keynote speaker. He was FABULOUS too.
They're short by almost $4,000 to pay for the event. If you can chip in even a few dollars, I'm sure it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!
Their website - Give page
Enough Is Enough
I'm speaking at the Enough is Enough/Bernie Sanders West Coast rally tomorrow
Americans Take Action ATA an offshoot of Wolf Pac, is working to get the CAFREEAct on the 2016 ballot.
I'm the co-coordinator for the North Coast Team. We'll have volunteers collecting signatures and my co-coordinator and I are near the top of the program.
Wish us luck!!
the sky tonight - fireballs
Last night was the peak but tonight should be great too
Last night I first saw a "shooting star" then saw Polaris. I thought I was seeing things. Looked it up on Google Sky and found this.
Hope you all get at least a little show
The moon is now in a waning crescent phase. Its up in the peak predawn hours, but shouldnt interfere too much with viewing any fireballs that happen to be whizzing by. Seeing a Taurid fireball even if its just one counts as a big thrill.
And, by the way, a fireball is just another word for a particularly bright meteor.
The other Taurid shower the North Taurids should add a few more meteors to the mix from late night until dawn, on the nights of November 5 and 6. The forecast calls for the North Taurid shower to be raining down the most meteors on the night of November 11, 2015. The moon will be new about then, offering pitch-black skies.
More at link above excerpt
Anyone interested in getting public funding for elections
Please send me pm. We're getting signatures on the petition to overturn proposition 73.
All the information is here
Some more information here
Yeah, getting shit done in the San Francisco Bay area
And I need all you Bernie Sanders supporters in the area to help me.
I'm the new regional co-coordinator for Americans Take Action.
Wolf Pac is a 501(c)(3) and is working at the Federal level to have an amendment to the Constitution passed that will overturn Citizens United. As a 501(c)(3), it cannot endorse candidates.
Americans Take Action is an offshoot of Wolf Pac, working with each State to get money out of elections. However, ATA is a 501(c)(4) and can combine efforts with political campaigns.
When Citizens United was upheld by the Supreme Court, it negated state laws that allowed for publicly funded elections. In California, it was a second whammy because in 1988, proposition 73 effectively banned public financing of elections. It was worded exactly like proposition 68 which included state public financing of elections, except for prop 73 made publicly funded elections illegal.
California Fair Reform for Equality in Elections Act, CAFreeAct will overturn proposition 73 allowing the citizens of California to set up rules for clean, publicly funded elections in the State. This is something that is currently done in Vermont, Connecticut, Illinois and a couple other states.
If you are in the San Francisco Bay area, please join us at the Enough is Enough West Coast rally on Saturday, November 7th details Let me know you're coming and we'll rally at the rally!
If you are in Southern California, there's a rally in San Diego where Alison Hartson will be speaking. She runs the whole damn thing, ATA, for California. If you can attend, let me know and I'll get you in touch with her.
If you are anywhere other than California, please go to http://wolf-pac/states and click on your State to volunteer.
#FeelTheBern #Bernie2016 #CAFREEACT
I spoke to Cenk Saturday!
There were about 8 of us at a meet up when he called the organizer. He decided to thank us and tell us to "keep kicking ass!" We all were able to say hi.
I know it's not anything but was still pretty cool for me.
By the way, all but one person there were Bernie supporters
Join Americans Take Action and help get money out of elections
Because Wolf Pac is a 501(c)(3), it cannot endorse candidates. You cannot combine campaigning for a candidate and working with Wolf Pac.
But they now have Americans Take Action, which is a 501(c)(4), which allows you to combine efforts.
Here in California, we're working on the proposition "California Free Act" that will stop the decades long ban on publicly funded elections. While some states have an option for candidates to choose to go the publicly funded route and pledge not to take corporate money, California, along with most states, won't allow that.
Citizens United basically overturned rules in almost all states making public funding options illegal. While Americans Take Action state groups' propositions can't change citizens untied, they will get around the rules as much as possible.
Please check what ATA is doing in your state by clicking here Wolf-Pac States
For any Californians, check out CAFreeAct
One of the very many reasons I'm campaigning for Bernie Sanders
Raury - Fly
Senator Bernie Sanders is the only candidate that will and is fighting to change things. To change things in such a way as to end systematic racism, militarized police, unending jailing of minorities, prisons making money from incarcerating a quarter of our country, cops murdering people of color in cold blood. Change things so songs like this won't have to be written anymore.
I'm not kidding myself that anything will happen overnight. But I believe that without Sanders, nothing will ever change.
I mean seriously, it's only been a couple weeks since one candidate decided taking money from private prison companies wasn't such a grand idea. DERP!
Profile Information
Name: Mary MathieuGender: Female
Hometown: Chicago
Member since: Wed Sep 12, 2012, 08:25 PM
Number of posts: 17,997