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freshwest's Journal
freshwest's Journal
October 1, 2013

Thanks s4p! Just shared some of the details learned here at DU with a friend today.She was amazed!

I went over the reasons the GOP is willing to renege on the Full Faith And Credit Clause of the Constitution over Obamacare.

That they have not been able to repeal it with normal procedure, like replacing it with a bill that will pass to become law.

Congress passed the law and many others that said they would pay for many things, and are refusing to their job. And they are trying to prevent the POTUS from executing the laws they passed.

I told her about the RWNJs calling for Obama to be arrested, impeached or they will invade D.C. to remove him from office when he following the law.

And them smelling of booze in the Rayburn Room and laughing about shutting the government down and denying people the help they needed.

That they and their media shills are putting out all kinds of lies, calling it illegal and un-Conditional.

That since the law has been debated, voted on, passed, signed and proven to be Constitutional by the Supreme Court, they are also going against the entire government.

That it will be UHC for those on Medicaid, and thus it protects 31 million people for whom the GOP has no plans at all to help.

I added in a few things that also explain their attitude:

Congress having to give up their subsidy and be like the rest of us;

That their pay is not getting cut while others are hurt;

That the website has been over loaded with people who badly needed this since midnight;

That as one person reported here, the monthly premium for a family of 4 making $44K a year is $2;

But the winner when she cheered, YES!!:

People will be registered to vote at the same time!

I also warned that as PBO has said, this not over, they will continue their tricks.

So to be vigilant.

She also showed me a book she bought from the library about influences on PBO and I will make a post.

October 1, 2013

Go-bama! Go-bama! Go-bama!

October 1, 2013

It's in keeping with the Libertarian idea that the parks should be in private hands. I've seen this

mentality growing for twenty years that only the rich should have access to such places.

As far as Liberty Island, the conspiracy crowd believes it's part of the banksters and not about what many were taught. These are not my views, but these folks are being fed this non-stop and it's their new religion and social structure.

And they have people lined up to get in on the taking of all publicly owned works. The shutdown benefits them in all ways, and they will push for it to be a permanent state of affairs. Then give control over everything to the local bosses. There will no alternate for people but to go begging to them, period.

It's a completely warped and grosteque reality. I do not think the parks will open up again any time soon. And here is why:

In states where the parks have been closed due to budget cuts, in time the public eventually accepts they no longer have access and move on to what's available to do. Privately owned, that is. If not, they stay home, separated from nature, many of them. Those who made a choice to live with less in the city for environmental reasons, but expected this asset to be available for recreation, will be denied.

And those that remain open with no supervision have become havens of militia or other undesirable activity. I've seen this with my own eyes and so have other people in my state, when a national forest is no longer supervised or maintained.

A citizen who still wants to go and enjoy nature, is confronted by bad roads, piles of garbage and junk cars where before their spirits were refreshed in seeing nature's beauty, towering trees, beautiful native plants, waterfalls and rivers.

Guys in 4X4s slinging their automatic weapons on their shoulders congregrate to plan their outlier fantasies. They look at anyone who tries to go down the bumpy, publicly owned roads as trespassers on their camp. Calls to have intimidating individuals removed are met by the same budget cuts and 2A cultists saying they have a right to be there for whatever purpose.

Believe me, when you run into this instead of what many expect a visit to a national park to be, after a while you give up, your world is that much smaller, and it's not a good feeling. You realize how much of what enriched your world is not yours anymore. You are, between the toll roads and the no trespassing signs with private security ready to escort you away, no longer 'free to move about' the country.

Most of these scenarios with state and municipal parks, some lovely pieces of land that were given to the public enter the mental realm of 'out of sight, out of mind.' If criminals set up residence or even if they do not, the developers are at the gates of the government saying they are wasted, or that they are a drag on the budget or a nuisance. The state then sells the land, now called unused assets, off to developers.

This is the reason behind defunding any government, to deny its laws, regulations and gifts democratically won and give the very same assets to those who pay for all of the propaganda. They use different memes to drive both sides to the same conclusions, that either government is not doing their job, when they have neglected the fact it was their job to learn about this, or stand by and allow grifters into government who line up and steal its assets, the last frontier of resources to make a fortune, hiding behind ideology.

I didn't make this reality, I simply have to live in it. And more people don't visit parks than do. Any of those landmarks, as far as the GOP, etc., is concerned, should be sold off to a private group and people have to pay well to visit it. If you can't afford the rates, you are a bum and not entitled to enjoy it.

I've seen this in promoted in small town newspapers for many years now. In some of those communities, they vote against public transportation, public pools, playgrounds, senior centers, child care, low cost housing, food programs, libraries, schools and the rest. If y don't have enough money to have a yard for your kids to play in, you don't deserve it, they say. And city folks who come out to enjoy nature do not deserve it, eiher, they say.

This is not the 1990s. The Preppers and Gun Cultists are ecstatic at the thought of government collapse finally coming to pass, the one sold them their opinion wanted to have happen.

Those who cannot wait in this uncertain job milieau, unpaid for government work ARE going elsewhere to use their talents. People must follow the money, they must be able to pay the bills and care for their own physical well being.

I see a very dangerous path in the next few months, and know Obama will try to navigate through this mine field and save lives, the government of We The People and the economy.

It's so much easier to talk tough when you don't care about those lives. So it's no wonder that the GOP are celebrating. They have no excuse for what they are doing, they don't need one. We are seeing raw power in action, just as surely as in any banana republic.

Take care of each other and stay united, or they'll pick us off one by one.

October 1, 2013

No wonder the demonic GOP is wailing and gnashing their teeth! Now it all fits.

But the pressure, per the statement Obama made tonight, will not be over with soon. It will go on month after month until 2014 and 2016. We must be ready to fight the lies and disinformaion.

We should not be fooled, this is something worth fighting for despite all the mealy mouthed media messages and lies. We should make no mistake, the ACA changes more than many people think.

It will end the tryanny of extorting by insurers and employers. They are turning their health care over to the government, just like the EU does. It will lead to UHC, the GOP knows this.

One of their prime tools to maintain inequality, keeping people afraid and sickly, going bankrupt, their hearts and economic status broken, will be gone. Yes, that is how evil they are.

UHC has come to the poor, don't think the rest won't be far behind. For the 31 million new Medicaid patients, they will not pay a dime. These are the most needy among us, the ones who often ignored. PBO hasn't forgotten.

That is settled in social democracies. Are you a human being, do you need basic things? Will you be denied the essentials for lack of money you don't have now, but might if you were healthy? Is there a pound for dollar value on human life, like grain, or is there more to life?

Their entire emphasis is on creating inequality, by their laws against civil rights, ruining public education, sabotaging employment and denying the basics of health, food and housing, and dismantling civil society by any means.

We can't move forward, or be united with hearts set free with peace and justice in this country if we don't treat all people equally. That is what makes peace and progress. It's not flashy, and it's the quier kind of freedom some take for granted as their right, but it is everyon's right.

It's what allows a person to sleep at night knowing their basic needs will be met, so they can plan for higher things, instead of fighting each other for scraps like a pack of dogs without sense.

Thanks for explaining that other poison pill for the GOP in that every person who registers for the ACA can get registered to vote. The avalanche of people who value the social contract will overrun the regressives.

And they can't stop it now, so they will just get more and more crazy until a tipping point occurs. We are still in a lot of danger from them. From your link:

White House says report was wrong and people CAN register to vote when signing up for Obamacare

By Meteor Blades

A White House official told Talking Points Memo Wednesday that, contrary to claims two left-leaning groups reported that were spotlighted by Mother Jones magazine, Americans will be able to register to vote when they apply for subsidized health insurance at the mandated exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. The federal exchanges will operate in 36 states.


Thanks so much for posting this information. It's making sense to so many people, who have no voice in media.
October 1, 2013

This isn't over by a long shot. But Obama is following the law. They are attempting to repeal laws

by the wrong engine, and for no good reason. But the pressure, per the statement Obama made tonight, will not be over with. It will go on month after month. We must be ready to fight the lies and disinformaion.

We should not be fooled, this is something worth fighting for despite all the mealy mouthed media messages and lies. We should make no mistake, the ACA changes more than many people think.

It will end the tryanny of extorting by insurers and employers. They are turning their health care over to the government, just like the EU does. It will lead to UHC, the GOP knows this.

One of their prime tools to continue inequality, by keeping people afraid and sickly, going bankrupt, their hearts and economic status broken, will be gone. Yes, that is how evil they are.

UHC has come to the poor, don't think the rest won't be far behind. For the 31 million new Medicaid patients, they will not pay a dime. These are the most needy among us, the ones who often ignored PBO hasn't forgotten.

That issue was settled in social democracies. Are you a human being, do you need basic things? Will you be denied the essentials for lack money you don't have now, but might if you were healthy? Is there a pound for dollar value on human life, like grain, or is there more to life?

We can't move forward with peace and justice in this country if we don't treat all people equally. That is what makes peace and progress. It's not flashy, and it's the quier kind of freedom some take for granted as their right, but it is everyon's right. It's what allows a person to go to sleep at night know their basic needs will be met, so they can plan for higher things, instead of fighting each other for scraps like a pack of dogs without sense.

BTW, another poison pill for the GOP is that every person who registers for the ACA will be assisted to get registered to vote. The avalanche of people who value the social contract will overrun the regressives.

And they can't stop it now, so they will just get more and more crazy until a tipping point occurs. We are still in a lot of danger from them.

White House says report was wrong and people CAN register to vote when signing up for Obamacare

By Meteor Blades

A White House official told Talking Points Memo Wednesday that, contrary to claims two left-leaning groups reported that were spotlighted by Mother Jones magazine, Americans will be able to register to vote when they apply for subsidized health insurance at the mandated exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. The federal exchanges will operate in 36 states.


October 1, 2013

ACA registers people to vote! Awesome news! Power To The People!

White House says report was wrong and people CAN register to vote when signing up for Obamacare

By Meteor Blades

A White House official told Talking Points Memo Wednesday that, contrary to claims two left-leaning groups reported that were spotlighted by Mother Jones magazine, Americans will be able to register to vote when they apply for subsidized health insurance at the mandated exchanges under the Affordable Care Act. The federal exchanges will operate in 36 states.

October 1, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sweet! Few people have such big hearts! (pic heavy)

Start the drummers!

Keep on sharing the comfort!

Hugs forever!

And you are awesome!

Don't let tne turkeys get you down!

Make sure to get a good night's rest!

We're grateful you're here!

Your love is what makes it work!

You make our heart soar:

You are a true friend!

Oh, and Happy Birthday and many more!

October 1, 2013

VIDEO: Al Gore: The Survival of Civilization is at Risk


He really states this clearly. As our democracy has been hacked by monied interests, we do not have collective resources (in terms of a democratic government) to confront climate change and save lives. I hope some will listen.
October 1, 2013

Obama stands firm while Boehner goes to pieces

Why is this man crying?

What could he possibly be thinking to cause such grief?

Vote your choice or write your own reason below:

September 30, 2013

Here ya go! Keep that economy running!

Will that be enough?

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