Nuclear Unicorn
Nuclear Unicorn's JournalGood-bye, Single Payer Healthcare. We never knew you.
Many said the ACA was supposed to be a stepping stone to SP. I never believed that because it has subsidies for insurance corporations baked-in to the recipe. You can't prop-up something by law and with taxpayer money and then credibly claim to later end that thing. Add to that the failures in executions that have dogged the law since its enactment means the government lacks the public's trust with even bigger projects.
Now we have the internecine warfare of the Democratic primaries. Everything being said to trash SP is now fodder for every conservative political ad, commentary and editorial.
"It'll take away your health insurance away."
"It'll lead to massive tax hikes on the middle class."
And every time we will attempt to counter those claims we will be told it was a Democratic presidential candidate that said it.
I'll readily admit my political involvement is less than a decade long but I never would have imagined I would see such an absolute gutting of long-term policy goals in the name of short-term, self-serving -- and self-destructive -- political expediency.
Just a reminder, Single Payer healthcare is a ballot referendum this election cycle.
However, with the presumptive nominee of the Democratic party making overtures to Australian style gun confiscation the state that recalled 2 state senators and forced a third to resign over an ill-advised gun bill will rally to ward off a further intrusion against their rights but those same voters will drown out supporters of SP.
Of the two policy initiatives only SP has any realistic opportunity to actually save lives. Yet, both will suffer an ignominious defeat because fear mongering has down-ticket consequences.
I keep seeing the taunt, "Obama hasn't taken away your guns" being offered by people
who continually laud "Melt them down" threads and/or cite Australian/UK gun control models as the way forward for American gun control laws.
In other words, they want guns taken away but then semi-triumphantly claim that no one has taken guns away.
Considering the President's recent EA actually liberalizes access to weapons regulated by the NFA I would be inclined to think those offering the taunt would be upset with the President rather than using his actions as a basis for a taunt.
Can anyone offer an explanation for this seeming inconsistency?
I'm a little sick of hearing how it's bad to make blanket accusations by people
making blanket accusations.
It takes a breathtaking level of unmitigated hypocrisy to claim xenophobia is the motivation for people opposing a rape culture that inspires mass sexual assaults.
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