beveeheart's JournalFinally! Information on the implementation of Obamacare (as I like to call it)
I am a volunteer at a Food Bank in Colorado and next week I will attend a 2 day seminar that our state Dept. of Health Care Policy and Financing is offering free through Community Partner Regional Trainings. It's for individuals and organizations that assist potential clients through the application process. These trainings are to help build a common understanding of key elements of the ACA and Colorado's ACA implementation plan, and to strengthen community organization capacity to help families understand the application process and benefits potentially available to them.
Sessions will cover:
* an ACA overview,
* changes in Medicaid and CHP+ policy,
* Connect for Health Colorado,
* systems interactions, PEAK,
* the new Medicaid/CHP+ application
For weeks now I've heard clients skeptical and/or fearful of changes to their Medicaid or CHP. On the other hand I have clients who are very excited and hopeful that they'll finally have some kind of healthcare insurance.
I was quoted in cover story of today's USA Today.
USA Today/Pew Research called me a couple of weeks ago. I was one of 752 randomly chosen cell phone users they called (plus 752 landline users). Most of the questions had you rate your response on a scale of 1 - 5 or very much agree to no opinion. Well, I tried to give them more than 2 cents worth. The survey took about 25 minutes and covered everything from Pres. Obama's policies to household income and religious preference. The last question was would I be available to answer follow up questions from a reporter. Thinking that there was no way I'd be chosen, I said yes, of course. And the rest, as they say, is history. Got the call yesterday and spoke with the writer of that article. Definitely felt funny seeing my name in the newspaper.
I mentioned in a thread (by EarlG) last week that I had taken part in a survey that showed President Obama beating republicans. And DUer's, without your many contributions, be they articles, opinions or spirited discussions, I wouldn't have been able to confidently respond to all of the interviewer's questions. So thank you, thank you again for all the good work you do here.
From the article:
This "sequester," in Washington parlance, could hamper economic growth, drive up unemployment and test the military's ability to respond to security threats at home and abroad.
Likened to a "meat cleaver approach" by the president, the cuts were designed to be bad policy and so politically dangerous that lawmakers would never let it happen. They would find a more efficient and targeted way to cut the deficit.
They haven't.
Beverly Hart, 69, works at a Colorado food bank and is concerned about how the cuts could affect the most vulnerable Americans while Washington stalemates. "There's so many different programs out there that I'm afraid are going to be impacted by these budget cuts for people who are really really struggling. To think that some of these cuts are going to affect them more, I am just so upset about it." Hart said she supports the president's position for more taxes.
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Gender: FemaleHometown: Eastern Shore, Maryland
Current location: Denver/Boulder CO
Member since: Mon Oct 20, 2008, 08:42 PM
Number of posts: 1,396