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csziggy's Journal
csziggy's Journal
December 31, 2012

Belgium seeks conviction of Church of Scientology

Belgium seeks conviction of Church of Scientology
Fri 28/12/2012 - 10:21 Belgium's federal public prosecutors have decided to prosecute the Church of Scientology in Belgium and several of its high-ranking members. The organisation and several of its members face charges in connection with extortion, fraud, illegal practice of medicine and violations of privacy legislation.

Federal public prosecutors want the church of Scientology to be condemned as a criminal organisation.

The decision follows years of investigation that was triggered by a complaint by the Labour Mediation Service in the Brussels Region. Labour mediators were unhappy with a number of labour contracts.

More: http://www.deredactie.be/cm/vrtnieuws.english/news/121228_Church_of_Scientology_belgium_criminal_organisation_federal_prosecutors

Belgium does not recognize Scientology as a church and there are not a lot of members in the country. But this would be a nice precedent!

ETA - HuffPost also has an article with a little more info: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/28/belgium-prosecutes-scientology-extortion-fraud_n_2375823.html
December 27, 2012

Sandy Hook Hoaxer Busted By Federal Agents

Sandy Hook Hoaxer Busted By Federal Agents
Felon who claimed to be gunman Adam Lanza's uncle is collared

DECEMBER 26--A convicted felon who traveled to Newtown, Connecticut and masqueraded as the uncle of Sandy Hook Elementary School gunman Adam Lanza has been arrested on a federal probation violation charge, The Smoking Gun has learned.

Jonathan Lee Riches was busted late last week and booked into the Chester County jail. Riches, 35, has been living in West Chester, Pennsylvania since his release earlier this year from federal prison, where he spent a decade in custody for conspiracy and wire fraud.


Riches, however, did turn up at a makeshift memorial site in Newtown, where he identified himself to reporters as “Jonathan Lanza,” uncle of the school shooter. As reported by the New York Daily News and other media outlets, he told journalists that the killer had been taking Fanapt, an antipsychotic drug prescribed for the treatment of schizophrenia. As photographers snapped away, Riches (seen below) dropped to a knee and feigned praying for the young victims.

According to a U.S. District Court filing, Riches--who is serving a five-year federal probation term--is not allowed to leave Pennsylvania’s Eastern District judicial boundaries without permission from a judge or his probation officers.

More: http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/jonathan-lee-riches-violated-687543

Emphasis added.

This is the one and only source of the claim that the Sandy Hook shooter was on Fanapt.
December 22, 2012

Christmas Greeting from Blountstown, Florida

From a few years ago.

ETA - down the road was a sign advertising "Baby camo" - maybe the babies needed to blend into the underbrush?

December 18, 2012

Need recommendations for domain registrar

A friend wants a web site and needs to register his domain name. In the distant past I used GoDaddy for my domains, but don't want to use them any longer for several reasons.

He'll either 'rent' some of my webspace - I get more than I can use from my webhost - or better than that, he will need webhosting also. I had it recommended long ago to register my domain names from a different source than my webhosting. Is that still the best advice or should we look for one place for registration and hosting?

Who is good, cheap, won't spam, and is politically decent?

December 16, 2012

NASA Release for 12-22-2012

Why the World Didn't End Yesterday

December 15, 2012

First time ever I cooked rare roast beef worth eating!

Usually my roast beef is dry, tough, and over done. Last night's was really good AND it was only a cheap shoulder cut! Even so, it was tender, juicy and delicious.

First, I used Alton Brown's marinade for Beef:
4 tablespoons soy sauce
4 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 tablespoons teriyaki sauce (I was out so left this off)
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 garlic cloves, slightly crushed
1 tablespoon Dijon mustard (I used honey mustard)
1 tablespoon olive oil

And marinated the boneless shoulder roast from Wednesday until last night. Took the roast out of the oven for an hour - should have been longer since it was not at room temperature when it went in the oven.

Then I seared the outside well, put the roast in a 350 F oven and roasted until it was 130 F interior temperature. Let it sit for 10 minutes and sliced it.

Served it au jus with roasted fingerling potatoes and fresh green beans. Heaven!

I only cook beef about once a month and haven't wanted to waste my money on good beef cuts since I sucked at cooking them. Next time I want roast beef, I will buy a good grass fed piece!

December 15, 2012

You Do, Of Course, Realize That This Is Going To End Very, Very Badly

For the Honey Boo Boo fans here:

You Do, Of Course, Realize That This Is Going To End Very, Very Badly
By Alana ‘Honey Boo Boo’ Thompson
September 28, 2012

Like millions of viewers around the nation, I was thrilled this week when TLC renewed my television show, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, for a second fun-filled season. It fills my heart with joy to know that our raucous Southern lifestyle in rural Georgia entertained so many families and started a "redneck fever.” Heck, more people watched ‘Honey Boo Boo’ than the Republican National Convention. That’s really something!

So as me, Mama, Glitzy and eleven-fingered baby Kaitlyn gear up for the next chapter of Piggly Wiggly and pageantry, I want to take a moment to thank all of our fans out there and to remind them that this charade is, of course, going to end very, very badly.

You know that, right? That my whole life is, sooner or later, going to wind up being a complete and utter train wreck of delusion and misery? Just want everybody to be clear on that.

Again, I’m glad people are enjoying the show. It is definitely good that people enjoy gathering around the television and laughing at my chubby cheeks, and my tacky family, and all of our hysterical antics. Just so long, of course, as people are aware that there is no possible scenario in which I will grow up to be a functional human being who is healthy and psychologically well-adjusted. Or successful. Or anything but a sick punchline, or worse. Because viewers should already know that. I mean, I’m a 7-year-old girl who regularly consumes a combination of Red Bull and Mountain Dew, for God’s sake. And who loves constantly mugging in front of a camera at an age when a human being generally shouldn’t be doing that kind of thing.

Much, much more: http://www.theonion.com/articles/you-do-of-course-realize-that-this-is-going-to-end,29734/?ref=auto

November 27, 2012

I missed this story from a few weeks ago

Apologies if it has already been posted.

Heavily Armed Karl Rove Spotted At Top Of Electoral College Clock Tower
November 8, 2012

WASHINGTON—Sources confirmed this afternoon that a heavily armed Karl Rove has positioned himself atop the Electoral College clock tower and is planning to pick off at least 50 electors with a high-precision sniper rifle.

Wearing a black tactical ammunition vest with multiple submachine-gun magazine pouches, a holster containing an extra semiautomatic handgun, and several M67 grenades clipped to the chest, Rove reportedly walked up 27 floors to the top of the clock tower, which overlooks the Electoral College’s main quad area and offers the Republican strategist a perfect vantage point to assassinate electors as they exit the Swing State Dining Hall and the Twelfth Amendment Science Building.

Law enforcement officials said Rove appears to be primarily targeting Electoral College attendees from Ohio and Florida.

“Mr. Rove is armed, extremely dangerous, and, we believe, mentally ill,” said lead FBI agent Peter Coburn, adding that his team is working with Electoral College Campus Security to move the institution’s 538 enrolled electors out of harm’s way. “Several witnesses who saw Mr. Rove begin his ascent to the top of the clock tower said he looked stone-faced and was muttering something about making good on his promises to Republican super PAC donors everywhere and to Jesus Christ almighty.”

November 20, 2012

The United States should have a celebration on January 1, 2013!

That is the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation. We need to have a big celebration of that anniversary with all kinds of historical context for those who have forgotten the evils of slavery, the horrific war that divided this country, and the cost of the victory that reunited it.

If we can't get it together to do it justice in this short of time, then let's have that celebration on December 6, 2015 - the 150th anniversary of adoption of the Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude.

BOTH those dates are made even sweeter by the fact that President Barack Obama will be in office to lead those celebrations! So we should have TWO celebrations of those historic events by our historic President!

I sent this in to the WhiteHouse.gov site:

Dear President Obama,
Congratulations on your re-election. While thinking about all the great things you can do over the next four years, I realized that you will be in office on the 150 anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.

This is an important point in history for our country. As the descendant of slave owners, I am ecstatic that our country has tried to move past that evil past. I also think that you, as our first African American President should celebrate the freedom granted to the slaves.

Apparently some in our country forget that these battles have been fought and that the United States of America survived as one country without slavery and with unity. We need reminders that we should not repeat the past errors and that we should move forward.

Please make January 1, 2013 a day to celebrate freedom for us all - from slavery, from past sins, from hatred, from divisiveness. If it is too late to make that date that major celebration it should be, then celebrate the passage of the Thirteenth Amendment on December 6, 2015.
November 14, 2012

Interesting timeline of Broadwell/Petreaus/Kelley/ROVE

November 12, 2012 10:00 AM
Updated: Petraeus, Rove, and Paula Broadwell: I Smell A Rat
We have these unrelated things. Let's put them in a timeline.

June 11, 2012 - Broadwell pictured with Rove, who tweets about it in June.
June-July, 2012 - Affair ends, according to Chicago Tribune report (Added)
June-August, 2012 - FBI receives complaint about "harassing emails" sent by Broadwell to Jill Kelley
September 11, 2012 - Benghazi consulate attacked, killing Ambassador Stevens and 3 others
September 12, 2012 - Romney campaign issues immediate statement slamming Obama administration for inadequate response to "terrorist attack"
October 26, 2012 - Fox News "Exclusive" claims CIA requested and was refused reinforcements.
October 26, 2012 - Broadwell pimps the Fox News version of events at a University of Denver symposium
October 28, 2012 - Rove hammers and expands on it in an interview on Fox News
Approximately October 28-31, 2012 - FBI confronts Petraeus and interviews him about emails, determines no breaches of national security have taken place.
Added: Approximately October 28-31, 2012 - Romney "allies" offer a "source" to Bob Woodward regarding Benghazi attacks
October 31, 2012 - Cantor Chief of Staff contacted by Rep. Dave Reichert about FBI 'whistleblower'. Cantor says he contacted the FBI immediately.
November 6, 2012 - Barack Obama wins re-election
November 6, 2012 - James Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) informed of FBI investigation
November 8, 2012 - Petraeus submits resignation
November 9, 2012 - Resignation accepted

MUCH, much more with links to many sources: http://crooksandliars.com/karoli/petraeus-rove-and-paula-broadwell-i-smell-r

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Gender: Do not display
Hometown: Leon County, Florida
Member since: Tue Feb 12, 2008, 10:18 PM
Number of posts: 34,164
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