Dalai_1's JournalPresident Obama's Intrade #
Our President's numbers have risen each day recently.Romney's have fallen
in accordance!
Today he is 60.2%
rmoney is 38.1%..
In the Spirit of Their Nominee, Senate GOP Blocks Law Ending Tax Credits
Posted at 02:58 PM ET, 07/19/2012
Insourcing bill fails to advance in the Senate
By Ed O'Keefe
"The Senate failed to advance a bill Thursday that would end tax breaks for large companies that relocate jobs overseas and provide tax credits to firms that bring jobs back to the United States.
Senators voted 56 to 42 to proceed to final consideration of the Bring Jobs Home Act, falling short of the 60 votes necessary in order to proceed. The White House expressed strong support for the measure, which is packed with proposals from Senate Democrats facing reelection and eager to demonstrate efforts to shore up the nations struggling manufacturing sector.
The bill would eliminate tax deductions that companies may take when moving workers and equipment overseas, but establish a new 20 percent tax deduction for companies that do the reverse."
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President Obama's "Betting On America" Bus Tour
"Now tell me the truth,are you guys playing for money"
Tweeted by President Obama
Charles Pierce: For Romney The Gloves Are OFF,and That's The Problem
For Romney, the Gloves Are Off, and That's the Problem
By Charles P. Pierce
at 10:38AM
There are, of course, a few problems here. The first one is that, when you start borrowing talking points the president wasn't "vetted" in 2008 from Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods, you're already running a few lengths below the intellectual Mendoza line. The second is logical; we already know far more about the president's relationship with both Tony Rezko and cocaine than we do about Willard Romney's relationship to the U.S. tax code for the years, say, 1999-2008. The third is strategic; if you have to remind people that you're preparing to get tough, you've pulled your own punch before throwing it. And the last one is perceptual; Willard Romney and most of his surrogates look utterly ridiculous in the role of political hatchetmen.
This is the new, tougher Willard Romney, who is so damned rugged that he's afraid of what the president's people might do with the information in his tax returns. This is the saloon brawler who won't shut up about all the mean things the president's "opposition research" might do to him. This is Willard Freaking Romney, for pity's sake, of whom an "adviser" warns the president:
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Toledo Blade Editorial: Don't Complain----Explain
Published: 7/18/2012
Don't complain -- Explain
Mr. Romney says he cannot be held responsible for a Bain-owned steel plant that went bankrupt in 2001, claiming he had no active operating role at Bain Capital after 1999. But the Boston Globe, citing corporate documents filed by Bain with the Securities and Exchange Commission, reported that Mr. Romney remained chief executive of the company through 2002.
Mitt Romney:Chairman,CEO & Sole Shareholder But Not Resposible
This is an Unlisted Video
Mitt's BBQ Disaster
Martin Bashir Tweeted this link to his facebook page below..note comments on the page
Top Ten Economies that Benefit From Romney's Job's Plan
None of Them Are American
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Why Won't Romney Release More Tax Returns (The New Yorker)
July 16, 2012
Posted by John Cassidy
He should release the tax returns tomorrow: its crazy, Kristol, the editor of the Weekly Standard, said on Fox News Sunday. You gotta release six, eight, ten years of back tax returns. Take the hit for a day or two. Speaking on ABCs This Week, Will, the veteran columnist, agreed, saying, If something going to come out, get it out in a hurry. And Dowd, who was the chief strategist for the Bush-Cheney campaign in 2004, said Romneys refusal to release returns for the years prior to 2010 was a sign of his arrogance.
With even prominent Republicans saying that his current stance is unsustainable, the obvious question to ask is: Why is the Mittster being so obstinate? He surely isnt standing on principle, for what principle would that be? The notion that very rich men running for President shouldnt have to disclose as much information about their personal finances as less wealthy candidates? The principal that if your father also ran for President, and released twelve years of tax returns, then you can release just two and claim the family average is a respectable seven years?
No. Its only fair to assume that Mitt is doing what he always does: acting on the basis of a careful cost-benefit analysis. Wills comments on this were spot on: The cost of not releasing the returns are clear, he said. Therefore, [Romney] must have calculated that there are higher costs in releasing them. But what information could the earlier tax returns contain that would be so damaging if it were brought out into the open? Obviously, we are entering the realm of speculation, but Romney has invited it. Here are four possibilities:
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Why is Obama Winning
Michael Tomasky: Obama Is Winning Because of the Shrinking GOP
by Michael Tomasky Jul 15, 2012 4:45 AM EDT
The economy is weak and Americans are unhappy. But Obamas ahead because the GOP is an aristocratic party that favors the super rich. And Mitt Romney is its perfect poster boy.
Mitt Romneys present travails must surely seem shocking and offensive to Republicans, both panjandrums and rank and file alike: His is a great American success story. How can this be bad? The controversy must be all the fault of that evil liberal media and the Democrat Party! Well, folks, sorry, but its not. If youre willing to spend two minutes scouring the landscape for explanations rather than enemies, it might strike you that outsourcing is a real issue in American lifemillions of citizens have been affected by it, and by definition, none of them for the better. That the ongoing Bain saga is such a shock and outrage to conservatives shows me only that conservatives are profoundly out of touch with the moderate center of the country: It helps explain why you selected this man as your nominee, and it further helps explain why hes losing to an incumbent who, given the current economic conditions, ought to be pretty easy to take out.
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