MinM's JournalIn the Line of Fire (1993)

This was ostensibly a piece of meme-reversal by Clint Eastwood to counter Oliver Stone's JFK.
Given all of the recent snafus by the Secret Service we might be due another Eastwood film to resuscitate their reputation.
American Sniper appears to trend in that genre...

Good read...
Although incompetence would not really apply in this case. Arlen Specter was a political fixer. If there was a narrative that needed protection from inconvenient truth .. Specter was the man.
From .. Jean Hill to Anita Hill .. Arlen Specter protected certain narratives from those inconvenient facts. Arlen may have been a lot of things but incompetent was not one of them. In fact Specter proved to be very effective in his chosen role.
JFK v J Edgar
Jim DiEugenio has an excellent critique of JFK. Jim also makes the point that no other movie has ever been subjected to the historical scrutiny that JFK was. Clint Eastwood's whitewashed wikified version of J Edgar is a good recent example of that.
From my own point of view the Clay Shaw trial dragged on a bit too long. Especially considering that Jim Garrison's investigation had been compromised from the start...
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