madamesilverspurs's JournalFantastic! (found on facebook)
Wish I owned it, would make one hell of a bumper sticker!
Lifestyle Choice
This teaparty weasel is speaker of the Colorado House, wherein the GOP holds a one-seat majority. Last night he chose to let the clock run out so that the members, who had already expressed approval of the civil unions measure, could not vote on it. So, it died. Along with it, about thirty other bills died, sacrificed to the teaparty's talibanish aspirations.
If you're in the neighborhood please join us!
This one well (please read the article referenced in the flier) has FINALLY gotten the attention of many people who had been insisting that fracking is perfectly safe.
Xposted from Occupy Underground
If you're in the neighborhood please join us!
This one well (please read the article referenced in the flier) has FINALLY gotten the attention of many people who had been insisting that fracking is perfectly safe.
Occupy wins a trophy!
For reals! OccupyTheRoads joined Occupy Greeley in the Cinco de Mayo parade, and won a trophy!
What would you say?
Okay, this was just posted to my facebook wall by someone I'm trying to bring 'into the light', so to speak. I've already responded, but I'm curious how others would answer this. My own response was worded to keep in mind that others will see the post. Given that same consideration, how would you respond?
Profile Information
Gender: Do not displayCurrent location: Colorado
Member since: Sat Apr 21, 2007, 03:17 PM
Number of posts: 15,962