madamesilverspurs's JournalGrab the hack sack.
Listening to Priebus defend the Walker/$30million to the Barrett/$4million difference, he says the huge money is necessary barricade against the ginormous union funds. Why yes, Reince, and no one will notice that 7:1 doesn't exactly make you David against Goliath.
It's become a daily, sometimes hourly, routine for Republicans to demonstrate that an ability to speak truth is not welcome in the party.
Did it!
My fancy wheeled walker and I actually made it around the entire circuit at the Relay For Life, roughly equivalent to two laps around a football field. And wow, what a turnout! We had about 6000 people turn out for the Relay For Life, continuing our record of being the largest Relay event in Colorado. Never saw any of the pro-fracking county commissioners, odd since they usually like to make themselves very visible in the walk. Did manage to have a few conversations about carcinogens in fracking fluids.
Also managed to forget my camera, wouldn'tcha know. The pic is from the newspaper, I'm somewhere in the upper left corner, waaay back in the crowd. And today I'm relaxing with a bag of frozen peas on each knee.
picture from
My favorite blouse is a dark pink, some would say cranberry. I needed a scarf to wear with it, so I scooted into one of our local thrift shops and found a scarf with a lovely geometric pattern in colors that go perfectly with the blouse. Being in a bit of a hurry I didn't look too closely at my purchase until I got home. When I was removing the tags I came across the notation that the scarf was designed for the Warriors in Pink campaign to benefit breast cancer research. I'll be wearing it today at the Relay For Life.
Some things take our breath away in a good way.
Wish me luck!
Whew. Just finished painting some signs to carry tomorrow. There's actually one more that's waiting a bit of information, but I'm going to cheat and use the printer and some glue just to save time.
Tomorrow is the Relay For Life. I've participated on a very limited basis in the past, but this year I'm determined to make the entire walk; I've enlisted the help of a number of friends who understand that they might have to pull, push or drag me across the finish line.
Last year I went for Mom, at 92 no longer able to do the walk (although she did until she was 87); Mom had her second mastectomy at age 81. I'm a little over five years out from my own bout with lung cancer. This year I'm also walking for my sister-in-law who will not be a survivor, it's now a matter of days.
I'm also walking because some of our county commissioners will be walking. Much as I appreciate their support for a good cause, I'm more than a bit sickened by their hypocrisy. They are, after all, the ones who keep bragging about the 18000+ fracking wells in our county, the ones who insist that there are no carcinogens in the chemical soup that is used or in the regurgitated water, the ones who get huge "campaign donations" from oil/gas developers in other parts of the state. The last sign I'm making will list the fracking carcinogens and will give references for those inclined to do further research; I'll also have handouts available. The Relay, after all, IS about cancer. My signs will be placed to be clearly visible to all who walk the circuit. The commishes will not be happy about my signs. Too bad.
It's going to be interesting, to say the least.
From an attempted conversation with a birther --
Birther sez: "And don't even try to tell me it's racism. It can't be racist, because he's half white!"
Will somebody please invent a brick wall made of foam rubber? My forehead is starting to hurt. . .
Flows in the Poudre River - S. Platte's largest tributary - at all time low...
Water in Welds rivers is severely lacking and, at this point, producers in the states most ag-productive county assume theyll be using similar adjectives to describe their harvests later this year.
Streamflow in the Poudre River, which cuts through north Greeley and goes on to serve as the largest tributary stream to the South Platte River, is particularly dismal. According to numbers provided by the Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District, peak stream flow in the Poudre River came earlier and was lower this year than any other year on record dating back to 1957.
Peak streamflows in the South Platte River are not at all-time lows this year that happened in 1954. But, according to Colorado Water Resources Division 1 Engineer Dave Nettles, the rivers peak flow this month was about three times less than it was in 2002 the year of a historic drought that changed the way many producers and municipalities manage water.
xposted from GD
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