live love laugh
live love laugh's JournalTurn it off ‼️
I saw somewhere that theres a MSM blackout being pushed. I hope many here, including myself participate.
No Talking Heads for me today or this week
No news
And at the very least refrain from bringing their bullshit here.
I just looked at one newspapers (Washington Post) headlines and its clear, the media is doing a hit job. A lot of stories are literal fictionlike unfounded made-up bullshit about the Biden family or about things Nancy Pelosi has allegedly said that she didnt
If you turn it off, I promise youll feel a lot better.
Why are we allowing the bar to be moved from a debate performance to polls?
The debate was 3 weeks ago and Trumps performance since has surpassed every milestone of concern that was focused on Biden. Trump just delivered a 90 minute rambling pointless speech and has yet to lay out a platform other than retribution. Trumps lead up to his speech was getting in a nap or two in front of the cameras.
If debates were the determining factor for the election, why didnt Hillarys 3 debate successes get her elected?
Since President Biden has redeemed himself after the debate, the bar has shifted (for now) to the polls. History and changes in polling methods dont support reliance on the polls as the best measure of elections. In July 1988, before cell phones and call screening when polls were reliable, Bush polled at 37% to Dukakis 54%. Bush won. In August 1960, Nixon polled at 50% over JFKs 40%. Todays polls are nearly meaningless with biased foreign billionaires like Peter Thiel buying results. Then too prediction methods are not mathematically correct because pollsters cant reach representative numbers of people that mirror the voter population.
The only bar that matters is the track record thats been set by President Biden. No more debate about debates.
What would you do for a trillion dollars?
Risk your life? Risk somebody elses? Lie? Cheat? Steal? Maim? Disparage? Divide? Foment violence? _______?
President Biden is all that stands in the way of a trillion dollars to billionaires by way of tax cuts with likely dark money quid-pro-quo kickbacks to Republicans.
Already weve seen the Republican-owned media collaborate to try forcing Biden to step down from office. The step-down attack on Biden failed. Now as the Republican-owned media blankets outlets with endless coverage on the attempted assassination/ mass shooting I wonder what happens if they dont get a bump in the polls?
We are seeing P25 fomenting violence if the Left gets in their way. Major social media platforms owned by Republicans are recruiting droves of paid operatives and allowing alarming threats from Republicans.
This election cycle is not just about the struggle to save democracyits about saving lives our leaders and ours.
Knowing whats at stake, what do you think THEY will do for a trillion dollars?
Witness says he saw gunman on roof beforehand man with a rifle was seen on a rooftop minutes before shots were fired at a Donald Trump rally in Pennsylvania, a witness has told the BBC.
Greg Smith said the man had crawled on top of a building just outside the event in Butler County on Friday evening.
He said he pointed the gunman out to police.
"I'm thinking to myself 'Why is Trump still speaking, why have they not pulled him off the stage'... the next thing you know, five shots ring out."
"We're pointing at him, the police are down there running around on the ground, we're like 'Hey man, there's a guy on the roof with a rifle'... and the police did not know what was going on."
Mr Smith said he tried to alert the authorities for three to four minutes, but thought they probably could not see the gunman because of the slope of the roof. Why is there not Secret Service on all of these roofs here?" he asked. "This is not a big place. "[It's a] security failure, 100% security failure."
It's JULY. Republicans are desperate. What next?
Epstein and Trump in context
From Tizzyent well known TikTok advocate and influencer.To summarize he talks about how the Epstein files were sealedthat the case states back to 2006 and therefore has nothing to do with interference in the presidential election; he covers how the girls were entrapped and gaslit not to testify, believing and being told by corrupt officials and adults that they were criminals; he shows Trump calls some at 3 AM to Epstein; and he shows Costa who represented Epstein and got him nearly freed from many of the cases, except one; he shows how Fox News asked Trump if he would release the JFK files the Epstein files and how Trump hedged and started talking about there would be lies regarding the Epstein file; shows how Trump brought Costa Epsteins lawyer on board into his cabinet as labor secretary; he ends by saying how nothing is being mentioned about this recent release, but everybody is going crazy about Biden.
It's well documented that Biden's had foot-in-mouth disease for decades
This is no criticism its in defense of the inevitable discarding of everything of substance hes saying tonight in favor of a few flubs.
When pundits start yapping I hope they also bring in the fact that hes been doing this for decades. If anybody remembers, even Obama chided him a few times about it. -2019 2020 2008,29569,1895156,00.html
Pledge of Allegiance 2030
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the united corporations of America and the to the deception on which they stand
one nation under fraud, clearly visible with bribery and corruption for all.
Where're the debate transcript comparisons?
For all the shallow and subjective comments about appearance and inflection President Biden delivered coherently and truthfully during the debate. Its in black-and-white.
On the other hand, his felonious opponent did not as we all know.
The media in their ongoing collaboration with Republicans who own or run most major outlets have failed journalistically. Theyve overlooked the actual comments at the debate and focused on appearances alone.
The transcripts speak for themselves. Bidens clear substantive responses force them to acknowledge his competence. The transcripts also force them to acknowledge all the lies Trump told.
The same goes for the transcript of the Stephanopoulos attackdisguisedas interview.
In both instances Biden comes across with clarity despite his speech, impediment and despite appearances.
We need substance and Biden has it.
Demand the Republican media fully compare the debate transcripts!
TX Trump former adviser and evangelical pastor resigns in disgrace Robert Morris of Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas, confesses to inappropriate sexual behavior
Woman who accused ex-Trump adviser of molesting her (when she was 12 and he was 21) says he shouldnt lead a church.
Pastor Robert Morris admitted to inappropriate sexual behavior after a woman said the megachurch pastor repeatedly abused her in the 1980s.
Trump and Barr visited his church in June 2020
Remarks by President Trump During a Roundtable on Transition to Greatness: Restoring, Rebuilding, and Renewing | Dallas, TX The White House
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