Sherman A1
Sherman A1's JournalFacebook post on Iran from Andrew Yang
"I have signed a pledge to end the Forever Wars. We have been in a constant state of armed conflict for 19 years at a disastrous cost to both our people and our resources. This must end."He further states: "War with Iran is the last thing we need and is not the will of the American people. We should be acting to deescalate tensions and protect our people in the region."
Regional leaders float idea to buy Lambert from St. Louis
ST. LOUIS County and municipal leaders in St. Louis, St. Charles and Jefferson counties are looking at the possibility of buying St. Louis Lambert International Airport from the city and putting it under the control of a regional board.
The heads of some of the regions largest governments have discussed a massive special sales taxing district spanning St. Louis, St. Charles, Jefferson and even Franklin counties, the Post-Dispatch has learned.
If voters in those jurisdictions approved it, a half-cent sales tax could generate some $80 million to $100 million annually money that could be used to acquire the airport from St. Louis, much as a private operator would have done under a long-term lease contemplated during the recently aborted privatization process.
We have talked to St. Louis (County and) St. Charles (County) and the issues been brought up to Jefferson County, said Bridgeton Mayor Terry Briggs, who has pitched the idea and discussed it with other area mayors and county leaders.
The minute they said Sales Tax Increase to pay for this...They lost me.
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