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pnwmom's Journal
pnwmom's Journal
May 1, 2016

"In some ways Sanders contradicted himself during the press conference."

And not for the first time.

He supports the concept of super-delegates making up their own minds -- but only as long as they vote for him.


"If I win a state with 70 percent of the votes you know what, I think I'm entitled to those super delegates. I think that the super delegates should reflect what the people in the state want," he said.

Sanders called on super delegates from states like Washington and Minnesota specifically, where he beat Clinton by double-digit margins, to change their allegiances.

In some ways Sanders contradicted himself during the press conference. He argued that super delegates should follow the popular vote from the states they represent, but also said they should consider backing him even if he does not win the majority of pledged delegates. His campaign distributed factsheets Sunday showing general election polling in battleground states and nationwide where he outperforms his opponent against Republican candidates.

&quot Super delegates) are going to have to go into their hearts and they are going to have to ask themselves do they want the second strongest candidate running against Trump or the strongest candidate?" Sanders said.

April 30, 2016

Race and the Standardized Testing Wars


WHEN the parents of more than 200,000 pupils in the third through eighth grades in New York chose to have their children sit out standardized state tests last spring, major civil rights organizations were quick to condemn their decision, along with similar movements in Colorado, Washington and New Jersey.

Reliable testing results, they argued, broken down by race, income and disability status, were critical in holding schools accountable for providing equal education for all. By refusing to have their children participate, the parents were “inadvertently making a choice to undermine efforts to improve schools for every child,” according to a statement by the groups.

Because the families opting out were disproportionately white and middle class, testing proponents dismissed them as coddled suburbanites, while insisting that urban parents, who had graver concerns about the quality of their children’s schools, were supportive of the tests. Earlier this year, proponents of testing began using the hashtag #OptOutSoWhite — a spin on the #OscarsSoWhite social-media campaign — to suggest that testing opposition was a form of white privilege.

Yet as testing season unfolds this year, the debate is becoming murkier. More minority educators, parents and students are criticizing the tests, opening a rift with civil rights groups and black and Hispanic educators who support testing, like Secretary of Education John B. King Jr.

Their complaints are wide-ranging. They argue that the focus on testing has forced struggling schools to cut back on enriching programs like field trips and arts education. Some view testing as part of a larger agenda, driven by test companies and opponents of teachers’ unions, that seeks to wring profits from education while closing public schools and replacing them with non-unionized charter schools. Others say that the tests are damaging to students’ self-esteem, because students interpret low scores as proof that they are inferior and destined to fail.

April 30, 2016

Now we can buy a whole deck of Woman Cards.

Of course half of us have been playing with these all our lives . . . .


April 29, 2016

Bernie campaign and DNC argue about what independent investigation of data breach found.

In any case, Bernie has withdrawn his lawsuit against the DNC.


The Sanders campaign statement on Friday went on to say that an independent investigation vindicated the campaign in the matter.

“With the investigation behind us, the campaign has withdrawn its lawsuit against the DNC today but continues to implore the DNC to address the systemic instability that remains in its voter file system,” the statement said. “It is imperative that the DNC make it a top priority to prevent future data security failures in the voter file system, failures that only serve as unnecessary distractions to the democratic process.”

But in a separate statement, the DNC said that the independent investigation by CrowdStrike agreed upon by the Sanders campaign and the DNC “identified evidence of unauthorized access via four user accounts from the Bernie 2016 campaign. All unauthorized access occurred during a one-hour period from 10:41 to 11:42 EST on December 16, 2015.”

“During that time, the four users conducted 25 searches using proprietary Hillary for America score data across 11 states. All of the results of these searches were saved within the VoteBuilder system, with the exception of one instance where a user exported a statistical summary of a search using HFA scoring in New Hampshire,” the DNC statement said. “CrowdStrike found no evidence of unauthorized access by the Hillary for America or O’Malley for President campaigns. Today, the Sanders campaign also voluntarily dismissed the breach of contract action pending against the DNC.”

April 29, 2016

WA State's most loved and liberal house member, Rep. Jim McDermott, M.D.,

has been physically threatened by an enraged Bernie supporter.

Rep. McDermott told investigators he had armed himself against potential threats -- with a shovel he carried to work and hid behind some flags.


Charges: Bernie Sanders supporter threatened to cut out Seattle congressman’s tongue

A Seattle man accused of threatening to cut out U.S. Rep. Jim McDermott’s tongue now faces felony charges.

King County prosecutors claim Jasper K. Bell made the threat because he was upset that McDermott, D-Seattle, was supporting Hilary Clinton for president. Currently jailed, Bell, 27, has been charged with intimidating a public servant and telephone harassment.

Bell had been fixated on McDermott for some time before the April 22 incident that saw him charged, Senior Deputy Prosecutor Susan Storey said in court paper. Bell is alleged to have made threatening calls to McDermott before arriving at his Seattle office that day.

“In one phone call he demanded the congressman’s home address and threatened to cut his tongue out,” Storey said in charging papers. “In another call he stated that the congressman would not be safe, even after he retires.”

McDermott, a long-serving liberal, announced in January that he would be retiring after 14 terms in Congress. A competitive primary contest is underway for the seat representing Washington’s deep-blue 7th District.

April 29, 2016

538: Hillary Clinton was liberal. Hillary Clinton is liberal.

The data show that she's a liberal, despite how some DUers view her.


A bunch of reporters have recently discovered a shocking truth: Hillary Clinton is liberal! (I heard a rumor that Columbo has been helping with the investigation.)

We’ve gotten this raft of “Clinton is liberal” exposés as Clinton has revved up her 2016 campaign, speaking out in support of gay marriage, a pathway to citizenship for immigrants in the U.S. illegally, and criminal justice reform. But what many of these articles miss is that Clinton has always been, by most measures, pretty far to the left. When she’s shifted positions, it has been in concert with the entire Democratic Party.

To see how these different issues fit together to form an overall political ideology, we usually use three metrics: one based on congressional voting record, one based on public statements and one based on fundraising.

Clinton was one of the most liberal members during her time in the Senate. According to an analysis of roll call votes by Voteview, Clinton’s record was more liberal than 70 percent of Democrats in her final term in the Senate. She was more liberal than 85 percent of all members. Her 2008 rival in the Democratic presidential primary, Barack Obama, was nearby with a record more liberal than 82 percent of all members — he was not more liberal than Clinton.


April 27, 2016

How Hillary Clinton will bait and trap Donald Trump.


How Hillary Clinton will bait Donald Trump into making even more women hate him

Clinton will have so many different paths to attack Trump on issues of concern to women that she may not know where to start. But don't be surprised if she baits him into insulting her in ways that every woman voter will recognize. A barbed comment about his age here, a joke about his hair there, an implication about his virility over there — and Trump will respond with a sexist tirade the minute he hears about it.

Just the fact that the critique is coming from a woman — and even worse, one with her own power — will send Trump into a rage. I promise you that at some point Trump will call Clinton ugly (even if he doesn't use that word), because he plainly believes that proclaiming his lack of sexual interest in a woman is the most cutting insult he can offer.

Few candidates have ever appealed more directly to anxious masculinity than Trump, and every time he gets in a new flame war with someone like Megyn Kelly, many of his supporters are overjoyed. Trump voters pine for a return to the familiar social hierarchies of the past — one part of Making America Great Again is a return to an imagined time when everything was perfect and certain kinds of people knew their place. Yet for every voter who thinks that, there are more who could not want to go back any less.

To them, Clinton will say that Trump represents a return to dark times. And it won't be hard for her to get Trump to show everyone, but especially women, exactly why.
April 27, 2016

Trump's mob connections.

His FOUR corporate bankruptcies.

His misogyny.

His fake Christianity.

His wall.

His ego.

His hand size.

Don't worry. If he's the nominee, Hillary will be able to dispatch him. His Rethug opponents have held back because they don't want anything they say to come back to bite them in the General.

Hillary will have no reason to hold back. And she will handle the job deftly.

April 27, 2016

Politifact: "Yes, Donald Trump has been linked to the mob."

Danny Leung, mentioned below, is just one of Trump's many mob-linked associates, and he was a top manager at Trump's Taj Mahal -- before it went bankrupt.

I suggest you read the whole article. It's full of interesting connections.


"You had contractors that were supposedly mob-oriented all over Atlantic City," Trump said when the Wall Street Journal asked him about it, adding that "every single casino company used the same companies, just I hope you will say that."

A few years later, Trump’s organized crime connections extended overseas. In 1992, a Senate subcommittee named Danny Leung, who was then the vice president for foreign marketing at Trump Taj Mahal, as an associate of the Hong Kong-based organized crime group 14K Triad.


(The Trump Taj Mahal declared bankruptcy in 1991, and his other Atlantic City properties folded a decade later.)


Our ruling

Cruz said, "There have been multiple media reports about Donald's business dealings with the mob, with the mafia."

While it’s important to note that these connections were not atypical in the real estate and casino businesses in the 1980s, Cruz’s statement is accurate. Media reports have linked Trump to mafia bosses and mob-connected business associates for decades.

We rate the claim True.

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