Mr_Jefferson_24's JournalYou subscribe to the...
...Washington Post, now why doesn't that surprise me?
Are you by any chance a big fan of the O'Reilly Factor too?
Any complex system or organization controlled by people who are corrupt and operated in a manner which is corrupt can rightly be called corrupt. Western media absolutely is corrupt. Just because some investigative reporter does a good job investigating a police shooting or corruption at city hall does not change this. That reporter, honorable and decent a person as he/she may be, did this good reporting ONLY because his/her corporate keepers allowed it.
They are permitted to do honest investigative reporting ONLY when it poses no threat to the elites and that most certainly is corrupt.
If you simply must drink the Koolaid because your psyche is just too fragile to face the reality of what our so called print and TV "news" media actually is (a propaganda instrument controlled by the elites), then by all means drink the Koolaid. We wouldn't want you to become distressed.
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Gender: MaleHometown: Arlington, TX
Member since: Fri Jul 1, 2005, 01:37 PM
Number of posts: 8,559