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cali's Journal
cali's Journal
February 6, 2016

Hillary was directly involved with the SuperPac Ready For Hillary in 2013

That indicates, pretty strongly, she was committed to running.

On Jan. 25, 2013, Ready for Hillary formally organized by filing paperwork with the FEC. Clinton was directly involved with the super PAC at that point — you may remember the “Ready for Hillary” bus? Clinton was promoting her new book “Hard Choices” at that time (much like Ben Carson is promoting his book "Gifted Hands" now) and doing speaking events around the country.



February 6, 2016

Why Hillary going to Flint is good thing- from a Bernie supporter

Because it will put the spotlight on Flint in a positive and urgent way. And anyone horrified by this austerity/greed created tragedy, should consider that. I don't care if Hillary gets good press or what her motives are. I care about help and justice for the people of Flint, particularly, the kids.

February 6, 2016

When Gloria campaigned for Bernie (his opponent was a pro-choice woman)

The sexism was bad. NOT from Bernie at all. This woman was the victim of a horrific abduction/rape a few years prior. She was accomplished, a lawyer and State Senator. She started a non-profit for women crime victims. Shee was treated appallingly by some in the local media and it seemed, embarrassingly enough, that sometimes the entire state was calling her Susie Creamcheese.


Sweeter, of course, is pro-choice, voted to increase the state's minimum wage and claims to be a moderate. She explains away her differences with Big Dick by saying it proves the GOP is the "party of the big tent." But jeezum crow, the air must get awful stale inside the tent. What's the old saying? If you lie down with dogs you get up with fleas. Susie must have a terrible itch this week that'll last well beyond the time her Hollywood-style TV spot 11 stops running.<snip>




Shortly after his release, on Dec. 7, 1980, Percy abducted Susan Sweetser at gunpoint, beat her, choked her, forced her fto engage in oral sex and raped her repeatedly. She was 21, three months pregnant with her first child.



"This will be an historic election. Why?" asked Susie Creamcheese from the podium. "Because we have the opportunity to replace the most liberal, most out-of-touch member of Congress, Bernie Sanders!"

Sweetser went on to declare, "I'm a second-generation American. I'm a mom of two daughters. I'm also a teacher and I'm a victim of a brutal crime. But I fought back! In 1990 I founded Survivors of Crime, and in the past year after a battle that lasted over a decade, I passed Vermont's historic Crime Victims Bill of Rights."

Sounds pretty good, huh? Susie Creamcheese's 90 seconds on the San Diego stage betrayed none of the difficulties her campaign is facing back in Vermont. A look at the Vermont side of things reveals signs of trouble in Sweetservill


to joining National Life, Sweetser was a confidential law clerk for the justices of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division, and was the first woman attorney at the prestigious Burlington, Vermont law firm of Gravel and Shea, specializing in corporate, commercial and tax law. She is a member of both the New York and Vermont bar associations (she has section memberships in the Elder Care Section, the Trusts and Estate Planning Section and the Tax Section), is an adjunct professor of Business Law at St. Michael?s College and is a former member of the University of Vermont School of Business Advisory Committee. She is a much sought after speaker on estate, business, retirement and tax planning issues.

Sweetser served two terms in the Vermont Senate and was the youngest member of the Senate at the time. She chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee (the youngest Senate Judiciary Committee Chair in the country) and was a member of the powerful Senate Appropriations Committee. In July of 1995, she was named one of ten National Legislators of the Year by the National Republican Legislators Association. In addition, Sweetser served as Vice Chair of the National Council of State Legislators? Law and Justice Committee. She was the moving force behind Vermont?s anti-stalking legislation, bail reform law, violent career criminal act, Adoption Law Reform, Corporate Code reform and Uniform Commercial Code update. She also drafted the enabling legislation for Vermont?s Limited Liability Company Act.

February 6, 2016

It's fucking depraved to compare the nurse's union to Haim Saban and

Citibank. It's fucking cynical bullshit to try and mitigate Clinton's history with big murky fucking money with the nurse's union. It's ridiculous to try and conflate Bernie's fundraising with Hillary's.

It's contemptible and dishonest and those doing it, whether it's the NYT or some blogger know it's about as dishonest and dishonorable as is possible.

Yes, I said Depraved:

morally corrupt; wicked.
"a depraved indifference to human life"

synonyms: corrupt, perverted, deviant, degenerate, debased, immoral, unprincipled; More

February 6, 2016

How many SuperPacs does Hillary have? A lot.

We’re going to dive into the web of financing for all of the presidential candidates, but as we have looked into several Republican candidates already — like Ted Cruz’s plethora of super PACs and Right to Rise’s pro-Jeb Bush advertising — we’re going to start this exercise over on the Democratic Party side with Hillary Clinton.1

We'll be delving even deeper into the Clinton money network soon, so keep your eyes peeled for part two. But for now, let’s get started!

Players you should know

To start with, here are the names you need to know and how they fit under our current campaign finance system.2

Ready for Hillary PAC (hybrid super PAC)
Ready PAC (hybrid super PAC, formerly Ready for Hillary)
Hillary for America (candidate PAC)
Priorities USA Action (super PAC)
Correct the Record (super PAC)
American Bridge 21st Century (super PAC)
American Bridge 21st Century Foundation (501(c)(4))
American Independent Institute (501(c)(4))
Media Matters (501(c)(3))
The Bonner Group
Now that you know who is involved, here’s the story we know right now of the money backing Hillary. It's rather lengthy so in this post we'll cover Ready for Hillary, Ready PAC, and Priorities USA Action. We'll be looking at the rest later in the week.

Ready for Hillary

First of all, it’s important to point out that the Hillary Clinton political fundraising machine started a full two years before she declared she was running for president. (At least, the one actually associated with her name did.)

On Jan. 25, 2013, Ready for Hillary formally organized by filing paperwork with the FEC. Clinton was directly involved with the super PAC at that point — you may remember the “Ready for Hillary” bus? Clinton was promoting her new book “Hard Choices” at that time (much like Ben Carson is promoting his book "Gifted Hands" now) and doing speaking events around the country.



February 6, 2016

One SuperPac. Unlike your candidate, he isn't

involved with it through sleazy loopholes in the law. And she has made appearances at fundraisers for her slew of SuperPacs.

The comparison is so dishonest and absurd.

May 7, 2015



(just yelling 'cuz you did

I honestly believe that this insistence for over a decade that Hillary be the nominee, has been bad for the party.

Profile Information

Gender: Female
Hometown: born is LA, grew up there and in New Canaan CT
Home country: USA
Current location: East Hardwick, Vermont
Member since: Wed Sep 29, 2004, 03:28 PM
Number of posts: 114,904
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