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MagickMuffin's Journal
MagickMuffin's Journal
June 30, 2014

Texas Democratic Convention Videos

In case anyone is interested in watching some of the convention speeches. Dru and Amber Davis introduction to Wendy Davis, Wendy, Leticia Van de Putte, plus several others.

There are eight videos at the link. Enjoy, if you haven't seen them already!


April 3, 2014

Please Contribute to Lon Burnam's Legal Defense Fund

State Rep. Lon Burnam has served Tarrant County for 17 years. The first two excerpts below are emails and the last one is from the Startlegram.

We need Lon Burnam in office. He has been very beneficial to Fort Worth and very supportive of Tarrant County candidates running for office and he is a progressive Democrat. Now it's our turn to be supportive of State Rep. Lon Burnam.

Thank you for your many years of support. As many of you already know, after 17 years in the Texas Legislature, my campaign for re-election for a 10th term as your State Representative came up short by just 111 votes. The last minute influx of pro-charter school money into my opponent’s campaign through the front group Education Reform Now —run by Wall Street hedge fund managers—was the silver bullet that ended my tenure of staunch support for our public schools and quality education for our children.

Every Session I spent as your Representative we made great strides towards equality and justice for the people of District 90 and Texas. Now more than ever, it is important that we keep a watchful eye on the Texas Legislature. Education Reform Now has a specific agenda—to help private companies make profit by redirecting public education dollars to charter schools. With so many billions of dollars at stake here…what they put into elections in Texas is chump change.

Because of the over $35,000 Education Reform Now poured into the campaign against me, my opponent will receive significant pressure to vote to undermine our public schools by redirecting the money towards charters.

But I am not finished and I will be spending the coming months holding Romero, Education Reform Now and other special economic interests accountable.

Please help me do this by making a contribution to my severely depleted political account so I can bird-dog and raise the alarm about those who see this time as an opportunity to dismantle our public education system.

Beyond that, rest assured that I do not intend to "go quietly into the night". I have ten months left as a state representative and I intend to use every bit of it. Even after I leave office, I will continue to fight for public education, healthcare for all, civil rights and environmental justice as a public citizen.

It has been my distinct honor to serve in the Texas House, even when the Texas House wasn't always honorable. Thanks for the memories, you'll be hearing from me again soon. You can count on it.

Lon Burnam

Many of you already know that last Monday I filed a lawsuit to overturn the results of the March 4th primary election after learning of illegal vote harvesting and other election irregularities. As you may know, the initial race results were very close, so even a limited number of illegitimate votes can change the outcome.

After receiving reports of these illegal acts and reviewing my options, I assembled a great legal team including Buck Wood, Art Brender and Ross Peavey, and filed suit. Our first hearing is this Friday, April 4th, when we will be filing the initial subpoenas for the documents that will prove these allegations. This suit is moving very quickly, and so are my legal bills.

I am grateful for the show of support from my friends in the words of encouragement and the 150 people who have contributed to my legal fund so that we can see this lawsuit through.

However, we have not yet raised enough money to complete the lawsuit, and without it I may have to concede.

It is hard to know what to suggest as a giving level, but one clever friend gave $111, (the number of votes separating the candidates in the race). Other friends have given much more and many gave what they could. I am not a wealthy man and I have no corporate backers footing the bill, so I am depending on you.

Please help me in this fight, not just to return me to office but to also protect the integrity of the Democratic primaries in Tarrant County, so that they do not head down the troubled path we have seen others take. Please contribute to my legal defense fund here.

Best regards,
Lon Burnam

P.S. Not everyone is on my email list, so please forward this to any of your progressive friends via email or Facebook who might be interested in supporting this effort.

P.P.S. I have said this before but judging from some of the comments I have seen from those I have never counted as friends, I need to say it again: These allegations have absolutely nothing to do with anything that could be addressed with a Voter ID law. Anyone who says that is either profoundly dishonest or profoundly confused about election law. You can tell them I said that.

State Rep. Lon Burnam filed such a suit Monday against businessman Ramon Romero Jr., the man who bested him by 111 votes in the March 4 Democratic primary for Fort Worth’s District 90 House seat.

Given what’s at stake — Burnam asks a district court to declare him the winner rather than Romero or to order a new election — the suit should receive expedited treatment from the court and everyone involved.

No one gains from holding the election outcome in legal limbo.

Burnam says in the suit, filed by attorneys Randal Buck Wood of Austin and Art Brender of Fort Worth, that he has “information and belief” that canvassers working on behalf of Romero improperly submitted applications for more than 180 vote-by-mail ballots.

The canvassers asked potential voters to fill out a vote-by-mail application on an iPad and sign it electronically, the suit says, adding, “These signatures would be downloaded as a printed application and sent to the election officials so that a ballot could be mailed to the voter.”

Burnam’s core claim is that Texas election law makes no provision for using electronic devices in that way. He submitted as evidence emails to his office from the Texas secretary of state’s office saying any such technology “must be proven to work within the legal procedures set forth in the Election Code, and approved by the Legislature.”

To date, no such approval has been issued, the email says.

Read more here: http://www.star-telegram.com/2014/03/25/5679967/burnam-suit-puts-election-in-legal.html#storylink=cpy

February 12, 2014

Questions About Primary Training For The Upcoming Election

I have been a Precinct Chair since '08. I thought as part of our mandated training that we were compensated for the training mid-term elections.

However, when I received my election letter I was informed that the Sec. of State has mandated that the training sessions do not compensate for the training.

My questions are

Has this always been the case and I was mistaken about being paid for training since '08?

If this is a new mandate then

When did this change?

Did the Legislator vote for this?

If they didn't vote for this then Can the Sec. of State mandate these changes

Also I noticed that we will only be paid a whopping $8 per hour. I suppose this is the big plan to keep people wanting to service their communities. Pay them as little as possible. Perhaps in the next few years it will totally be set up as a voluntary position.

Sheesh, even the Presiding Judge during the general election makes a dollar more than the A.J and clerks.

January 30, 2014

More LOVE From Wendy's Daughters Amber and Dru

These are some emails I received from Wendy's daughters concerning their mother. You can tell how much they Love their mother. I just thought I'd share these with you!

May 2012

It’s our Mom’s birthday on Wednesday, and we were having some serious trouble deciding on the perfect gift for her. As we were arguing…er…discussing this problem, we realized that the best present ever would be to give her birthday wishes from all her friends and supporters.

For every $10 you contribute to our Mom’s re-election campaign between now and Wednesday, we will add one candle to her cake. Please click here and contribute today to send her a happy birthday wish. We need your help filling her birthday cake with as many candles as we can.

When we were kids, birthdays were a special and exciting time in our home. Now that we are the grown-ups (sort of…), it is our turn to show Mom how special she is by giving her all of your birthday greetings.

Please click here and contribute to help us cover her birthday cake with candles. Thanks so much for supporting our Mom!


Amber & Dru

P.S. The cake on order is really big, so we need your help to fill it up with candles – please give today!

May 2012

Wow. Just wow.

We are floored by how much love and support we have received for our Mom over the past two days. Thanks to the generosity of friends like you, we had to get an even bigger cake for Mom’s birthday celebration tonight.

We are up to 390 candles for her cake so far. But, since the party isn’t until tonight, there is still time to send your birthday wishes and help us add even more.

For every $10 you contribute right now, we will add another candle. Please click here to give and show our Mom some birthday love.

It’s going to be a great celebration this evening, and you will be there as we share with our Mom all of your amazing birthday wishes.

Please give generously to help us wish our Mom a very Happy Birthday today!

Thank you so much for sharing this special day with us and for your support of our Mom.


Amber & Dru

P.S. We just got word that Mom's staff has found over 100 additional candles. Please give now to help us fill up Mom’s cake!

May 2013

We’re interrupting your regularly scheduled legislative updates to bring you something a little more FUN! Our mom, Texas Senator Wendy Davis, is turning 50 today and we need your help with a surprise we’re planning for her.

We love our mom. She inspires us each and every day, like she does for so many of her friends and supporters. So for her birthday, we want to let her know how special we think she is and how much she means to so many people.

Click Here to Sign Mom’s Card!

It’s not every day that you turn 50. We are so proud of what our mom has accomplished in her first 50 years and can’t wait to see what’s in store for her in the next 50. Thank you for helping our family mark this milestone. It means a lot to us!

Amber and Dru

July 6, 2013

Some of you have known my mom for a while. Some of you have just gotten to know her. As her daughter, I hope everyone gets to know my mom as I do -- a tough fighter who is not afraid to take on those who abuse political power.

I watched my mother stand for 13 straight hours, fighting for the families of Texas. I couldn't have been more proud. But I wasn't surprised -- this isn't the first time she's gone up against one of Governor Perry's outrageous plans.

When the Texas legislature cut $5 billion in public education funding, hurting Texas's children and families, my mom took a stand.

My mom knows I will always stand beside her. And she needs to know you're with her, too.

My mom is building up a grassroots coalition -- and she needs 10,000 contributors to join her. Can you chip in $5 or more?

My mother is a real fighter. She always has been. And this filibuster just proved that when push comes to shove, she stands strong.

Mom got the fight against Governor Perry's anti-women bill started. Now we all need to stand with her. Become one of the 10,000 contributors to help build her grassroots coalition. Pitch in a few dollars right now.

This fight doesn't just belong to my mom. It's up to each and every one of us to pitch in and help.

Thank you!

Amber Davis

January 28, 2014

Wendy Davis Response Email On Her Character Being Attacked

As our campaign has gained momentum, our opponents have gotten more and more desperate. But now they’ve stooped to a new low by attacking my family, my education, and my personal story – playing politics with the journey that has been my life.

Mine is a story about a teenage single mother who struggled to keep her young family afloat. It’s a story about a young woman who was given a precious opportunity to work her way up in the world. It’s a story about resiliency, and sacrifice, and perseverance.

And you’re damn right it’s a true story.

Throughout this campaign, I’ve shared that story – not because it’s unique, but because it isn’t.

The story of my life is also the story of millions of single mothers who feel alone in the world, millions of young dreamers searching for their chance to become something more than what they were born into, millions of families all across Texas who would sacrifice everything to give their children a better future.

It’s those stories – your stories – that drive my campaign. But Greg Abbott and his allies don’t want to hear them. They don’t have anything to offer Texans who find themselves in the same difficult situation I was in when I was young. They would slam the doors I walked through and pull up the ladders I was lucky to be able to climb.

And now, instead of offering real ideas to improve your life, they’re attacking mine.

It won’t work. The only thing Greg Abbott and his allies have proved with these desperate attacks is that they don’t understand what it means to live a life like mine – a life like that of so many people all across our state.

They don’t know me – and, what’s more important, they don’t know you.

I’m not surprised that the Abbott campaign would resort to attacking the story of a single mother who worked hard to get ahead.

And I’m not afraid of their false attacks – I developed thick skin long before anyone knew my name.

What I am is deeply proud of the life I’ve built and the daughters I’ve raised – and deeply grateful to the many, many people who have shared their stories and offered their support as I’ve traveled our state.

No false attack can take away my story. And no sleazy political trick will stop me from giving voice to yours.

Your stories are why I’m running for Governor. And together, I know we’ll make sure that the Texas we leave to our children is a place where every young mother can build a better life for her child. . . where every family can work their way up the economic ladder. . . where every Texan can achieve their dreams and live out their own success story.

Together, we’ll break through these attacks, win this election, and make Texas even greater.


……… WORD ………


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