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LetMyPeopleVote's Journal
LetMyPeopleVote's Journal
December 19, 2015

Ballot Draw

In Texas, a candidate's place on the ballot is determined by a ballot draw or drawing in each county. We have 8 candidates for POTUS on the ballot in Texas and we had my county's ballot draw last night. I got to draw for Hillary Clinton and she will be number one on the ballot in my county. I am now retiring from all future ballot draws.

On a serious note, there is some fun research that shows that position on the ballot can make a difference in some races where the candidates are not well known. That will not apply to this primary but still with 8 candidates on the March 1 primary ballot, it is nice to have Hillary Clinton at the top of the ballot.

November 23, 2015

Ex-Benghazi investigator sues Trey Gowdy for discrimination and defamation

Source: MSNBC

A former investigator for the House Benghazi Committee filed a federal lawsuit against the committee Monday, opening a new chapter in legal skirmishes over the Benghazi attacks and subsequent investigations.

Last month, Brad Podliska, an Air Force Reserve major, alleged the Benghazi committee terminated him based on his military obligations and his refusal to advance an agenda targeting Hillary Clinton. Now, Podliska is detailing those charges in court in a new filing that alleges Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy broke the law by defaming him in their public battle over Podliska’s firing.

Gowdy previously said Podliska was terminated partly for mishandling classified information.

Read more: http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/ex-benghazi-investigator-sues-trey-gowdy-discrimination-and-defamation

November 16, 2015

Romney dissed Trump-How long before Trump attacks Romney?

Romney did an op ed in the Washington Post yesterday on ISIS and was on the Today Show this morning. Romney was asked and implied that he did not think that Trump could handle ISIS. When asked about Carson and Trump, Romney stated that there are two or three candidates in the GOP field who could win a general election and these people could deal with ISIS. Romney was asked who would be better fighting ISIS-Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump and Romney only attack Clinton but did not comment on Trump's ability.

I suspect that Trump will consider this to be an insult and we can expect some attacks later today

November 16, 2015

Is Mitt running?-Mitt has editorial in Washington Post today on Islamic State and Obama

There was speculation last week about the GOP field being so weak that Romney may get into the race. Today in the Washington Post, Mitt has an editorial entitled Mitt Romney:

Mitt Romney: Obama must wage war on the Islamic State, not merely harass it

The last three paragraphs of this editorial are the type of BS that you would expect if Romney was thinking about getting into the race
The West must stop the insanity of welcoming hundreds of thousands of people from the Middle East without knowing who exactly they are. Women, children and the elderly, perhaps, but not thousands upon thousands of single young men.

Only America can lead this war, and that leadership means being willing to devote whatever resources are required to win — even boots on the ground. We have the best-equipped and most dedicated military for good reason. The president must stop trying to placate his political base by saying what he won’t do and tell Americans what he will do.

We must do what it takes.

https://www.washingtonpost.com/posteverything/wp/2015/11/15/mitt-romney-obama-must-wage-war-on-the-islamic-state-not-merely-harass-it/ With Jeb! falling apart and the rest of the GOP field of clowns being pitiful, it appears that Mitt Romney may want to jump in.
November 7, 2015

Breaking: 3-Judge Court Keeps Texas Redistricting Plan in Place, for Now

The good news is that the Texas primary will be on Super Tuesday and the bad news is that we are stuck with the same gerrymandered districts for one more cycle http://electionlawblog.org/?p=77373 If the panel had struck down the current gerrymandered districts, the March 1 primary would have to be moved just like in 2012.

October 29, 2015

Sanders Says It Was 'Inappropriate' For Staffer To Joke About Clinton As Veep

I personally admire and respect Senator Sanders even if I am supporting Hillary Clinton. The comments from Sanders' campaign staff about Hillary being considered for VP were really dumb and I was disappointed. It seems that Senator Sanders is also very disappointed in these comments http://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/bernie-sanders-staffer-inappropriate-clinton

Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said Thursday that it was "inappropriate" for his campaign manager to joke about considering his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential running mate, MSNBC reported.

Earlier this week, Sanders' campaign manager had said that they were "willing to consider' Clinton as a running
“Look, she'd make a great vice president. We're willing to give her more credit than Obama did," Sanders campaign manager Jeff Weaver had said. "We're willing to consider her for vice president. We'll give her serious consideration. We'll even interview her.”

But Sanders walked back the comment to MSNBC.

“You know, I think that every campaign has statements come out which are inappropriate. That was inappropriate,” Sanders said, adding that he had "a lot of respect" for Clinton.

As I have repeatedly stated, I will support the Democratic nominee regardless of who wins the primary process. Senator Sanders is a good man and I respect him a great deal. These comments by Senator Sanders confirm my belief that Senator Sanders is a good man. I am still supporting Hillary Clinton but I am glad that Senator Sanders walked back the comments described above.
October 16, 2015

Turning Texas Blue

Yesterday's rally in San Antonio makes me smile. I and others are working hard to turn Texas blue. It is a hard and frustrating task. The Voter ID law killed us in 2014 (Wendy Davis was a good candidate and her numbers were the result of the Texas voter id law depressing turnout by 5.8% to 12.8% of registered voters). Texas will turn blue eventually but I want to speed up the process. One key is increasing the voter participation by Hispanic voters in Texas. California used to be a reddish state until Pete Wilson cracked down on Hispanics. http://www.salon.com/2015/08/20/donald_trump_is_the_harbinger_of_gop_doom_the_devastating_history_lesson_that_republicans_are_completely_ignoring/

There were obviously many factors that contributed to California’s evolution into the deep-blue state it is today, from demographics to the culture war. But none of those things come close to the damage that then-Governor Pete Wilson did to the longterm interest of the California Republican Party in 1994, when he scapegoated Latino immigrants as the cause of all the state’s woes.

Wilson was running for re-election, and as part of his campaign to distract from the economic failure of his first term and increase turnout among his base, he ran on a platform promising to crack down on undocumented workers, and enthusiastically supported the infamous Prop 187, which set up a statewide system designed to deny any kind of benefits to undocumented workers, including K-12 education and all forms of health care.

(He also supported a constitutional amendment to repeal birthright citizenship, currently guaranteed by the 14th Amendment.)

Here’s the famous “they keep coming” ad the Wilson campaign ran that year:

.....Wilson’s California Republicans are now a rump party of angry, white Tea Partyers and a handful professional operatives. It’s a very sad motley group compared to the political juggernaut that produced Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan.

There used to be an old saying “As California goes, so goes the nation” meaning that California was the modern, forward thinking laboratory of democracy which started the trends that everyone else would soon follow. If that holds true in this case of this Latino bashing, the Republicans are in for a long road back from the debacle of 2016.

Trump's comments on Latino voters are having an effect and are beginning to motivate Hispanic voters to participate. On the Chris Hayes's show last night, Sec. Castro was on discussing the increase participation of Latinos in Texas. I would love to see Julian Castro be Hillary Clinton's VP pick because that would further motivate Hispanic voters and will speed the process of turning Texas blue.

The Texas Democratic Party is officially neutral in the primary race but many people in the party believe that HRC naming Julian Castro would change things a great deal. If Texas is in play, the GOP will have to divert resources that will ensure a 2016 victory for the Democrats.

In the meantime, I and others will continue to work to turn Texas Blue. It is hard work but we will turn Texas blue
September 30, 2015

Iowa Democrats worry Bernie Sanders couldn't win a general election or tame Washington

VOX has an interesting article today on how some Iowa Democrats are worried about Sanders being viable http://www.vox.com/2015/9/29/9413889/bernie-sanders-iowa-democrats

DES MOINES, IOWA — Gail Klearman should be a perfect target for Bernie Sanders.

The 56-year-old legal aid attorney caucused for Barack Obama in 2008, and her politics put her more in line with Sanders than with Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Her children, she said, "feel the Bern."

But Klearman plans to caucus for Clinton in February.

"I think she has a better chance of winning, and I really want to see a Democrat as president," Klearman said after listening to Sanders speak at a Jewish Federation forum in Waukee on Sunday. "I think Americans fear socialism, even though the things that Sen. Sanders is talking about — apparently I agree with him on more issues than I do with Hillary. But not by a whole lot."

The question of whether America is ready to elect its first socialist president is one of two major concerns about Sanders that Iowans raised in interviews with Vox at a half-dozen of his events this past weekend. The other is whether he could govern effectively. Together, they represent the main challenge to Sanders's viability: Even some of the Democrats who think he's on point aren't at all sure he's their best pick to win the presidency or to run Washington.

"Bernie does not say anything I don't like," said John Ross, 76, who came to see Sanders on the stump at the Latino Heritage Festival here on Saturday. "My concern is him being able to win the support he needs in Congress."

I am also in the demographic which has the most people supporting Sanders and I share the concerns raised in this article. During the primary process, voters need to select the candidate that they are most comfortable with.
September 30, 2015

Iowa Democrats worry Bernie Sanders couldn't win a general election or tame Washington

VOX has an interesting article today on how some Iowa Democrats are worried about Sanders being viable http://www.vox.com/2015/9/29/9413889/bernie-sanders-iowa-democrats

DES MOINES, IOWA — Gail Klearman should be a perfect target for Bernie Sanders.

The 56-year-old legal aid attorney caucused for Barack Obama in 2008, and her politics put her more in line with Sanders than with Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton. Her children, she said, "feel the Bern."

But Klearman plans to caucus for Clinton in February.

"I think she has a better chance of winning, and I really want to see a Democrat as president," Klearman said after listening to Sanders speak at a Jewish Federation forum in Waukee on Sunday. "I think Americans fear socialism, even though the things that Sen. Sanders is talking about — apparently I agree with him on more issues than I do with Hillary. But not by a whole lot."

The question of whether America is ready to elect its first socialist president is one of two major concerns about Sanders that Iowans raised in interviews with Vox at a half-dozen of his events this past weekend. The other is whether he could govern effectively. Together, they represent the main challenge to Sanders's viability: Even some of the Democrats who think he's on point aren't at all sure he's their best pick to win the presidency or to run Washington.

"Bernie does not say anything I don't like," said John Ross, 76, who came to see Sanders on the stump at the Latino Heritage Festival here on Saturday. "My concern is him being able to win the support he needs in Congress."

I am also in the demographic which has the most people supporting Sanders and I share the concerns raised in this article. During the primary process, voters need to select the candidate that they are most comfortable with.
September 27, 2015

Jindal could soon end presidential run, website predicts

I have been wondering which GOP candidate will be the next to go. The latest prediction is that Jindal is next http://www.nola.com/politics/index.ssf/2015/09/jindal_pataki_to_drop_presiden.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Iowa political insiders say Gov. Bobby Jindal will soon give up on his presidential bid, Politico reports.

"He's become desperate," an Iowa Republican told the website. "He's taken to attacking Trump (we know how that worked out for Perry and Walker) and has nothing going on here in Iowa."

Another insider said Jindal had too much competition on "the hard inside right lane." In the last year in Louisiana, the governor has taken a strict conservative stance on taxes and education.

Like Walker, Jindal has a very bad record to run on. It is hard to ask for a promotion when you failed at your last job and Jindal has really screwed up the finances of his state.

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