senseandsensibility's JournalHow cheato wins in 2024
He needs to: 1. Delay all trials until after the election.
2. Entice billionaires who want tax cuts
3. Keep the evangelical voters with him by selling bibles
and reminding them that he ended Roe.
4. Scare everyone about immigration and crime while making
sure the problem is not solved.
5. Do everything possible to encourage a third party candidate
And maybe just as important, he needs to keep the threat of physical violence front and center for those who defy him. That's what the Biden kidnapping and Judge's daughter threatening posts are all about.
I'm starting to wonder if the threat of violence is what could be the deciding factor in a close election. It is really becoming blatant now. Even Judges might not be immune.
I wonder what the "conservatives" on the SC think when they hear Judge Luttig
say that not one person in a position of authority has stopped cheato's delegitimization of the courts and undermining of the rule of law. He is a true conservative hero. Do they feel nothing when he says, as he did just now on MSNBC, that a mob boss could never do the damage to our system of justice that cheato is doing?
Judge Luttig is saying that cheato's continual threats against judges may end our democracy. Do they care at all?
Of all the talking heads that fail miserably at covering cheato
I reserve a special kind of distain for the ones assigned to follow his campaign. They all go above and beyond to normalize him, and that's saying something since the normalization is rampant everywhere. But they are the champions, hands down.
Kristin Holmes on CNN listens to the latest outrage and/or lie recited by the anchor with a smirk and a twinkling eye. When it's her turn to talk, she begins with "Well, look..." and then goes on to normalize him with blather basically amounting to that's just how he is, and isn't it kind of charming?
Garrett Haeke does the same on MSNBC. I assume they are doing this to keep access to the liars on the cheato campaign, as if that is a worthy goal. The whole thing is disgusting. I wonder if they think they are fooling anyone.
Maybe I'm dumb, gullible, too optimistic, or all of the above
but I am far from discouraged by this slight delay in trial and reduction of bond. Sure, it's not optimal. But he's still going to have to put up a hefty amount (which he probably doesn't have) and he's still going to have to pay E.Jeanne Carroll the entire amount when it's due.
I won't let this minor speedbump discourage me. IMHO other rulings by the Supreme Court and Aileen Cannon have been much more biased and unfair.
Just my two cents, but remember...It's not over til it's over.
CNN dumping all over NBC for hiring Ronna!
Kind of amusing. Their correspondent is quoting Chuck Todd, and really slamming the higher ups at NBC.
He says that the blowback is worse than anyone expected, and is not going to blow over. Basically, he's saying that NBC may have to get rid of her.
Pointing out that hiring an insurrectionist is a red line, or should be. The correspondent was Oliver Darcy.
The passive/aggressive rightwing tactic of not getting the Ronna outrage
This is not directed at DUers who have their own opinion and are perfectly capable of defending it. But all over twitter right now rightwingers are screaming that Jen Psaki and George Stephanopoulos were hired by major networks, SO WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE? HUH?
And I hope we can all agree that if someone is an election denier, and an insurrectionist, it IS different. Also, they should be required to full throatedly own up to past lies and denounce their actions related to the recent insurrection. Mealy mouthed B.S. in response to questioning is not nearly enough to justify a contract by a major network.
Would R's sink this low?
We know they're holding up funding for Ukraine and doing Putin's bidding by using his talking points to smear Joe Biden.
But would they actually go along and parrot Putin's effort to blame the terrorist attack on Ukraine? Would they do it to weaken Biden and support their desire to not approve funding?
I can see them doing it. So far the freedumb caucus has never seen a Russian talking point and smearjob they don't like.
Talk about must NOT SEE TV
Ronna will be on MTP tomorrow on MSNBC to introduce herself to its viewership. Is there ANYONE who thinks Welker will do anything but gush?
Just read this on Aaron Rupar's twitter. Although he covers Sunday shows, he is boycotting this. And I will too.
Chris Hayes covering the Biden Bump (in the polls)
Woo-hoo! I'm watching on a delay, so haven't heard the details yet. He's leading with the loan drama and really hitting him on that as well.
I think it's fitting that cheato is asking the same judge
who he slandered for months (along with his clerk) with really vile lies for favors. Now he wants mercy.
Do you think he'll get it? I HOPE NOT.
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