senseandsensibility's JournalSo on CNN's webpage there is a picture of Biden live at the MI rally
He is frowning and looking down. The headline says that he is calling out those in his party. The crowd is not pictured, or very vaguely. It doesn't look energetic or positive. No mentions of his takedowns of cheato.
Right underneath is the story about him getting the VP's name wrong twenty four hours ago. Still running that into the ground.
Did they think we would just roll over and take it?
Did the corporate media and the Dems who freaked out about a bad debate (not actual policies) think they could just bully us into going along with chasing a successful President out of the race? With no plan for what is supposed to happen afterwards?
Actually, both groups are so out of touch that the answer is yes. They thought nothing of disenfranchising and bullying us just like they are doing to Joe.
Today I saw some realization of that on the part of some of the "progressive' media that they know they overplayed their hands. But, remember, it is up to us to make noise in various ways, so they don't "forget" again!
We are the "base" of the Democratic Party. We've been invisible for too long.
Chris Hayes is trending on twitter
I guess it's because of his criticism of Biden for mangling words. People are pointing out that Chris is always tripping over his tongue and once called Bernie Sanders "Bernie Sandwiches."
Got me to thinking about how these talking heads should be head and shoulders above everyone else in speaking skills considering their salaries, but most of them couldn't meet the standards they are unilaterally setting for 81 year old Joe Biden. No one who talks a lot is mistake free, but Chris especially is not.
And he is relatively young (40's) and a professional speaker. I think he needs to look in the mirror and think about what's really important here.
The IRS just announced that it crossed the one BILLION mark
in collecting back taxes from the ultra wealthy. It's part of the Inflation Reduction Act signed by Joe Biden!
Someone call CNN and MSNBC. They'll want to cover this. Just kidding, this is part of why their owners are throwing a hissy fit.
Can you help Chris Jansing figure this out?
After admitting that cheato also makes mistakes and mixes up names, she said that people think it is unfair that Biden is being judged so harshly for the same thing, she asked her guest why that was. Why is everyone piling on Biden for the same thing that cheato does?
She acted completely flummoxed and showed no self-awareness at all. But I actually took it as somewhat of a positive that she asked the question. Baby steps, I guess.
MSNBC is all in on presenting the R convention as normal
Stirring up "drama" about the VP pick, as if any of them would be anything but a cheato stooge, excitedly announcing that Mel will deign to make an appearance, and studiously staying away from the fact that cheato trashed the host city recently.
But the worst part? They are going into intense detail about security. The security will be extremely tight, complete with military vehicles. It's all being ramped up, apparently (or they want us to think) against progressives. Because we all know that progressives are the violent ones who attack proceedings they don't agree with and are stirred into an angry froth by wild eyed liberal politicians.
I wouldn't be surprised if the coverage of this R kook-fest is covered glowingly, with lots of gushing about Melania, the VP choice, and almost nothing about Project 2025 or the plans of the nominee.
The hubby and I listened to Joe's PC on the radio
because we were in the car on the way from a doctor's appointment. Back to back traffic and 105-degree heat.
Hubby doesn't watch/listen to many political shows, but is very progressive. We looked at each other when it was over and said "he did great."
Then we held our breath came into the house, turned on MSNBC and could not believe our ears. Although at the very beginning, the comments were more positive, it soon devolved. I changed the channel when Jim Himes was announced.
I don't know what these people were listening to. I don't care what they think. I know what I heard. And I hope the American people were listening to Joe Biden and make their own decisions about whether he's capable. These pundits are not qualified and cannot see what is really important.
So Himes picks now to call for Biden drop out?
Right after Biden's press conference? I am really disappointed in him. For the record, they're making a big deal about "Vice President Trump" on MSNBC now.
Turning it off.
Cheato is going to meet with Orban after the NATO summit today
Orban just met with Putin. I know, doesn't meet journalistic standards for newsworthy. Just thought I'd throw it out there.
Orban is going to meet with cheato
because of course he is. Sounds like something that might warrant some attention. Guess it's not newsworthy, like good inflation numbers. Oh well, I'm sure the professional journalists we all count on to maintain an informed electorate knows what they're doing. Who am I to question?
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