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FreakinDJ's Journal
FreakinDJ's Journal
December 28, 2015

Personal data of 191M Americans leaked online

Personal data of 191M Americans leaked online

A faulty database has exposed the personal information of about 80 percent of American adults, according to reports from data security publications Monday.

Citing revelations by researcher Chris Vickery, the website DataBreaches.net reported that almost 70 fields of information for more than 191 million American voters were public online.

The information did not include Social Security or driver license numbers, but did include home addresses, phone numbers, email addresses and voting histories.

The administrator of DataBreaches, known by the internet pseudonym Dissent, said in an interview that she teamed with Vickery and digital security blogger Steve Ragan to investigate who built and published the database, but came up empty after a weeks-long effort.

December 15, 2015

Clinton’s “inevitability” is a myth

Clinton’s “inevitability” is a myth, and Bernie Sanders will be president, it is now claimed.

Hillary Clinton is not leading in the polls. Rather, she has been the beneficiary of a campaign to “desperately” convince voters that they will end up electing a person they “don’t like,” according to a new report by the Huffington Post.

“Mainstream pundits and public relations executives work tirelessly to make you believe Clinton is inevitability.”

CNN writes that Clinton indirectly controls the PR arm of the Democratic Party, and this hidden string-pulling has been critical in establishing the myth that Hillary’s presidency is inevitable.

The report adds that this grave state of affairs is in fact set to get worse in the near future.

“The nation’s leading Democratic PR firm will soon be owned by a private equity group run by a longtime Clinton insider.”


December 15, 2015

Sander's socialism is democratic governance

Sen. Bernie Sanders is often dismissed as too radical because he identifies himself as a democratic socialist. But when people consider his proposals and policies, they don’t think they are that radical, and the vast majority supports them. The term “socialism” is the source of much unfounded prejudice and misunderstanding

Socialism is simply using the government to benefit the people with useful programs, many of which we already enjoy in the United States. When government responds to the people, that’s what Sanders calls democratic socialism. In his own words: “I mean, to me, it means democracy, frankly. That’s all it means.” For the masses of Americans, it means voting in their own economic interests.

On Nov. 19, Sen. Sanders gave an excellent speech at Georgetown University outlining what he means by democratic socialism. It is the kind of socialism demonstrated by Franklin D. Roosevelt in his New Deal programs, which helped working people and raised millions from poverty into the middle class. As a result he was among the most popular American presidents, since his New Deal policies gave us Social Security and decades of prosperity.

Sanders would like to restore America to the peace and prosperity of those times by empowering the people and having the government work for them, and not just for the rich and the corporations. We can help the people advance and restore the middle class by investing in free college education and health care. We can return to prosperity by creating millions of jobs with living wages by repairing our crumbling infrastructure and making the transition to a clean energy economy.


December 15, 2015

Sanders says hes on verge of pulling off major political upset

Sanders says hes on verge of pulling off major political upset

BOSTON —Sen. Bernie Sanders campaigning in New Hampshire Monday said there is a path of victory for him in both Iowa and New Hampshire

"If we can win in Iowa, if we can win in New Hampshire, we have a real path to victory to pulling off one of the major political upsets in the history of our country," Sanders told about a hundred students at Nashua Community College.

Polls have Sanders about 10 points ahead of his democratic opponent Hillary Clinton in New Hampshire and some polls indicating he is less than 10 points behind her in Iowa. Sanders boasted unlike Clinton he's collected 800,000 contributions here in New Hampshire alone with the average donation $30.

"Secretary Clinton has a lot of money. So do we. I think at the end of the day, the fact that people are tired of establishment politics and tired of establishment economics, want real change, what real leadership to stand up the billionaire class, that is going to give us the edge and lead us to victory," said Sanders who has raised less than half of Clinton's more than $100 million.


November 29, 2015

What is your Tax Rate plus Healthcare Cost annual Rate

Real Simple

Take your Tax Rate -
If you use HR Block, Turbo Tax or one of the many other services they'll give you a % of your annual income paid to taxes, State and Federal. For those of us that use CPA of tax professional try and guestimate what portion of your annual income you actually paid to taxes

Then add -
your Monthly Healthcare Cost x 12 months for an annual Healthcare cost. If your employer requires a 50% contribution towards Healthcare cost and you have $100 taken out of your weekly paycheck your Healthcare cost would be 4 x $100 x 2 to equal 100% of the cost of the plan

This is your Tax Rate PLUS Healthcare. It doesn't take into consideration additional cost of Co-Pays or denied coverage cost which is some thing you would not have under Single Payer. Nor does it take into account sales tax, gasoline tax, or property taxes, although these can be deductions on your Federal Taxes.

I've long felt for what we pay in total cost we are being ripped off.

example: Last year I was Taxed at a combined rate of 24%. Additionally I paid 6.2% of my annual income in Healthcare cost. - the combined rate equals 30.2% of my annual income

enjoy ..

November 29, 2015

Cop Who’s Being Sued for Assaulting a Woman, Caught on Video Assaulting Same Woman AGAIN

Cop Who’s Being Sued for Assaulting a Woman, Caught on Video Assaulting Same Woman AGAIN

A woman who filed a civil rights lawsuit against the Bridgeton, New Jersey Police Department was apparently targeted by the officer who is the central defendant in that suit — and the result was a replay of the incident that precipitated the lawsuit.

On March 31 of this year, Marella Lawson was dragged from her car by a scrum of Bridgeton police officers, pepper-sprayed, had her already-crippled right shoulder injured as her arms were wrenched behind her back, and thrown face-down to the pavement. Because the assailants were police officers, Lawson has been charged with two misdemeanors — resisting arrest and harassment – after initially being charged with felonies.

Lawson, who was pulled over on suspicion of driving with a suspended license, recognized the officer who conducted the traffic stop as Bridgeton Patrol Officer Shane Sawyers, the lead defendant in her ongoing civil rights lawsuit. As she explained in a recent interview with the Philadelphia Fox affiliate, Lawson was afraid to roll down her window and interact with Sawyers because of his behavior during an April 2013 arrest in her home, and because of his “aggressive” behavior during the traffic stop nearly two years later.

A dashcam video provided to Fox 29 shows a visibly agitated Officer Sawyers screaming at Lawson to “Open the car,” eventually using his baton to punctuate his repeated demands. After crossing to the rear passenger side of Lawson’s orange Dodge Neon, Sawyers radios a supervisor for permission to go “Code 9.”

November 29, 2015

New Evidence Reveals Turkish Government Is Directly Funding ISIS

When US special forces raided the compound of an Islamic State leader in eastern Syria in May, they made sure not to tell the neighbours.

The target of that raid, the first of its kind since US jets returned to the skies over Iraq last August, was an Isis official responsible for oil smuggling, named Abu Sayyaf. He was almost unheard of outside the upper echelons of the terror group, but he was well known to Turkey. From mid-2013, the Tunisian fighter had been responsible for smuggling oil from Syria’s eastern fields, which the group had by then commandeered. Black market oil quickly became the main driver of Isis revenues – and Turkish buyers were its main clients.


In the wake of the raid that killed Abu Sayyaf, suspicions of an undeclared alliance have hardened. One senior western official familiar with the intelligence gathered at the slain leader’s compound said that direct dealings between Turkish officials and ranking Isis members was now “undeniable”.

“There are hundreds of flash drives and documents that were seized there,” the official told the Observer. “They are being analysed at the moment, but the links are already so clear that they could end up having profound policy implications for the relationship between us and Ankara.”


So just maybe Russia had a very justifiable reason for striking so close and possibly within Turkey's borders

This sure as shit blurs the lines

November 29, 2015

Woman raising 2 autistic great-grandsons gets help with rent, bills

Woman raising 2 autistic great-grandsons gets help with rent, bills

At 69, Beatrice Shaw is the legal guardian for her two autistic great-grandsons, ages 7 and 9. Even on a fixed income, she’s scrimped to meet their needs, renting a house to give each his own room; driving them to school, catechism and sports activities; and cooking meals tailored for their dietary needs. But after she was hospitalized for an abdominal infection two years ago, the bills piled up.
November 28, 2015

Why is no one talking about the Youth Vote

Many Young Voters already feel alienated by both parties

Between the Democrats hosting their debate at a swanky Las Vegas hotel and casino and the Republicans only allotting 50 some tickets to actual students, Gen Y is all but excluded from the political conversations that actually matter. Again.

"It really feels like they don't feel like our vote or input is important at all," says University of Colorado student William Raley in an interview with USA Today. "It's almost that they're like 'This is a private event, it doesn't concern you.'"


Actually they are the FUTURE of the party and they are being Minimalized

So when exactly did the DNC adopt a play right out of the GOP playbook and seek to disenfranchise an entire voting block. We stand to lose an entire generation of voters, the 2016 General Election and many future election cycles for years to come.

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