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Le Taz Hot

Le Taz Hot's Journal
Le Taz Hot's Journal
October 5, 2015

October 13 and October 17 Events

Last Friday I was on a conference call with campaign headquarters and the emphasis was on two dates:

October 13: Debate Watch Parties
October 17: Sidewalk "signing" for Bernie (I just made that title up -- call it whatever you wish)

I think we all remember the "yuge" July 29, event where simultaneous get-togethers were planned all over the country and it was a great success. Well, they're trying to do sort of the same thing for the above 2 dates. The October 13, date is self-explanatory but they wanted us to ensure we harness that enthusiasm at the Debate Watch parties and do a follow up on October 17. Basically, pick a busy intersection and break out the Bernie signs (either from the Bernie store or homemade signs) and do a "honk for Bernie" sort of thing. And IF you're planning on either/or of these events to list them on the www.berniesanders.com website on the Events page.

We've got 2 watch parties (for once my group is NOT putting on one of them because neither my partner nor I have a TV) going on here and then our group is going to follow up with a "Sidewalk Sign and Honk for Bernie (I really do have to come up with a better title) at a busy intersection here from 10:00 to 12:00.

I've done this kind of thing before and it's legal as long as you stay on the sidewalk and don't impede vehicle or pedestrian traffic. If it looks like I have a large group coming I call the local Police Department (non-emergency number) and let them know who we are and when and where we're going to be. Usually all that happens is that a patrol car will show up a couple times an hour just to make sure we're behaving ourselves. Anyway, just a little information for those who haven't done "signing" before.

October 3, 2015

Bernie Sanders supporters are planning on car pooling to Las Vegas on the 13th.

I've been hearing a lot of buzz, including people from our area, who are already planning car pools to Las Vegas. At first, the plan was to show up en masse to protest DWS's Hillary-friendly debate schedule. It's now morphing into giving a more balanced representation for Bernie since the debates are going to be front-loaded with a largely Hillary-friendly crowd who will swoon and cheer wildly over every word.

I'm thinking this should be a "thing" with Bernie supporters coming from not only Nevada, but from other neighboring states. (ARE YOU LISTENING MY FELLOW PRUNE PICKERS?) I'd love to go but I'm tabling for Bernie that day.

October 3, 2015

Got some interesting news today about the October 13 debate.

The word is out the DNC is HEAVILY stacking the debate audience with Hillary supporters. And remember, it's the DNC who deems who can be in the audience. And I'm guessing CNN has already decided that Hillary has "won" the debate.

Can I just say that I'm old enough to remember the last time The Party Establishment locked out dissenting voices -- Richard Nixon became our president.

October 2, 2015

Check out our new Bernie Buttons

This was the brainchild of my partner who made it happen.

ETA: We GIVE these away, we don't sell them.

September 30, 2015

We are sharing our templates for our Bernie Mask.

Full Disclosure: I got this idea from a picture that was going around from the MN for Bernie group. We just copied the idea. Print it out onto card stock, cut out the outline and use an exacta knife to cut the inside of the glasses and forehead out. The space at the lower-left of the mask is to put a label over with your group's name, etc. We taped a stick on the back using packing tape and voila! Mask!

Here's a link to the picture on FB:


September 30, 2015

So, between starting hate websites, doing "opposition research" on Bernie,

Alert stalking DUers, and trash talking here on DU, I have a question. When do Hillary supporters have time to, you know CAMPAIGN?

Seriously, I'm on social media, on DU and Kos, I'm all over this city doing campaigning for Bernie and not ONCE have I seen a table, a sign, a button, or a bumper sticker for Hillary. Not one.

So, Haters for Hillary, her numbers are going down down down in the polls. Don't you think you might want to change tacks and actually campaign FOR your candidate because clearly what you're doing now (or not doing now) is not working.

September 28, 2015

The "People for Bernie" Folks Made My Partner a Meme!

This is Yamina, my partner in crime here in Frezburg:


And we got our picture in angrymillennials.com. Our picture is about halfway down the page. The one with the student sitting down at the table filling our a voter registration form. (I'm taking the picture.)


September 27, 2015

Bernie Sanders, Candidato Presidencial Tu Haces Una Pregunta. Bernie Sanders Responde.

X-Posted from GD-P.

El precandidato presidencial Bernie Sanders estará en Univision Noticias respondiendo preguntas en español el próximo martes 29 de septiembre. #Destino2016

The Presidential candidate will be in Univision Noticias Bernie Sanders answering questions in Spanish next Tuesday 29 September. ‪#?Destino2016


September 27, 2015

Bernie Sanders, Candidato Presidencial Tu Haces Una Pregunta. Bernie Sanders Responde.

El precandidato presidencial Bernie Sanders estará en Univision Noticias respondiendo preguntas en español el próximo martes 29 de septiembre. #Destino2016

The Presidential candidate will be in Univision Noticias Bernie Sanders answering questions in Spanish next Tuesday 29 September. ‪#?Destino2016


September 27, 2015

So, there's no time set for the October 13 debates?

Is this a difficult thing? Could somebody get Debs a watch and teach her the difference between the big hand and the little hand? Seriously, what the hell? Everyone's trying to set up debate parties and nobody knows what the starting time is.

One might think that she doesn't want people to watch the debate. Wonder why that would be.

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Gender: Female
Hometown: CA
Member since: 2001
Number of posts: 22,271
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