2016 Postmortem
Related: About this forumYeah, getting a little sick of this shit.
Just so you know, you're not fooling anybody.
Yes, you.
The one who realized how much they were concerned about racial justice issues once the candidates started fighting over the African American vote.
The one who suddenly started being concerned about how badly the VA health system was broken when the other candidate said something wrong.
The one who now praises the activists you threw under the bus a few months ago.
The one who loves endorsements but despises advocates.
Yeah, you.
You're not fooling anybody.
Either care about our issues or don't, but don't think we don't see past the cynical electioneering.

(34,648 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,558 posts)Agschmid
(28,749 posts)Probably meta but I'm sort of at the "fuck it" point now.
(100,549 posts)What are your views on the suggestion that supporters of a certain candidate are victims who identify with their captors, like in the Stockholm Syndrome?
Thank you in advance
(16,184 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,549 posts)It seems to infantalize whole segments of society.
(10,175 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,549 posts)I would request that you carefully read what he wrote, look at where the recommendations are coming from, and the comments in the thread and you will come to the appropriate conclusion to who and whom's supporters Nuclear Dem is referring to, or in the alternative you can just ask him via private message. I don't believe it is who and to whom's supporters you think.
I believe the opacity of the seminal poster was to avoid the attention of the alert crowd.
Thank you in advance.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)and kick...
(7,318 posts)and Sanders supporters. (See #41) Nothing opaque about it.
(24,544 posts)AND NEVER HAVE
(100,549 posts)eom
(15,435 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,549 posts)I get everything but thank you for pointing out to me you think I don't, babe.

(27,448 posts)NCTraveler
(30,481 posts)sufrommich
(22,871 posts)BootinUp
(49,324 posts)Just like you.
(45,851 posts)Hey dumbasses, remember that little mess at the VA you still haven't cleaned up? Maybe you finish taking care of the veterans you have now before you make new ones!
God fucking damn it, do we actually matter to any of you?!
I'm confused....

(16,184 posts)Fumesucker
(45,851 posts)You seem to have it in for just about everyone at the moment if I'm reading you correctly.
I think I posted this in your other thread.
(6,323 posts)You kick ass Fumesucker!
Live and Learn
(12,769 posts)840high
(17,196 posts)stevenleser
(32,886 posts)Instead of listening.
(10,175 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,549 posts)-Katashi itto
As a dispassionate observer it is incumbent upon me to address your character attack on Mr. Leser. Such calumnies, whether implicit or explicit, should have no place on a progressive board.
Thank you in advance.
(42,558 posts)This type of rejoinder is common. Although farcical, nontheless it seems the default form of communication in a dearth of substantial cogitation.
(100,549 posts)Are you suggesting these machinations are the function of a limited mind, if not imagination?
(42,558 posts)I would not want to posit such a conclusion in this case, as it's more likly due to a basic pusillanimous character.
(100,549 posts)I haven't read Dante's Inferno in a while but what level of Hell would the pusillanimous be consigned to?
Thank you in advance.
(42,558 posts)It would situate between the eighth and ninth circle, en route so to speak.
(100,549 posts)nt
(42,558 posts)One is always dissolute and lost
(100,549 posts)eom
(42,558 posts)Considering the unfortunate positioning so many start from
(100,549 posts)eom.
(42,558 posts)
(100,549 posts)
(42,558 posts)
(100,549 posts)eom
(4,805 posts)Honestly, kudos for some of the best I have ever read on here.
How you manage to go so low and yet raise the bar so high is a wonderment to me.
Truly, amazing.
I do believe I have watched a master at work.
(100,549 posts)eom
(42,558 posts)And how are you?
(42,558 posts)So you are doing ok?
(100,549 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,558 posts)Now THAT is a song...
(10,175 posts)DemocratSinceBirth
(100,549 posts)Katashi_itto
(10,175 posts)There are no limits to his talents
(100,549 posts)Mr. Leser is unbound by the boundaries that constrain mortal men.
(10,175 posts)he will swallow anything.
(100,549 posts)Katashi_itto
(10,175 posts)Nothing is impossible for him.
Someone whose legacy will last seconds if not minutes beyond him when he is gone from this mortal coil.
Chitown Kev
(2,197 posts)Cha
(307,144 posts)Luminous Animal
(27,310 posts)BLM activists.
(16,184 posts)I understand why security escorted them out, but if I'm choosing between a candidate and protestors, I'll choose the latter.
(2,097 posts)Or put more generally, you'd choose anarchy over a civil society?
Chaos only begets chaos.
(16,184 posts)And quite a difference between chaos and disruptive protesting.
(18 posts)They come out with something like this. Always cynically accusing others of what they do themselves.
Welcome to DU!
(100,549 posts)
(14,274 posts)
(100,549 posts)
(34,360 posts)The upside though about the sudden concern for black voters?
Today in GD I found an OP that linked to the Atlanta Black Star.
A black publication that is Not affiliated with Corny?
Amazing DU! They will appreciate the clicks!
(16,904 posts)Le Taz Hot
(22,271 posts)of vile, hateful people who are ready and willing to point the finger at others when that hand should be holding up a mirror instead.
(47,251 posts)there is no discussion.
(16,184 posts)There are supporters on both sides I don't believe earnestly care about our issues.
(4,377 posts)A lot of Sanders supporters were pissed off with the early protests because he is a candidate who has fought long and hard to minorities and it felt deeply unfair to seemingly single him out. Of course that 'unfairness' was just a drop in the vast seething ocean of unfairness that is the inequality in America today, and the terrible tribulations facing African Americans as they just try to live their lives in peace without risking death on the streets at the hands of the state.
I think over time the vast unfairness of race inequality has started to sink into people, and so we're seeing an positive evolution in a lot of peoples view of BLM and some sparks of understanding about why it really matters so very much. Looking back and saying 'well you didn't care enough then, so we don't want your support now' seems to completely undermine the entire point of what BLM is trying to achieve. There are doubtless people just using it as an excuse to attack rival candidates, but I think it would be very dangerous to jump to that conclusion and risk undermining progress already made.
(25,699 posts)SidDithers
(44,298 posts)disingenuous asshats, all of them.
Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)Absolutely shameless.
(45,851 posts)I agree with the OP, there are people on both sides who don't care about the issues and are being disingenuous asshats.
(4,713 posts)It's the same one's that are now either claiming the support the President and/or like to pull out a black man that is saying something they agree with only to be bashing him a few months prior.
Tone deaf hypocrites.
(34,207 posts)It's looks like the club knows what this is about given who is rec-ing this OP.
(40,416 posts)I have never seen such juvenile behavior!
DU utterly sucks these days! Bernie vs Hillary! For Christ sakes people, you are forgetting about the fucking GOP clown car.
I am disgusted by DU.
(45,851 posts)The Republicans are the far far right these days, everyone else, just the normal right, the center and the left are smushed into the Democratic party, of course it makes for a lot of internal conflict, how could it be any other way?
Eliminate the conflict from GD-P and it will look just like the Interfaith group, 11 posts in the last 30 days.
(40,416 posts)My opinion is that one should try to get along, meaning that one should err on the side of agreement and common cause.
That is how to make DU a better place. Other tactics do not seem to work so well.
My best to you, my friend.
(7,804 posts)Maybe your utterly vast and overwhelming concern for the dispossessed will extend beyond whatever you need to pretend it is to contrast yourself with opponents on an Internet fucking message board.
Maybe one day you'll post something that's actually about black people instead about something that somebody else thinks about black people.
I'm not holding my breath.
(16,184 posts)I'm sorry, you were saying?
(307,144 posts)Vattel
(9,289 posts)Last edited Sun Nov 1, 2015, 09:01 AM - Edit history (2)
I don't support everything BLM does. It's a large and diverse group, of course, and individual members don't always act well. I do agree with their basic views (e.g., that mass incarceration is an abomination, that police departments need better policies and training and accountability so that horrible things like what happened to Tamir Rice and Sandra Bland and Eric Garner don't happen so often), but I don't agree with some of the more specific views held by many members (e.g., that it is clear that Michael Brown was murdered).
(158,094 posts)Bobbie Jo
(14,344 posts)This needs to stick around a little longer, apparently.