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(10,622 posts)
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:07 AM May 2016

I was told, I'd be alerted off the site, I will post on the candidates records, no rule forbids it

This discussion thread was locked as off-topic by mcar (a host of the 2016 Postmortem forum).

besides there is a myth going around that Hillary clinton has more experience, I intend to shatter that illusion as it is not true, nor is it true (as some have "misspoken&quot that he accomplished little to nothing during his career in public service.

[center][font size="1"]My way to test and see how well the jury responds to the threat of permanent alerts on my posts until I am driven off.[/font][/center]
[center][font size="3"; color="8B0000"]Bernie Sanders has always caucused with the Democrats, he is more a Democrat than most in the party regarding issues[/font][/center]
An independent in name only in many ways

He caucused with the Democrats for, 16 years in the United States House of Representatives, 10 years in the United States Senate;

where he served on many committees Representing the Democratic party such as the:

Committee on the Budget (Ranking Member)
Committee on Environment and Public Works
Subcommittee on Clean Air and Nuclear Safety
Subcommittee on Green Jobs and the New Economy
Subcommittee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources
Subcommittee on Energy
Subcommittee on National Parks
Subcommittee on Water and Power
Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions
Subcommittee on Children and Families
Subcommittee on Primary Health and Aging (Ranking Member)
Committee on Veterans' Affairs (chairman)

He has every right to expect respect from those he served with such loyalty and in so many capacities.
The Democratic party must consider him a true blue ally to have given him seats on so many committees.

He was also a co-founder of the Democratic Progressive caucus.

It appears to me the only one's that are offended by his former Independent status are all the Moderate Republicans that are far less honest and register as "Democrats" while voting for Republican policy, those "Democrats" are most often both conservative and liars

He has done a great many good things for the Democratic party that they could not take credit for without him!

The following is a list of every substantive bill and amendment Sanders sponsored from the floor of Congress that became law (substantive meaning legislation renaming post offices is not included). Many of the roll-call amendments he passed with majority approval — like limiting the federal government’s ability to spy on people’s library records — were removed from bills when the House and Senate negotiated over the final legislative text and did not become law.

Because the list is derived from Congress’ official database of floor actions, it does not include achievements like his insertion of funding for veterans health care into an Iraq war spending bill because that occurred off of the House floor while the bill was in conference. Nor does the list include what is perhaps his most significant achievement — providing health care to an additional 10 million mostly low-income Americans by getting Senate majority leader Harry Reid to add $11 billion in funding for community health centers that provide care regardless of a person’s ability to pay to the 2010 Affordable Care Act in exchange for Sanders rallying liberal Democrats who were considering voting against the bill once conservative Democrats removed the public option.

Those who mistakenly believe that a President Sanders would be powerless in the face of a hostile Republican Congress should bear in mind that he managed to pass these bills and amendments in spite of Republican control of both the House (1995-2006) and the presidency (2001-2008). Furthermore, it was Republicans in the House and Senate who compromised with him (not the other way around) on major veterans legislation in 2014. His original bill expanding services for veterans and fixing the scandal-ridden Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) cost $17.3 billion. The price tag of the final compromise bill? $16.3 billion.

H.R.4206 (Cancer Registries Amendment Act) enacted as S. 3312 (Cancer Registries Amendment Act).

H.Amdt. 98 to H.R. 665 (Victims of Justice Act of 1995)

H.Amdt. 210 to H.R. 830 (Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995)

H.Amdt. 1203 to H.R. 3666 Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 1997

H.J.Res.129 enacted as S.J.Res.38 (A joint resolution granting the consent of Congress to the Vermont-New Hampshire Interstate Public Water Supply Compact)

H.Amdt.174 to H.R.1757 (Foreign Affairs Reform and Restructuring Act of 1998)

H.Amdt.267 to H.R.2160 (Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998)

H.Amdt.289 to H.R.2266 (Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1998) -- National Guard Starbase program

H.Amdt.368 to H.R.2378 (Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 1998) -- Prohibit funds for the U.S. Customs Office from being used to allow the importation into the U.S. any material mined, produced, or manufactured by forced or indentured child labor.

H.Amdt.388 to H.R.2267 (Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1998)

H.Amdt.569 to H.R.6 (Higher Education Amendments of 1998)

H.Amdt.614 to H.R.3694 (Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1999) -- Reduce the intelligence budget for fiscal year 1999 by 5% with an exemption for the CIA Retirement and Disability Fund.

H.Amdt.626 to H.R.10 (Financial Services Act of 1998) -- Require the Comptroller General to report to Congress regarding the efficacy and benefits of uniformly limiting any commissions, fees, markups, or other costs incurred by customers in the acquisition of financial products.

H.Amdt.706 to H.R.4101 (Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1999) -- Increase funding for nutrition programs for senior citizens by $10 million

H.Amdt.708 to H.R.4103 (Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 1999) -- Prohibit funding to be used to enter into or renew a contract with any company owned, or partially owned, by the People’s Republic of China or the People’s Liberation Army of the People’s Republic of China.

H.Amdt.724 to H.R.4104 (Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 1999) enacted as H.R. 2490 (Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 2000) -- National Archives and Records Administration improvements

H.Amdt.127 to H.R.1906 (Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000)

H.Amdt.136 to H.R.1906 (Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000) -- national pilot program to promote agritourism

H.Amdt.258 to H.R.2466 (Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000) enacted as H.R.3194 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2000) -- deficit reduction; and reduces fossil energy research and development funding

H.Amdt.442 to H.R.2684 (Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2000) -- health care services for veterans in rural areas

H.Amdt.791 to H.R.4577 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2001) -- (relating to the availability to the public of an invention and its benefits on reasonable terms)

H.Amdt.818 to H.R.4578 (Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2001) -- weatherization assistance and energy conservation programs and reduce fossil fuel energy research and development programs

H.Amdt.238 to H.R.2590 (Treasury and General Government Appropriations Act, 2002) -- Prohibit the importation of goods made by forced or indentured child labor.

H.Amdt.376 to H.R.3061 (Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2002) -- relating to the availability to the public of an invention and its benefits on reasonable terms

H.Amdt.404 to H.R.3338 (Department of Defense and Emergency Supplemental Appropriations for Recovery from and Response to Terrorist Attacks on the United States Act, 2002) -- Provide $100 million for federally qualified community health centers.

H.Amdt.255 to H.R.2691 (Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004) -- Increase funding for weatherization assistance grants

H.Amdt.336 to H.R.2861 (Departments of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban Development, and Independent Agencies Appropriations Act, 2004) enacted as H.R.2673 (Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2004) -- Prohibit the use of funds in the bill to implement any policy prohibiting the Directors of the Veterans Integrated Service Networks from conducting outreach or marketing to enroll new veterans within their respective networks.

S.Amdt.737 to H.R.1591 (U.S. Troop Readiness, Veterans’ Care, Katrina Recovery, and Iraq Accountability Appropriations Act, 2007) -- fund weatherization assistance program

S.Amdt.1515 to H.R.6 (Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007) -- Establish an energy efficiency and renewable energy worker training program

S.Amdt.1525 to H.R.6 (Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007) -- use of solar hot water heaters in certain Federal buildings

S.Amdt.4384 to H.R.3221 (Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008) -- Increase specially adapted housing benefits for disabled veterans.

S.Amdt.1658 to S.1390 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010) -- re child care available to deployed members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces

S.Amdt.2271 to H.R.2997 (Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2010) -- funds for the school community garden pilot program

S.Amdt.2601 to H.R.3326 (Department of Defense Appropriations Act, 2010) -- veteran outreach and reintegration services

S.Amdt.3738 to S.3217 (Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010) -- let the American people know the names of the recipients of over $2 trillion in taxpayer assistance from the Federal Reserve System

S.Amdt.306 to H.R.1 (American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009) -- Require recipients of TARP funding to meet strict H-1B worker hiring standard to ensure non-displacement of U.S. workers

S.Amdt.1658 to S.1390 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010) -- report to Congress on financial assistance for child care available to deployed members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces.

S.Amdt.4280 to H.R.4899 (Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2010) -- make publicly available the contractor integrity performance database established under the Clean Contracting Act of 2008

S.2450 (Veterans’ Access to Care through Choice, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2014) enacted as H.R.3230 (Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014) -- VA reform bill

S.893 (Veterans’ Compensation Cost-of-Living Adjustment Act of 2013) -- increase rates of veterans’ disability compensation, additional compensation for dependents, etc.

S.Amdt.2146 to S.1471 (Alicia Dawn Koehl Respect for National Cemeteries Act) – re interring the remains and honoring the memory of a person in a national cemetery

[font size="3" ; color="8B0000"]Also, compare her record to his perhaps you will gain an understanding of her right wing infiltration into the party[/font]

The Right Wing meme been spread here often appears to be that even with all his years of public service, a progressive like Bernie Sanders was too far to the left to accomplish anything, being a former Independent and all.

That one has to be able to find the buypartisan way, in other words, adopt the least offensive GOP legislation as your own if you wish to accomplish anything, if one is not a member of the Republican party itself.

The problem with this bullshit GOP meme is that it is completely false, he's actually one of the most effective members of Congress, passing bills, of all sizes and shapes, that have reshaped American policy on key issues like poverty, the environment and health care.

[center][font size=3"]The Amendment King[/font][/center]

....Congress is not known to be a progressive institution lately, to say the least. Over the past few decades, the House of Representatives was only controlled by the Democrats from 2007 to 2010, and a flood of corporate money has quieted the once-powerful progressive movement that passed legislation moving the country forward between the New Deal era and the Great Society. Yet, as difficult as it may be to believe, a socialist from Vermont is one of its most accomplished members. ....


....Sanders did something particularly original, which was that he passed amendments that were exclusively progressive, advancing goals such as reducing poverty and helping the environment, and he was able to get bipartisan coalitions of Republicans who wanted to shrink government or hold it accountable and progressives who wanted to use it to empower Americans.

Here are a few examples of the amendments Sanders passed by building unusual but effective coalitions:....

[font color="red"]Much more, but due to the three paragraph rule you will have to follow this link[/font]
I dare those that pretend the GOP meme is true and are spreading it for them, to read the article!

There are so many examples in fact that you really need to read the entire article as it completely dispels this current Right Wing myth that Bernie Sanders after all his time in Congress achieved almost nothing, when in fact he was literally one of the most effective members of Congress! Read the facts in the article itself, clearly the GOP is spreading lies about him, after all, who besides Rove and the GOP would use such lying sleazy bullshit tactics against someone that helped Democrats get as much progressive policy put into effect during his tenure?...

[font size="3"][center]Robert Reich, Clinton Secretary of Labor, on Bernie's effectiveness in Congress[/font][/center]

Lets Compare Hillary Clinton's commitment and "Democratic" values accomplished by way of comparison.

Not to say Hillary Clinton did not achieve some things during her six year hobby involved in legislating (the last two were spent campaigning and fundraising)

She managed to vote for the Patriot Act, for an illegal war, and even whip some votes with her passionate selling of the Bush/Cheney lies. (she deserves some credit for that,) and those of you that enjoy war should be and are rightfully quite proud of that.

As a Senator Clinton did get some things accomplished, Clinton sponsored three bills that became law: S.3145, S.3613, and S.1241. The first of these renamed a highway in New York state, the second renamed a post office in New York City, and the third established the Kate Mullany National Historic Site in Troy, New York and authorized funding to set the site up.

To be truly fair, she also tried to put an end to the epidemic of flag burning and ban some media, but these, her most favorite things were too hard for her to get done, she just couldn't get them passed, she may have lacked the chops to do it, but BUT SHE TRIED REAL HARD!

The United States Family Entertainment Protection Act (FEPA) was a bill introduced by Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and co-sponsored by Senators Joe Lieberman (D-CT), Tim Johnson (D-SD) and Evan Bayh (D-IN) on November 29, 2005. The bill called for a federal mandate enforcement of the Entertainment Software Rating Board (ESRB) ratings.

Unsuccessfully unfortunately for the more puritan among us, sigh, if only she were more effective at passing such laws, we would finally be safe from cluster bombs, eerr.. I mean f-bombs (she voted against ending the use of child killing cluster bombs, my "misspeak" or my bad, if you prefer) she likes cluster bombs, so much so that after some donations to very, very, special charity, she made sure as SoS to sell cluster bombs to those altruistic rulers of Saudi Arabia! She deserves credit for that!

The kids just love playing with those rather than video games.


Speaking of her only other "superior experience" on her resume'

Lets review her tenure as Secretary of state, great experience! for a neocon war hawk, she deserves huge credit for that!

She is basically a moderate Republican that Registered as a Democrat
He was Basically an FDR Democrat that Registered as an Independent (likely because he did not want to be identified with the ever increasing Right Wing infiltration and taint of such an anti worker "modern" party.

Yet he still voted and enacted more Democratic amendments and laws than most DLC Democrats would even dream of or even want to (their priority instead since the early nineties being largely deregulation of banks, corporations and everything else under the sun, privatization of as much of the commons as possible, media consolidation and Corporatization, safety net shredding welfare destruction, and tough on mostly minority crimes involving possession of weed and other substances to grow the prison industrial complex beyond anything seen in even China or North Korea.

When you alert on this, realize, it will show you for what and who you are!
69 replies = new reply since forum marked as read
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I was told, I'd be alerted off the site, I will post on the candidates records, no rule forbids it (Original Post) Dragonfli May 2016 OP
Thank you for your research and for your bravery. NewImproved Deal May 2016 #1
Thank you, and yes they have become quite the nuisance of late Dragonfli May 2016 #3
Shameful. NewImproved Deal May 2016 #6
Big fan here Fairgo May 2016 #8
I will find ways, but there are new obstacles in the way, but I will try until PPRd. /nt Dragonfli May 2016 #12
some times I wonder azureblue May 2016 #62
So sad that bravery is required to post facts to this site. laruemtt May 2016 #66
Some good info in there. NCTraveler May 2016 #2
I am afraid I can not parse your words, could you speak more plainly? I do not understand your post. Dragonfli May 2016 #4
Is it me or does that poster sounds like a republican? B Calm May 2016 #7
I dare not speak my mind right now (long story, very real reasons not to) /nt Dragonfli May 2016 #11
Why don't you address the content rather than attack the messenger? n/t cui bono May 2016 #5
How does one get alerted off the site? There are some nasty Clinton supporters with 19 hides on here cui bono May 2016 #9
I suppose by making life so miserable one chooses to leave, or the other tactic - Dragonfli May 2016 #10
You may want to add to your list... Sancho May 2016 #13
Except that wasn't was this op was about. kayakjohnny May 2016 #14
I'm not bitter...it's a fact. Sancho May 2016 #17
When did he give his concession speech? Do you have a link, I'd like to read hear, or view it. Dragonfli May 2016 #18
Ah yes grasshopper...I remember many others who didn't concede gracefully... Sancho May 2016 #19
So you lied, the nomination is not over, and he has not conceded the nomination nor has she won the Dragonfli May 2016 #23
It has been reported and documented on MSNBC, NPR, etc...Bernie has lost. Sancho May 2016 #25
You are simply mistaken, they want to change the narrative, but the nomination is not over and Dragonfli May 2016 #27
She will win as Obama did Demsrule86 May 2016 #41
Bless your sweet heart and fare thee well. Appears to have gone over your head let's try this. Dragonfli May 2016 #29
Lol you're funny. That Guy 888 May 2016 #24
She won't lose in the primary Demsrule86 May 2016 #43
Giving a shit about brand loyalty is shallow. Lizzie Poppet May 2016 #45
I must have missed her coronation... chwaliszewski May 2016 #15
I can't, that would be a blatant lie, which would get me hidden, you see the nomination isn't over Dragonfli May 2016 #16
So who wins the World Series in October 2016? whistler162 May 2016 #32
Thank you. SheilaT May 2016 #20
Thank you, Dragonfli, nenagh May 2016 #21
Thanks for letting us know, Dragonfli. Waiting For Everyman May 2016 #22
Ibid... chervilant May 2016 #48
Kick and Recommend n/t That Guy 888 May 2016 #26
Sounds like his skills are best suited for Congress oberliner May 2016 #28
You mean their PAC supports her of course, his legislation and accomplishments speak for themselves. Dragonfli May 2016 #30
I walked neighborhoods for George McGovern. raging moderate May 2016 #36
PS Thank you, Dragonfli! raging moderate May 2016 #47
K & R imagine2015 May 2016 #31
Yet he has fewer endorsements from Congress than Ted Cruz. randome May 2016 #33
Another take is that more people are AFRAID OF PISSING OFF HILLARY IdaBriggs May 2016 #35
But that's a 'theory' based on being AFRAID that Sanders has lost. randome May 2016 #39
Its ALWAYS follow the money. She's flat out unelectable. IdaBriggs May 2016 #42
No, everything is not always the same as a throwaway line in a second-rate movie. randome May 2016 #54
When it comes to unearthing corruption, I disagree. nt IdaBriggs May 2016 #57
kick rec Teamster Jeff May 2016 #34
good comprehensive post K&R dana_b May 2016 #37
That's dramatic, "I was told I'd be alerted off the site." betsuni May 2016 #38
What a waste of effort. What is Trump's record that's what counts. CK_John May 2016 #40
Bernnie GAVE Senate Dems the majority in 2010. Waiting For Everyman May 2016 #50
More power to you, Dragonfli. Excellent post. Waiting for any *factual* disputation or additions JudyM May 2016 #44
There won't be any. leveymg May 2016 #69
"I was told I would be alerted of this site". KittyWampus May 2016 #46
Thank you Dragonfli. CentralMass May 2016 #49
You forgot Chair of Veterans Committee while scandal unfolded and dragged his feet... KittyWampus May 2016 #51
Bernie has lost Metric System May 2016 #52
Bookmarked pinebox May 2016 #53
It took several seconds to scroll through this pile of garbage on my phone Dem2 May 2016 #55
It only took a second for me Hiraeth May 2016 #58
So brave Dem2 May 2016 #59
Excellent piece of work! Ferd Berfel May 2016 #56
K&R CharlotteVale May 2016 #60
This could be the best post of the entire primary season. cherokeeprogressive May 2016 #61
K&R.. N_E_1 for Tennis May 2016 #63
K&R onecaliberal May 2016 #64
K&R&bookmark JEB May 2016 #65
I don't understand why anyone alerts or threats of alert? Let everyone speak their mind! kgnu_fan May 2016 #67
Thank you. This is spot-on. One of the best DU candidate advocacy posts in a long time. KNR leveymg May 2016 #68

NewImproved Deal

(534 posts)
1. Thank you for your research and for your bravery.
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:12 AM
May 2016

The vindictive Clinton Trolls have really degraded the quality of this site...


(10,622 posts)
3. Thank you, and yes they have become quite the nuisance of late
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:24 AM
May 2016

(please at least one of the jurors send the results of the alert on this post) or the OP if you are called to jury that, feel free to do so by PM if you wish to avoid the wrath, one might expect by posting such results in the thread itself.


NewImproved Deal

(534 posts)
6. Shameful.
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:28 AM
May 2016

Stasi Oligarchy......


(1,571 posts)
8. Big fan here
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:31 AM
May 2016

Keep up the good work


(10,622 posts)
12. I will find ways, but there are new obstacles in the way, but I will try until PPRd. /nt
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:47 AM
May 2016


(2,258 posts)
62. some times I wonder
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:30 AM
May 2016

if the trolls for both Sanders and Clinton are paid instigators. The language they use is very un - Democrat and very GOP - like, and very similar. Very inflammatory and often specious. Note the structure of their posts - it's almost always the same. Start with a semi fact, throw in innuendo and try to connect unrelated events to bolster the premise, then resort to name calling. Much shrill hyperbole and pile on, too. When the posts are reduced to facts, and the facts verified, there is little to nothing left of the post.

You want my vote - then stop attacking your opponent. Tell me, with facts, why I should vote for your candidate. You make personal attacks and get caught lying or stretching the truth, then you have proven your candidate is not worthy to hold office.


(3,992 posts)
66. So sad that bravery is required to post facts to this site.
Sun May 15, 2016, 10:11 AM
May 2016


(30,481 posts)
2. Some good info in there.
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:16 AM
May 2016

Unfortunately, you passionately hit on a recognizable trend in his support. It is about self. The individual. Some go so far in that that they will view this as some form of coreageous act. Kind of comical really.


(10,622 posts)
4. I am afraid I can not parse your words, could you speak more plainly? I do not understand your post.
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:26 AM
May 2016

B Calm

(28,762 posts)
7. Is it me or does that poster sounds like a republican?
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:31 AM
May 2016


(10,622 posts)
11. I dare not speak my mind right now (long story, very real reasons not to) /nt
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:45 AM
May 2016

cui bono

(19,926 posts)
5. Why don't you address the content rather than attack the messenger? n/t
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:28 AM
May 2016

cui bono

(19,926 posts)
9. How does one get alerted off the site? There are some nasty Clinton supporters with 19 hides on here
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:32 AM
May 2016

19!!! I mean we all know they plan their alerts and manipulate the jury system, we've seen the screenshots of their Clinton Cave posts. But there's no time outs any more.

I've seen so many with more than a dozen hides it's not funny. Skinner wants people to throw shit all over DU I guess.



(10,622 posts)
10. I suppose by making life so miserable one chooses to leave, or the other tactic -
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:41 AM
May 2016

If alerts are juried as hides too close together, an automated feature kicks in "placing one on review" (one can not post in this limbo purgatory) until an admin can take a look, I have heard of reports of members spending weeks "on review" while the altruistic "love and Kindness" Hillary supporters spend a day or less on review,

This could or could not be in play. It is hard to track and verify.


(9,078 posts)
13. You may want to add to your list...
Sun May 15, 2016, 05:51 AM
May 2016

Bernie Sanders lost the nomination as the Democratic candidate for President when Hillary Clinton received more votes, more delegates, and more endorsements during the 2016 primary.


(5,235 posts)
14. Except that wasn't was this op was about.
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:01 AM
May 2016

Not even slightly. Take your bitterness somewhere else.


(9,078 posts)
17. I'm not bitter...it's a fact.
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:08 AM
May 2016

Bernie's bid is over. Part of his record.


(10,622 posts)
18. When did he give his concession speech? Do you have a link, I'd like to read hear, or view it.
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:21 AM
May 2016

Thanks in advance you are being most helpful in my search for the real truth, not those pesky reality thingys.


(9,078 posts)
19. Ah yes grasshopper...I remember many others who didn't concede gracefully...
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:28 AM
May 2016

You probably are aware of them too.

Your "history" is incomplete of course. It doesn't include all the times that Bernie specifically refused to run as a Democrat, raise money for Democrats, or even openly stated why he was not a Democrat.

At any rate, that has been debated on DU many times.

If Bernie is a real Democrat, he will start now raising money and campaigning to put the winning Democrat into the White House. The fact that he doesn't concede is proof that he is not a real Democrat!!!


(10,622 posts)
23. So you lied, the nomination is not over, and he has not conceded the nomination nor has she won the
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:54 AM
May 2016

pledged delegates needed to win without an end to the nomination process, forgive me, but all attempts to try to avoid answering a simple question only have proven that you told me something that wasn't true.

If I were the type that would support a war hawk with the record lowest approval rating in the history of Democratic Nominees and a 70% belief held by the public that the candidate was dishonest while under an active FBI investigation to boot.

I might even alert on your post where you outright spoke an untruth.

Lucky for you I am better than that. Lucky for you I am not an alert stalker, like those attempting to plague me like so many locusts. I prefer honest discourse to an itchy fingered button pushing coordinated alert tactic used by some members here.

Bless your sweet heart and fare thee well.


(9,078 posts)
25. It has been reported and documented on MSNBC, NPR, etc...Bernie has lost.
Sun May 15, 2016, 07:03 AM
May 2016

It's not a lie. Going to the bitter end is not conceding.

Your OP is about the historical record, and this is history. Your premise is that Bernie is a "Democrat" because he acts like Democrat even though he really doesn't do everything that Democrats do or declare he is a Democrat.

The primary math and process is clear. Bernie has lost the nomination, and a real Democrat who really acted like a Democrat would concede and start campaigning as a Democrat.

Bernie is not acting like a Democrat (as Hillary did in 2008). That's why he hasn't conceded.

The only thing new here is YOUR EVIDENCE that Bernie is NOT a Democrat - by his own behavior and choice.


(10,622 posts)
27. You are simply mistaken, they want to change the narrative, but the nomination is not over and
Sun May 15, 2016, 07:12 AM
May 2016

she honestly can not win without the prerequisite pledged delegates, she also is extremely unlikely to do so before the convention.

She may well win, but it will require the help of superdelegates to do so and they do not even cast there votes until the convention.

When she does win, IF she does win, proclaim it to the heavens, but you are either lying or have no clue whatsoever what it takes to win a Democratic nomination! Look it up!


(70,659 posts)
41. She will win as Obama did
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:49 AM
May 2016

As you and others will find out, the supers will commit to Hillary as soon as the last primary is over...he can try to make his case and it is over.


(10,622 posts)
29. Bless your sweet heart and fare thee well. Appears to have gone over your head let's try this.
Sun May 15, 2016, 07:17 AM
May 2016


does that register?


That Guy 888

(1,214 posts)
24. Lol you're funny.
Sun May 15, 2016, 07:00 AM
May 2016

We will see what happens at the convention.

If you're not a "correct the record" keyboard commando, then posts like yours show just how frightened Clinton supporters are.

Frightened that despite attacking voters who don't worship her as sexist, racist, homophobes, etc., despite being handed the nomination on a silver platter by the DNC; that she will lose again.

I hope she loses in the primary instead of the general election.


(70,659 posts)
43. She won't lose in the primary
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:50 AM
May 2016

And Bernie would lose the general...he can't even win a primary.


Lizzie Poppet

(10,164 posts)
45. Giving a shit about brand loyalty is shallow.
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:51 AM
May 2016

If a candidate doesn't support policies one agrees with, the letter that appears behind their name is utterly meaningless. Why would Bernie support a candidate who fights for so many things he fights against...just because she's a Democrat?


(1,524 posts)
15. I must have missed her coronation...
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:04 AM
May 2016

I thought we still had some states left that haven't voted yet. You may want to add to your list that you're being a trouble-making troll. Why not hang out on the Hillary Clinton board where some of us have been banned from for doing less than the shit that you're doing now?


(10,622 posts)
16. I can't, that would be a blatant lie, which would get me hidden, you see the nomination isn't over
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:07 AM
May 2016

And I lack the verified gift of precognition to prove such a thing.

Without expert witness status as a court recognized fortune teller, saying such a thing would be lying, you need to check yourself. (unless you can verify that something happened that is really not true at all), how did you not know the nomination was not yet over? You appear to have the internet at your disposal and the truth is no secret hidden from the world wide web.



(11,155 posts)
32. So who wins the World Series in October 2016?
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:22 AM
May 2016


(23,156 posts)
20. Thank you.
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:38 AM
May 2016

It's highly disheartening to see the Hillarybots trying desperately to get Bernie to quit, before a number of states (mine included) have been able to vote. Clearly, she is such an incredibly weak candidate that her only hope of winning the nomination is to have no one else running against her.


(1,925 posts)
21. Thank you, Dragonfli,
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:53 AM
May 2016

Bookmarking for future reference.

I enjoy your posts immensely.

Waiting For Everyman

(9,385 posts)
22. Thanks for letting us know, Dragonfli.
Sun May 15, 2016, 06:53 AM
May 2016

I think shedding light on what's happening is the best defense. If you received this threat via PM, have you alerted via the little box at the bottom of the message(s)? On a related note, is your Jury Blacklist up to date and targeted for best effect? It can help a lot. (no need to respond to that here, btw)

I think anyone who gets a jury call on one of your posts should post it or at least send it to you.

If you get PPR'd, I'm out of here and I will never give this site another dime, or one click of traffic.


(8,267 posts)
48. Ibid...
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:08 AM
May 2016

The corporatist Hi11ary supporters disgust me.


That Guy 888

(1,214 posts)
26. Kick and Recommend n/t
Sun May 15, 2016, 07:10 AM
May 2016


(58,724 posts)
28. Sounds like his skills are best suited for Congress
Sun May 15, 2016, 07:16 AM
May 2016

It is weird how little you actually know about Bernie in spite of all your Googling.

He did not register as an Independent for the reasons you claim. George McGovern was the Democratic candidate for President when Bernie began his political career and elected not to be a Democrat. McGovern ran on a platform of ending the Vietnam War, massively cutting defense spending, and providing a guaranteed income to the poor.

As Bernie himself has said: "I am not now, nor have I ever been, a liberal Democrat."

You demonstrate your lack of objectivity with your snide comments about Hillary. She "likes cluster bombs" as much as Bernie "likes F-35 Joint Strike Fighters" as long as they get manufactured in Vermont.

Also, worth noting, the vast majority of the current members of the Progressive Caucus are supporting Hillary.


(10,622 posts)
30. You mean their PAC supports her of course, his legislation and accomplishments speak for themselves.
Sun May 15, 2016, 07:23 AM
May 2016

His committee memberships speak for themselves.
She does not produce cluster bombs but her donators do. and the rest is well, just white noise devoid of information or meaning, AKA spin, AKA Brockaganda.

raging moderate

(4,469 posts)
36. I walked neighborhoods for George McGovern.
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:32 AM
May 2016

The regular Democratic party pretty much developed a severe case of Spaghetti Legs in their "support" for his candidacy. Somehow this brave war hero and brilliant scholar was allowed to sink below the wave of right-wing propaganda, characterized as a stupid coward because he did not sing the praises of the MIC. The right wing of the Democratic party just somehow could not find the guts or the ingenuity to mount an effective campaign. I have remained a Democrat all these years, continuing to hope and to work, to fold leaflets, clean headquarters, telephone, and walk neighborhoods as much as my heavy work schedule would allow. I am still waiting for the leaders of the Democratic party to work for the ideals of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, without whose work the Great Depression would have killed even more people than it did.

raging moderate

(4,469 posts)
47. PS Thank you, Dragonfli!
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:03 AM
May 2016


(2,054 posts)
31. K & R
Sun May 15, 2016, 07:33 AM
May 2016


(34,845 posts)
33. Yet he has fewer endorsements from Congress than Ted Cruz.
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:26 AM
May 2016

Clearly there is something about him that most legislators think disqualifies him from being President. And since they know him better than we do...

If you can't "inspire" Congress, then rallies and social media postings won't fill the void.
[hr][font color="blue"][center]Stop looking for heroes. BE one.[/center][/font][hr]



(10,559 posts)
35. Another take is that more people are AFRAID OF PISSING OFF HILLARY
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:31 AM
May 2016

and the Clinton Big Money fundraising machine.

When you're bought, you are supposed to stay bought. You really think all those people didn't want to run for President, too?



(34,845 posts)
39. But that's a 'theory' based on being AFRAID that Sanders has lost.
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:35 AM
May 2016

The longer this primary process goes on, the more outlandish conspiracy theories that accompany it in an attempt to explain away why Sanders failed to catch on.

Now you're down to rumor and innuendo -vast, shadowy left wing conspiracies- to explain why Clinton is about to win. She's an evil puppet master gleefully pulling the strings of Congress and all state officials and all voting precincts in order to grease the skids of her rise to power. At which point I'm sure we'll hear how she's trying to implement Sharia Law or something.
[hr][font color="blue"][center]Stop looking for heroes. BE one.[/center][/font][hr]



(10,559 posts)
42. Its ALWAYS follow the money. She's flat out unelectable.
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:49 AM
May 2016

Money is not conspiracy -- it's reality. When Bill Clinton collected $500k from the Libyan Foreign Minister within days of Benghazi (thus breaking one of the rules about foreign donations while his wife was Secretary of State), it wasn't a conspiracy because it was reality.

Conspiracy theories are when you start trying to understand what was going on behind the scenes other than greed to justify that type of behavior.

Oh, and I learned about the donation from Mike Malloy here on DU -- http://www.democraticunderground.com/1017367449 so not going to argue about it.



(34,845 posts)
54. No, everything is not always the same as a throwaway line in a second-rate movie.
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:11 AM
May 2016

[hr][font color="blue"][center]Stop looking for heroes. BE one.[/center][/font][hr]



(10,559 posts)
57. When it comes to unearthing corruption, I disagree. nt
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:16 AM
May 2016

Teamster Jeff

(1,598 posts)
34. kick rec
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:30 AM
May 2016


(11,546 posts)
37. good comprehensive post K&R
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:33 AM
May 2016

Thanks for posting this. I don't see why you would be hidden. I've seen much worse here.


(27,082 posts)
38. That's dramatic, "I was told I'd be alerted off the site."
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:34 AM
May 2016

Down and out?


(10,005 posts)
40. What a waste of effort. What is Trump's record that's what counts.
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:44 AM
May 2016

Without 60 votes in the Senate or control of the House neither Bernie or Hillary can do anything.

Bernie missed the lesson on how to make friends in the work place and now whines he has no support from his from fellow lawmakers.

Bernie had a good run, now he is just a wreaking ball.

Waiting For Everyman

(9,385 posts)
50. Bernnie GAVE Senate Dems the majority in 2010.
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:08 AM
May 2016

All by his little old self. You think a lot of his peers don't remember that, and aren't grateful for that? Guess again.

His lack of support is due to The Clinton Hit List, of bribes and threats, which is well-documented.




(29,476 posts)
44. More power to you, Dragonfli. Excellent post. Waiting for any *factual* disputation or additions
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:50 AM
May 2016

to the Clinton accomplishment list. Or crickets...


(36,418 posts)
69. There won't be any.
Sun May 15, 2016, 10:29 AM
May 2016

It's a reality-based post. The Hillbots have no factual response, just snark attacks.



(55,894 posts)
46. "I was told I would be alerted of this site".
Sun May 15, 2016, 08:52 AM
May 2016

Your transparency page shows you like to post shock photos and engage in personal attacks.


(15,439 posts)
49. Thank you Dragonfli.
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:08 AM
May 2016


(55,894 posts)
51. You forgot Chair of Veterans Committee while scandal unfolded and dragged his feet...
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:08 AM
May 2016

while Veterans were dying and waiting for treatment. His excuse was the complaints were all a Koch Bros fiction.

We just all learned he never bothered to co-sponsor the Anti-Apartheir Act Amendments Acts of 1991.

He voted to give immunity to gun manufacturers even though law suits are what drive progress in safety features.

"In February 1991, Ron Dellums introduced the Anti-Apartheid Act Amendments Act of 1991. It eventually gained 38 co-sponsors. Bernie, who had become a member of Congress in 1991 was not one of them, even though four other freshmen legislators elected at the same time as Bernie, did sign on as co-sponsors."

You forgot voted against the Auto Bailout along with his buddy


Metric System

(6,048 posts)
52. Bernie has lost
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:09 AM
May 2016


(5,761 posts)
53. Bookmarked
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:10 AM
May 2016

Thank you!


(8,176 posts)
55. It took several seconds to scroll through this pile of garbage on my phone
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:11 AM
May 2016


(4,805 posts)
58. It only took a second for me
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:17 AM
May 2016

to put you on ignore


(8,176 posts)
59. So brave
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:19 AM
May 2016

Ferd Berfel

(3,687 posts)
56. Excellent piece of work!
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:13 AM
May 2016

Thanks Dragonfli.

Bookmarked and shared


(2,717 posts)
60. K&R
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:22 AM
May 2016


(24,853 posts)
61. This could be the best post of the entire primary season.
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:26 AM
May 2016

Yeah, it IS the best.

N_E_1 for Tennis

(10,479 posts)
63. K&R..
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:46 AM
May 2016

Thanks for the post Dragonfli.


(35,085 posts)
64. K&R
Sun May 15, 2016, 09:58 AM
May 2016




(4,748 posts)
65. K&R&bookmark
Sun May 15, 2016, 10:07 AM
May 2016

Thank you for the comprehensive post. It appears the Hillary camp is trying take over DU the same way they are fighting the primary, dirty tricks, intimidation and of course paid trolls.


(3,021 posts)
67. I don't understand why anyone alerts or threats of alert? Let everyone speak their mind!
Sun May 15, 2016, 10:13 AM
May 2016


(36,418 posts)
68. Thank you. This is spot-on. One of the best DU candidate advocacy posts in a long time. KNR
Sun May 15, 2016, 10:26 AM
May 2016

Lost of relevant and probative information that totally destroys a Hillary campaign meme.

Latest Discussions»Retired Forums»2016 Postmortem»I was told, I'd be alerte...