African American
Related: About this forumMinnesota NAACP Says Police Were Behind Shooting, And That They Have Proof
Raeisha Williams, communications chair of the Minneapolis NAACP, shocked CNN when she told reporter Brooke Baldwin that Black Lives Matter has in essence indicted the Minneapolis Police Department in the shooting of five people during a protest early Tuesday morning.
Williams said:
Were hearing two [arrests] at this time, but we dont necessarily trust that. We know that the police department is behind this, this is our personal belief after receiving witness accounts.
Burke, as stunned as you may imagine, asked her to confirm. Williams stated:
We believe the police department is facilitating the injustice, bullying the protesters, and we also believe that theyre involved in this shooting. We know from blackboards and chat rooms and also videos that we have posted on our website that police that are from different counties, police from different districts have come down to entice the protesters, have come down to bully the protesters.
There is a video at the site too.

(24,544 posts)

If she has information, videos, chat records, pictures anything that prove this she needs to fucking publicize them. YESTERDAY.
(2,902 posts)are false flag ops by the thugs in blue?
(14,807 posts)BE CAREFUL when jumping to reposting.
The Police Chief and Mayor have been aware of some issues for awhile concerning race relations. There are some that want them out also. These would be very Conservative people. People that want Stand Your Ground as well as more guns on the street and some (even a well known policeman) have spoken at NRA things.
So please. Do not fan the flames. This is what they want to bring down a Dem stronghold in this state. This may indeed be bigger than just some "individuals" although I say proceed with caution in what you re-post.
I saw the video. I do not know who that was in the car. Period.
If the person is working with the Police this will be called out and taken extremely seriously.
Also.....this is also very similar to when the police broke up protestors in DT Mpls a couple years ago as well as there was co-ercement by some cops. These cops trained at a site that brings them in from all over Regionally. This is military in nature as well as training them to disrupt or curtail actions related to citizens and unrest. Crowd control. Not criminals. Who knows what they are taught there. Seriously.
The DOJ needs to look into this since it is under the header of "terrorism or National Security" and I believe is funded as such. This goes deep and some want the Police Chief and Mayor out.
Be careful.
(37,364 posts)on his program on MSNBC. If the NAACP have proof then I expect them to produce it. I'm sure we will hear more in the next few days.
(45,850 posts)to the degree that I was told I was not an assault victim because and solely because my husband was Black and the assailant was White there for it must have a 'trick' gone wrong ie he decided not to pay, this was in a middle class home with 2 children, my husband had taken them upstairs when he came down the police had arrived it was going well but when he entered the room the police woman elbowed her partner gave a 'get a load of this look' and the next question was 'what did he refuse to pay you?" There is literally nothing I wouldn't put past these bastards
(37,364 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 25, 2015, 10:32 AM - Edit history (1)
Tewoman married to a black man. Over the past twenty-three years, I have seen much of similar sorts of treatment. I now end not to believe the first reports of most unwitnessed crimes in which someone implicates a black man. We have seen too many set ups by cops and citizens alike.
(14,807 posts)glinda
(14,807 posts)I was jumped on the U of M campus and the police that arrived, one of them accused me of causing it. Although no one else was present in my house during the report, to accuse someone who was the victim of an attempted strangulation and attempted murder as the one who caused it is insane. I am white.
There is no doubt the Mpls. Police have had problems for a long time. Sounds like it is far worse now. Makes me really sad.
(1,846 posts)I watched the video. It could be true, but my impression is they suspect police involvement but no hard proof.
(14,807 posts)And a few other places.
I say co-ordinated some how if at least by NRA support and Conservative backing or encouragement somehow.
We need to wait on accusations/proof.
(1,846 posts)The accuser is less than impressive though. They kept asking for proof and she answered with suspicions.
(8,654 posts). . . Things said or posted on blackboards or said in chatrooms will hardly hold up as evidence in court.
(14,807 posts)markpkessinger
(8,654 posts)billhicks76
(5,082 posts)Doesn't fit their narrative.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)billhicks76
(5,082 posts)And ruining lives isnt something we forgive easily. You see some of us here don't live in ivory towers anymore. I know plenty of democrats in states like Florida that are active in the party...they make millions and are mostly attorneys and business owners. They cant relate to reality. They believe in many democratic principles that rethuglicans shun but not being an outright racist isnt enough anymore. You cannot support institutional racism or want to start wars at home and abroad. Only now that many of their kids were getting jail terms for pot and drugs did they start to think maybe they shouldnt have turned a blind eye. But when you ignore societies victims then inevitably you can become a victim yourself. My point is that Hillary never took a stand against police violence and drug war atrocities. She's just like Rahm in Chicago. They only change their tune when they get caught and I think Hillary's campaign is an insult to decent human beings.
(37,748 posts)That's a big ol' pile of allegations lacking any objective evidence (known colloquially as a 'bumper sticker').
(5,082 posts)That's the circular logic FOX uses. Look at her statements supporting her husband ramping up the drug war and expanding prisons. Look at her votes in the Senate. Are you suggesting that all the kids we know in jail are alleged? Did you actually read the post?
(34,339 posts)Until after the election.
I'm host number two (starry being the first) that saw the trouble making and bullshit immediately.
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)It wouldn't surprise me at all, really.
(16,286 posts)in Ferguson, but I guess we need to hide whatever the NAACP says now
Starry Messenger
(32,376 posts)Considering how many posters at DU got away with claiming that Trayvon Martin was the Incredible Hulk using a magic sidewalk to hurt Zimpig...for months.
(13,297 posts)They'll get found out if there is evidence out there -- and it will be groundshaking....!!
* as to the quote
(37,364 posts)MineralMan
(148,446 posts)Last edited Wed Nov 25, 2015, 01:10 PM - Edit history (1) those are just the known ones. The names of the three people arrested for that shooting have now been released. I'll be seeking out information about them, as will many others. If there are connections to law enforcement, they will be discovered. It would not surprise me one bit. The MPD has some serious issues with racism internally.
(14,177 posts)Worst cops in the nation. The only thing that stops them from being notoriously bad like it's well known nationwide is there are a lot of activists here that keep it down a tad. But, they really do a whole lot of stop and frisk and they are just looking for any reason to stop POC and ticket them. I know a lady that spent the night in a jail for sitting in a parked car. She didn't have a drivers licence and they claimed she was driving because she was in the drivers seat. They didn't claim they saw her, but why else would she be sitting in a parked car? The case was tossed out by the judge, but seriously WTF.