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Related: About this forumCNN questions pastor who falsely says Covid-19 is a 'fake pandemic' (CNN)
(29,815 posts)is that this virus infects everyone... not just stupid idiots.
my second regret is that if it would only infect the people who deny it exists... is that it isn't more lethal than it is.
I know, not very charitable of me... but I have no more fucks to give and these people are largely responsible for putting the rest of us at risk.
(35,007 posts)dalton99a
(83,191 posts)plimsoll
(1,690 posts)OAITW r.2.0
(26,960 posts)we are truly screwed.
Laffy Kat
(16,484 posts)I do not understand.
Claire Oh Nette
(2,636 posts)The minute he spoke of politics with intent to sway his flock (flocks generally get fleeced, no?) to resist and protest and gather together flouting the law, they lose their tax exempt status, and they owe (retroactive back) property taxes and income taxes based on those open to the pubic books.
Preaching mis information and deliberate disinformation on a public health crisis is a criminal act. The yahoo who said COVID was not a pandemic, because he's never seen one (probably like the Dustin Hoffman Contagion movie) in his 55 whole years. When pressed, on a definition of what a pandemic is, so they're on the same page, he dithers and repeats his cock sure this ain't it. Again, give that "preacher/propagandist" a waiver bypassing any and all treatment for any of his cogregents.
I can only hope the culling is of the most smug and defiant.
Laffy Kat
(16,484 posts)I mean, you see this everywhere. Is anything being done?
Claire Oh Nette
(2,636 posts)However, new administration.
I for one will be writing my representatives about this.
Hell, I may write all of them. It's my congress, my senate, my government who work for me.
There is very little scripture and parable in these churches, just hate on liberals, hate on gays, hate on immigrants, despite themselves being two, three, maybe four generations removed from immigrant.
They can't be patriots and call for civil war and coup to subvert democracy.
They can't have a tax expemption because they are religious institutions when they preach politics. They want it both ways, and we'be got to pressure where we can to make change.
The poster who suggested we call DIsneyand have them pressure DeSantis was brilliant.
We have no PAC, so we have to vote with our dollars every day. CEOs don't want bad publicity. We have more power than we think, and there are more of us than there are of them.
Letter writing campaigns. Start with the 106 Elected Representatives who are supporting this redo bullshit. "Please resign if you are not going to going support and defend the constitution yo swore to uphold. Resign if you will not permit democracy to function. SHame on you. Because you do know better. Resign, because you've already demonstrated you do not support our federal system of representative democracy. Shame on you."
If every member and lurker on DU would write to them, we'd at least make them nervous.
climbing of soapbox. I's tired.
Claire Oh Nette
(2,636 posts)Not one person, including the reporter, has any idea about what goes in to bringing a vaccine to market. Not one of the Tennesseans interviewed showed any intellectual curiosity, just fear and blind faith.
Pre-clinical trials first in laboratory animal to show safety of a new drug before it ever goes into people. Humans are not the guinea pigs. Guinea Pigs and other laboratory animals are.
Phase 1 small scale safety trials, 30 -80 patients in Clinic, that is, in primarily human populations, to monitor ingestion, absorption, metabolism, and excretion.
OK, it's safe in animals and relatively healthy people.
The IND moves to phase II testing in larger trials designed to target the virus or disease. Hundreds of patients at investigational sites across the country. Each patient enrolled is tracked and measured and monitored via case report forms which are the rawest of raw data.
Meetings with the FDA and another larger trial--large numbers of people with the targeted disease. Depending on the disease or treatment, thousands, even multiple thousands of patients.
That's what actual doctors in actual clinics (hospitals in this instance) have been doing since the onset of virus in China and the East, Europe, and the United States, among other areas. My work was not with the vaccine group--who have to be extra tested because it's not small populations of breast cancer, ovarian cancer, non narcotic pain relief, anti virals or anti fungals, but all 330;000,000 AMericans, oh, yeah, and the world, too.
They want more testing and more time, yet refused to do the very simple thing that would have kept the curve flat and bought us that time. They live in fear which triggers this irrational pattern of anti science, anti vaxx dangerous tomfoolery.
Fine, don't get a vaccine. But carry a card in yur wallet saying to refuse any ER or ICU care because it's just a hoax.
(14,734 posts)Does not know what a pandemic is wants his cult followers to use their bible and use their brain. Ok, you first, asshole. SMDH
This is what I live in the middle of.
(6,315 posts)Lars39
(26,187 posts)And that sociopath of a preacher can fuck off and be the first to succumb